Names and ages Etwas gameQuick View

Names and ages Etwas game

<p>The ‘Etwas’ game speaking gap fill exercise to practise the vocabulary for names and ages. This resources follows the German Sentence Builders Book 1 and the EPI method</p>
Names and Ages one pen one diceQuick View

Names and Ages one pen one dice

<p>A gapped translation, which can be used alone or for the game One pen One dice. This resources aligns with the German Sentence Builders Book 1 and the EPI teaching method.</p>
Names and Ages Listening SlalomQuick View

Names and Ages Listening Slalom

<p>A Listening Slalom Task task to practise Names and Ages. This task aligns with the German Sentence Builders Book 1 and the EPI teaching method. Includes Transcript and Answers</p>
Functional Skills Speaking, Listening and Commincating PreparationQuick View

Functional Skills Speaking, Listening and Commincating Preparation

<p>An PowerPoint introducing the English Functional Skills Level 2 Speaking, Listening and Communicating Test, which looks at both the presentation and discussion.<br /> Slides include:<br /> How to come up with ideas for your presentation<br /> How to structure your presentation<br /> Useful lnaguge tips<br /> Asking questions<br /> Tips to show you are listening</p>
Name and Ages Running TranslationQuick View

Name and Ages Running Translation

<p>A text that can be used for a running translation or running dictation on the topic of names and ages in German. This follows the German Sentence Builders 1 Book and the EPI method.</p>
Names and and Birthdays Listening SlalomQuick View

Names and and Birthdays Listening Slalom

<p>Listening Slalom task to practise the names, ages and birthdays. Includes grid for students and transcript for teachers. Links to Unit 2 of German Sentence Builders, Beginner to pre-Intermediate course,</p>
The Perfect Tense in German 1Quick View

The Perfect Tense in German 1

<p>A PowerPoint which offers an overview of the perfect tense with haben. Ideal for revision with Key stage or lower ability Key stage 4 students. Also contains some tasks to practise, such spot and correct the error, fill in the correct forms and mosaic translations.</p>
Name and Age Listening TasksQuick View

Name and Age Listening Tasks

<p>A series of Conti style listening tasks to support Unit 1 of the German Sentence Builders Beginner to pre-intermediate book. Tasks include:</p> <p>Break the flow<br /> Write it as you hear it<br /> Listen and fill in the missing words<br /> Listen, spot and correct the errors<br /> Fill in the blanks<br /> Spot the intruders<br /> Listen and fill in the grid<br /> Fill in the missing sounds<br /> Gapped translation<br /> Translate the sentences you hear into English</p> <p>Transcript for all tasks also included</p>