Describe the Life Cycle of  a ChickenQuick View

Describe the Life Cycle of a Chicken

<p>Part of the life cycle and understanding of the world topic. A follow-up and revision sheet to encourage students to use their phonics skills in order to write about they life cycle of a chicken/hen.<br /> Prompted by an image and lines to write on.<br /> Suitable for student or teacher led activity.</p>
Labelling Minibeasts Low, Medium, High AbilitiesQuick View

Labelling Minibeasts Low, Medium, High Abilities

<p>A set of spelling and sentence structure resources around the topic of Minibeasts. Curated and catering for all abilities within the EYFS Curriculum. Ideal for either teacher or student led activities.</p>
Phonics Phase 3 WorksheetQuick View

Phonics Phase 3 Worksheet

<p>Worksheets of all sets of diagraphs and trigraphs within Phonics Phase 3. Aimed at EYFS and early year 1.<br /> Starter, revising and challenge sheets for all abilities.</p>
Very Hungry Caterpillar Story WritingQuick View

Very Hungry Caterpillar Story Writing

<p>Part of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and wider Minibeast Topic, developed to test’s students understanding and knowledge of the story while also encouraging them to practice their phonics and handwriting skills. Headed with core curriculum learning objectives for assessment and tracking purposes.</p>
Billy Goats Gruff StorytellingQuick View

Billy Goats Gruff Storytelling

<p>Encouraging children to show understanding of the fairy tale, Billy Goats Gruff with an opportunity to test their phonics and handwriting skills.<br /> Headed with learning objectives for teacher assessment and tracking purposes.<br /> Curated and developed for either a student or teacher led activity.</p>
Superhero Creative WritingQuick View

Superhero Creative Writing

<p>Part of the Superhero topic within the EYFS Curriculum. Space to add the child’s face on to the Superhero body and encouraging them to write about their own superpowers using phonics and handwriting skills.</p>
Initial sounds SATPIN Phonics Phase 1Quick View

Initial sounds SATPIN Phonics Phase 1

<p>Prompted with core images to encourage students to write their first words within the SATPIN Phoneme teaching segment and Phonics Phase 1.<br /> Teacher or student led dependent on ability.</p>
Maths ChallengeQuick View

Maths Challenge

<p>A Maths Challenge exercise for Year 1 to extend their learning for arithmetic.</p>
Phonics Phase 2 Worksheets, new learning and revision sessionsQuick View

Phonics Phase 2 Worksheets, new learning and revision sessions

A set of writing sheets for pupils to develop their phonics and spellings skills; specifically for phase 2 sounds (Letters and Sounds Unit of work)<br /> Each worksheet starts with a beginning activity whereby children are asked to spell key words using the specific sound they have been learning. The children can then be challenged to read key sentences linked to the sound and then write their own sentence related to the picture they can see. <br /> This sheet can be differentiated according to your pupil's needs as not all children need to complete all of the pages. <br /> Present the children with these sheet after a whole class teach of the daily sound or during guided writing activities during free flow. <br /> Some sheets are designed to test children's ability to differentiate between sounds that sound similar and can be easily confused.
Phonics Phase 1-5 Assessment Tracker on ExcelQuick View

Phonics Phase 1-5 Assessment Tracker on Excel

This is a Phonics Assessment Workbook to keep track and monitor your pupil's phonics skills and attainment throughout the year. <br /> Each cell has been calculated so that when a 1 is inputted they will have a red cell meaning they are working towards that target.<br /> 2 = yellow/orange cell - mostly achieved that target<br /> 3 = green - achieved that target. <br /> It will then calculate the percentage at which that child has achieved running down their individual column and how many children have achieved that target along the rows.
Set 7 Phonics Phase 3 Set of WorksheetsQuick View

Set 7 Phonics Phase 3 Set of Worksheets

These are a set of worksheets for pupil's to develop their phonics and spellings by putting their learning into context. <br /> Each sheet challenges children to spell words using the specified sound followed by a sentence writing challenge. <br /> This can be differentiated towards all abilities as just the first page could be for LAC and MAC children could be challenged to write more for each sentence; using more sounds they have learnt.
Active Inspire Flipcharts to teach Phase 2-3 phonics including fun games to start each lesson withQuick View

Active Inspire Flipcharts to teach Phase 2-3 phonics including fun games to start each lesson with

This is a set of Active Inspire Flipcharts (phase 2-4) ready to teach Reception to Year 1-2 Children during a 20 minute Phonics lesson. <br /> Each flipchart starts with children reciting their HFW words and is then followed by a &quot;guess the sound&quot; slide whereby children sound out the pictures and see if they can hear the common sound among them. <br /> Children can then be challenged to write words related to this sound on whiteboards/paper followed by a sentence using these skills they have learned.
Set of writing sheets for Phonics Phase 3 Digraphs, ch,sh,ai,ow,oo, igh, eeQuick View

Set of writing sheets for Phonics Phase 3 Digraphs, ch,sh,ai,ow,oo, igh, ee

A set of writing sheets for pupils to develop their phonics and spellings skills; specifically for phase 3 digraphs. <br /> Each worksheet starts with a beginning activity whereby children are asked to spell key words using the specific sound they have been learning. The children can then be challenged to read key sentences linked to the sound and then write their own sentence related to the picture they can see. <br /> This sheet can be differentiated according to your pupil's needs as not all children need to complete all of the pages. <br /> Present the children with these sheet after a whole class teach of the daily sound or during guided writing activities during free flow.
Writing Template to Describe a Chicken's Life CycleQuick View

Writing Template to Describe a Chicken's Life Cycle

An open-ended writing template aimed at 4-6 year olds to encourage pupils to write key words and sentences during free flow or guided writing activities. <br /> Linked to 40-60 months literacy, the world development matters targets. <br /> Place these around the room during a Spring topic and set a daily writing challenge for the class. <br /> If you are lucky enough to have your own chicks for the children to observe; encourage them to keep daily records of how the chicks have changed over time.
Half Termly Phonics Assessment sheets for pupil to read and a sheet to record. Phases 2-5.Quick View

Half Termly Phonics Assessment sheets for pupil to read and a sheet to record. Phases 2-5.

This is to accompany the Phonics Assessment tracker Sheet. Each set of words and sounds can be cut out, laminated or put into a plastic wallet for the pupil to sound out and read. <br /> A great test to see if they know the sounds and whether they can apply their knowledge when reading words. <br /> Use the recording sheet to keep track of child's scores and ability which can then be inputted into the excel workbook to monitor their progress ahead of the end of year assessment.