Article Writing for KS 3 and 4Quick View

Article Writing for KS 3 and 4

<p>Introduction to Article Writing: Explore the purpose, audience, and tone, using examples from newspapers and magazines.</p> <p>Key Features: Teach structure (headline, introduction, body, conclusion) and stylistic elements (rhetorical devices, transitions).</p> <p>Skill Building:</p> <p>Craft engaging headlines and introductions.<br /> Write clear body paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details.<br /> Conclude effectively with summaries or calls to action.<br /> Scaffolding Activities:</p> <p>Modeling: Analyze example articles.<br /> Guided Practice: Co-write articles as a class.<br /> Independent Writing: Gradually release responsibility to students.<br /> Review and Feedback:</p> <p>Peer reviews and teacher feedback.<br /> Editing and proofreading for coherence and grammar.<br /> Application: Assign real-world topics and assess using rubrics.</p> <p>This approach ensures progressive skill development, fostering confidence and competence in article writing.</p>
Witi Ihimaera's Whale Rider Lessons 1-7Quick View

Witi Ihimaera's Whale Rider Lessons 1-7

<p>This materials are detailed and suitable to teach <strong>Witi Ihimaera’s</strong> Whale Rider to <em>KS3</em> students. <strong>L1-7</strong>. I have included <strong>PowerPoint</strong> lessons 1-7 as well as other useful materials.</p>
Witi Ihimaera's Whale Rider Lesson 8-14Quick View

Witi Ihimaera's Whale Rider Lesson 8-14

<p>This materials are detailed and suitable to teach** Witi Ihimaera’s** Whale Rider to <strong>KS3</strong> students. I have included <strong>PowerPoint</strong> lessons 8-14 as well as other useful materials.</p>
English Comprehension for KS 3Quick View

English Comprehension for KS 3

<p>Engaging and interactive Powerpoint lessons based on Collins Cambridge Checkpoint English - Stage 8. Lessons adaptable for KS 3. To teach these lessons, you are advised to purchase the textbook, teacher’s guide and the the workbook.</p>
The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by John BoyneQuick View

The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

<p>John Boyne tells this story from the perspective of 9 year old Bruno. These resources are suitable for students aged 11-18. There are engaging worksheets as well as interactive PowerPoint lessons that could be used as is or adapted by teachers to suit their classes. There are 15 lessons altogether in this folder.</p>