<p>A step by step approach to answering Paper 1, Question 2. Aimed at making clear answers. Lesson has examples, modelled processes and chanced to model annotations of the extract.</p>
<p>Series of lessons (x3) works through how to answer AQA structure lessons focusing on Woman In Black text. Modelled examples and self reflection activities. Set at ‘clear’ standard, but examples can be made to be perceptive and detailed.</p>
<p>Using images to learn how to evaluate. Needed for AQA Paper 1, Question 4. From this lesson, the students will be bale to begin apply this skills to texts.</p>
<p>Two side sheet with important quotes for Macbeth, Blood Brothers, A Christmas Carol and Power and Conflict Anthology. Aimed for grade 4-7 students. Simple and easy to use to support lessons, homeworks and exam practice.</p>
<p>Handmaid Tale extract. Covers examples for a L2, 3 and 4 answer so support weaker students and stretch the more able ones. Does not follow any PEE etc. model but instead focused on the skills needed in the mark scheme. Can easily be adapted to incorporate PEE etc.</p>
<p>Student reflection sheet to track their progress for AQA Literature. Texts include:</p>
<p>Macbeth<br />
A Christmas Carol<br />
Blood Brothers<br />
Power and Conflict poems</p>
<p>Fully editable. Pitched at knowledge needed for Grade 6-9 students.</p>