Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - MeasurementQuick View

Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Measurement

<p>The guidance is aimed at pupils who are not expected to achieve Expected Standard this academic year but who are working above the standard of pre-key stage. The guidance gives teaching ideas for supporting pupils both within whole class and within small groups. The small group work teaching ideas can also be shared with parents to support at home.</p> <p>This resources supports the teaching of:</p> <ol> <li>Can use the language related to length and height.</li> <li>Can use the language related to mass and weight.</li> <li>Can use the language related to capacity and volume.</li> <li>Can use the language related to time.</li> <li>Can recongise the value of different coins and notes.</li> <li>Can use language related to dates including days of the week, months and years.</li> </ol>
Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Multiplication & DivisionQuick View

Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Multiplication & Division

<p>The guidance is aimed at pupils who are not expected to achieve Expected Standard this academic year but who are working above the standard of pre-key stage. The guidance gives teaching ideas for supporting pupils both within whole class and within small groups. The small group work teaching ideas can also be shared with parents to support at home.</p> <p>This resource supports:</p> <ol> <li>Can count in 2’s using concrete objects, pictures and arrays.</li> <li>Can double numbers up to 10 using practical objects and extend to 20.</li> <li>Can halve numbers up to 10 using practical objects and extend to 20.</li> <li>Can count in 10’s using concrete objects, pictures and arrays.</li> <li>Can count in 5’s using concrete objects, pictures and arrays.</li> <li>Can solve one-step problems involving doubling and halving using concrete objects, pictures and arrays.</li> </ol>
Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - FractionsQuick View

Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Fractions

<p>The guidance is aimed at pupils who are not expected to achieve Expected Standard this academic year but who are working above the standard of pre-key stage. The guidance gives teaching ideas for supporting pupils both within whole class and within small groups. The small group work teaching ideas can also be shared with parents to support at home.</p> <p>This resource supports the teaching of:</p> <ol> <li>Can understand that two halves make one whole in a practical context.</li> <li>Can understand the concept of part and whole.</li> <li>Can find one half of a shape or object.</li> <li>Can correctly use language associated with fractions.</li> <li>Can recognise and understand the written representations of 1/2.</li> <li>Can find one half of a group of objects in a practical context.</li> </ol>
Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Number & Place ValueQuick View

Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Number & Place Value

<p>This resource is aimed at pupils who are not expected to achieve Expected Standard this academic year but who are working above the standard of pre-key stage. The guidance gives teaching ideas for supporting pupils both within whole class and within small groups. The small group work teaching ideas can also be shared with parents to support at home and with teaching support staff for intervention.</p> <p>The Number and Place Value package includes:</p> <ol> <li>Can count objects, actions and sounds.</li> <li>Can link a numeral with it’s cardinal value.</li> <li>Can understand the one more than and one less than relationship between consecutive numbers.</li> <li>Can compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts.</li> <li>Can count out and give a number of objects up to 10 from a large group.</li> <li>Can count accurately objects up to 20.</li> <li>Can identify and represent numbers from 0 - 20 using objects and pictures.</li> <li>Can count independently numbers up to 100 forwards and backwards.</li> <li>Can identify and represent numbers from 0 to 100 using objects and pictures.</li> <li>Can subitise up to five items.</li> </ol>
Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Addition and SubtractionQuick View

Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - Addition and Subtraction

<p>The guidance is aimed at pupils who are not expected to achieve Expected Standard this academic year but who are working above the standard of pre-key stage. The guidance gives teaching ideas for supporting pupils both within whole class and within small groups. The small group work teaching ideas can also be shared with parents to support at home.</p> <p>This learning resources supports:</p> <ol> <li>Can represent and use number bonds to 5.</li> <li>Can represent and use subtraction facts based on number bonds to 5.</li> <li>Can represent and use number bonds to 10 and all the numbers in between.</li> <li>Can represent and use subtraction facts based on number bonds to 10 and all the numbers in between.</li> <li>Can represent and use number bonds to 20 and all the numbers in between.</li> <li>Can represent and use subtraction facts based on number bonds to 20 and all the numbers in between.</li> <li>Can add a two-digit number and a one-digit number within 20.</li> <li>Can subtract a one-digit number from two-digit numbers within 20 using concrete objects or pictures.</li> </ol>
Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - whole packageQuick View

Year 2 Maths HQT and small group teaching support - whole package

5 Resources
<p>This bundle is aimed at pupils who are not expected to achieve Expected Standard this academic year but who are working above the standard of pre-key stage. The guidance gives teaching ideas for supporting pupils both within whole class and within small groups. The small group work teaching ideas can also be shared with parents to support at home.<br /> Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Number and Place Value</li> <li>Addition and Subtraction</li> <li>Multiplication and Division</li> <li>Fractions</li> <li>Measurement</li> </ul>