Drama Llama - A Booklet of Drama GamesQuick View

Drama Llama - A Booklet of Drama Games

A booklet of eight drama warm-up and ice breaker games for years 1-8 to improve skills such as improvisation, performing, communication, physicality, confidence, character work and story telling. Games List: The Blame Game (free sample available on TES) “I challenge you…” (performance and improv skills) Passing Notes (communication and listening skills) Stuck in Emotions (physicality and character work skills) Pax’s Adventure (physicality and story telling skills) 10 seconds to save the world (confidence and performing skills) Character Run (character work and scene development) Heroes and Villains (story telling and improv skills) The booklet includes clear instructions on how to play each game, plus examples and adaptations for older or younger years. The games can be used as a warm-up or as the basis for a lesson. Where applicable, information on how to develop the games further has been included in the booklet. Happy Playing!
The Blame Game - A Free Drama GameQuick View

The Blame Game - A Free Drama Game

A free drama game for ages 5+, The Blame Game is a simple, improvised circle game suitable for years one - thirteen. Use as a warm up or as an ice breaker in a drama class or other lessons. The Blame Game is easy to play and sparks the imagination. This free sample contains a clear explanation of the game plus an example and suggested adaptations to make the game more challenging for older years. If you like the sample, you can find seven other drama games in the Drama Llama Booklet. The booklet provides a variety of warm-up games to strengthen different areas of students learning including improvisation, confidence, character development, physicality and storytelling.