Why Do Hindus want to be good?Quick View

Why Do Hindus want to be good?

<p>5 Lessons based on the question: Why do Hindus want to be good?</p> <p>Each lesson explores a different element of Hinduism and then gives a suggested task.</p> <p>L1 - Brahman<br /> L2- Atman<br /> L3 - Kharma<br /> L4 - Dharma<br /> L5 - Principles of Ahisma</p>
What do Christian's Believe Jesus did to 'Save People'Quick View

What do Christian's Believe Jesus did to 'Save People'

<p>4 Slides and task ideas based on the unit: What do Christian’s believe Jesus did to save people.</p> <p>L1 - understand why Christians believed Jesus died<br /> L2 - make connections between Jesus’ death and how Christians celebrate holy communion<br /> L3- consider sacrifices in our own lives and the world today<br /> L4 - analyse religious texts</p>
RE - Why do some people believe in God?Quick View

RE - Why do some people believe in God?

<p>Unit planned around why do some people believe in god and some do not (Some slides are tailored for Cornwall) as that is where it was delivered.</p> <p>L1 -discover people’s beliefs about God<br /> L2 - consider reasons why individuals believe in God and why not<br /> L3 - compare different beliefs<br /> L4 - explore the impact of believing in God and how people live<br /> L5 - produce a final report<br /> L6- Publish outcomes</p>
All About JapanQuick View

All About Japan

<p>4 Lesson’s from a virtual trip week - all about Japan. We used it to build up a website and a loom is on the First slide explaining how to use google sites.</p>