Vectors - Harder GCSE Practice questions for Edexcel 1MA1 syllabusQuick View

Vectors - Harder GCSE Practice questions for Edexcel 1MA1 syllabus

<p>Harder Vectors questions in the style of Edexcel GCSE 1MA1 exam questions.</p> <p>I found a shortage of questions at the same high level as the recent exam questions, so thought I’d write some similar ones.<br /> They are based on the harder recent exam questions, but are (mostly) made more difficult, almost like “shadow” questions.</p> <p>They basically test students’ mastery of straight lines, parallel vectors and multiples of vectors to the <strong>extreme</strong>.</p> <p>They should thoroughly prepare students for the real exam questions.</p> <p>Question 7 is pretty much identical to the November 2017 3H question.<br /> Question 10 is taken from the 2017 Pearson AS Level textbook Exercise 11E.<br /> Question 11 I’m especially proud of.</p> <p>Word doc and worked solutions included.</p>
OCR S2 Past Paper questions by topic v1.0Quick View

OCR S2 Past Paper questions by topic v1.0

OCR Statistics 2 S2 A Level exam questions separated by topic.<br /> Past papers from 2005-2016 including specimen paper, with answers in the form of markschemes.<br /> <br /> Useful for finding out the actual content / styles of questions the exam board asks and their relative frequency, with mark schemes to show how they should be answered.<br /> Gives lots of specific practice on weaker topics and how to answer them rather than searching through endless exam papers and markschemes for them.<br /> <br /> I'm sure they will be useful under the new syllabus too.
A Level Statistics Normal and Binomial distributions Past paper questions with solutionsQuick View

A Level Statistics Normal and Binomial distributions Past paper questions with solutions

<p>A Level Statistics Past paper questions from OCR S2, and OCR MEI S1 and S2 for the topics:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Normal distribution - Hypothesis testing for the mean, and approximation to the binomial.</p> </li> <li> <p>Normal distribution - critical regions</p> </li> <li> <p>Binomial distribution - critical regions</p> </li> </ul> <p>The solutions took a long time… They may not be to everyone’s liking but its my best effort !</p>
OCR FP2 Past Paper questions by topic v1.0Quick View

OCR FP2 Past Paper questions by topic v1.0

OCR Further Pure Maths 2 FP2 A Level exam questions separated by topic.<br /> Past papers from 2006-2016 including specimen paper, with answers in the form of markschemes.<br /> <br /> Useful for finding out the actual content / styles of questions the exam board asks and their relative frequency, with mark schemes to show how they should be answered.<br /> Gives lots of specific practice on weaker topics and how to answer them rather than searching through endless exam papers and markschemes for them.<br /> <br /> I'm sure they will be useful under the new syllabus too.