Birmingham- case studyQuick View

Birmingham- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about Birmingham as a UK city with:</p> <ol> <li>local/national/international importance</li> <li>national/international migration</li> <li>opportunities</li> <li>challenges</li> <li>regeneration</li> </ol>
Banbury- case studyQuick View

Banbury- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details of the flood management scheme in Banbury as well as the social, economic, and environmental impacts of the strategy to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Rio De Janeiro- case studyQuick View

Rio De Janeiro- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about Rio De Janeiro in Brazil as an NEE and a city with:</p> <ol> <li>local/national/international importance</li> <li>opportunities</li> <li>challenges</li> <li>a plan to improve the lives of the urban poor (Favela -Bairro project)</li> </ol>
Kenya sand dams- case studyQuick View

Kenya sand dams- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about Kenya’s sand dams as a sustainable strategy to increase water supplies. This is a small scale project and can also be considered an example of intermediate technology as a method to help reduce the development gap.</p>
China water transfer- case studyQuick View

China water transfer- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about China’s large scale, north to south, water transfer scheme with the advantages and disadvantages also detailed.</p>
UK Development- case studyQuick View

UK Development- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about the UK and development here including:</p> <ol> <li>The North-South divide</li> <li>Post-industrial UK</li> <li>Contrasting rural areas ( Argyll and Bute vs North Somerset)</li> <li>Ways to reduce the North-South divide</li> <li>Sustainable business example of Jaguar Land Rover</li> <li>The UK’s relationship with the wider world</li> </ol>
Jamaica- case studyQuick View

Jamaica- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about Jamaica and tourism there as a way of reducing the development gap</p>
Nigeria- case studyQuick View

Nigeria- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about Nigeria including:</p> <ol> <li>Key facts</li> <li>Relation to the wider world</li> <li>Advantages of Shell as a TNC</li> <li>Disadvantages of Shell as a TNC</li> <li>Examples of effective and ineffective aid</li> </ol>
Freiburg- case studyQuick View

Freiburg- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file with key details and information to be used as a revision or teaching resource about Freiburg in south west Germany as an example of a sustainable city.</p>
Alaska- case studyQuick View

Alaska- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details of life and economic development in Alaska as a cold environment to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Adapting to climate changeQuick View

Adapting to climate change

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on key locations that are experiencing the effects of climate change and what their responses are to cope with the changes to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Malaysia- case studyQuick View

Malaysia- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details, and effects of deforestation in Malaysia’s Tropical rainforest as well as the main causes for this and sustainable strategies to help reduce the impact to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Lyme Regis- case studyQuick View

Lyme Regis- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details, and effects to the coastal management strategies used to protect the coast to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Typhoon Haiyan 2013- case studyQuick View

Typhoon Haiyan 2013- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details, effects, and responses to Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Nepal 2015- case studyQuick View

Nepal 2015- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details, effects, and responses to the earthquake to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Chile 2010- Case StudyQuick View

Chile 2010- Case Study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on key details, effects, and responses on the Chile earthquake to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Beast from the east- case studyQuick View

Beast from the east- case study

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography this is a fact file on the key details, effects, and responses to the 2018 weather hazard of Beast from the east with an outline on what caused this event to occur to be used as a revision or teaching resource.</p>
Physical Geography case studiesQuick View

Physical Geography case studies

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography these are fact files to be used as a revision or teaching resource on key details from case studies including:</p> <ol> <li>Chile 2010 earthquake</li> <li>Nepal 2015 earthquake</li> <li>Beast from the east 2018 storm</li> <li>Typoon Haiyan 2013 tropical storm</li> <li>Countries that are adapting to climate change and the effects of it</li> <li>Malaysia tropical rainforest</li> <li>Alaska’s cold environment and economic development</li> <li>Lyme Regis’ coastal management phases</li> <li>Banbury’s flood defense</li> </ol>
Human Geography Case StudiesQuick View

Human Geography Case Studies

<p>For AQA GCSE Geography these are fact files to be used as a revision or teaching resource on key details from case studies including:</p> <ol> <li>Birmingham</li> <li>Rio De Janerio</li> <li>Freiburg</li> <li>Jamaica</li> <li>Nigeria</li> <li>UK Development</li> <li>China water transfer</li> <li>Kenya sand dams</li> </ol>