AQA GCSE French complex structures help sheet
Non exhaustive list of structures gathered from the AQA reports
Noel chez moi
<p>2 Christmas resources to do with Y7-8 for Christmas</p>
<li>reorder the text with nice little comprehension and a few cultural references of Christmas in France</li>
<li>tarsia puzzle with solutions</li>
Ciberespacio - La adicción al móvil
2 minutes video from Eurosnews in Spanish about phone addiction with gap filling transcript and the full transcript for further translation.
Treasure island game
<p>Interactive game with animations to allow the player(s) to click in any order</p>
Campeones (2018)
<p>Booklet of activities for the film “Campeones” in Spanish. This is aimed at Year 8 with a range of differentiated activities.</p>