<p>A lesson I made on my PGCE as an introduction into the causes of flooding with pictures to illustrate these causes.</p>
<p>Included in the presentation are some past paper questions and the mark scheme.</p>
<p>Scheme of work for the New AQA GCSE Geography spec. River Processes (Physical Landscapes in the UK)<br />
Lessons include progress checks, case studies and lots of practice exam questions, differentiated questions/tasks with some writing frames, plus every 4 lessons there is a consolidation lesson dedicated to practice exam questions (which could be changed and used as homeworks instead) and finishes off with an assessment.<br />
L1 Long profile of a river<br />
L2 ErosionalProcesses<br />
L3 Erosional Landforms<br />
L4 Exam questions<br />
L5 Transportation and Deposition processes<br />
L6 Transportation and Deposition landforms<br />
L7 Depositional Landforms<br />
L8 Exam Questions<br />
L9 Factors affecting flooding<br />
L10 Hard and Soft Engineering<br />
L11 UK Flood management<br />
L12 Exam questions<br />
L13 Final Assessment</p>
GCSE lessons on flooding and flood management. Lesson on factors affecting flooding and hydrographs, Hard and soft engineering methods, UK example of flood management, Final lesson on practice exam questions. <br />
<br />
Each lesson has progress checks, practice questions and some level of differentiation.
<p>This lesson looks at the threats of tourism to the Svalbard, students identify issues then design an eco-holiday that does not threaten Svalbard. Writing frames included.</p>
<p>A KS3 lesson which explains what coral/coral reefs are and the threats they are facing, finishes with an activity where students write a newspaper article to explain the threats.</p>
<p>This lesson aims to give students a greater knowledge of Siberia. It introduces the location and climate of the region and then students learn the impact of melting Permafrost and the issue of Methane for the planet.</p>
<p>The lesson include map work, climate graph interpretation, reading and some extended writing. Some aspects of the lesson show examples of “WABOLL/WAGOLL” What A Bad One Looks Like/What A Good One Looks Like which ensures students complete significantly better work.</p>
<p>GCSE Geography AQA revision booklet - Paper 1, 2 & 3</p>
<p>The booklet is a series of revision questions to recap a range of information across the GCSE</p>
<li>Natural Hazards</li>
<li>Coastal landscapes</li>
<li>river landscapes</li>
<li>Urban environments</li>
<li>changing world economies</li>
<li>resource management</li>
Complete scheme of work Brazil, includes work sheets etc and assessment.<br />
Some level of differentiation in some lessons<br />
5 lessons, 1 revision lesson then 1 assessment lesson<br />
<br />
Topics:<br />
Physical and human features<br />
The world Cup<br />
Deforestation and rainforest management<br />
Inequality<br />
Perceptions of Brazil
<p>GCSE Geography AQA revision booklet - Paper 2 & 3</p>
<p>The booklet is a series of revision questions to recap a range of information across the GCSE</p>
<p>ideal for use as homework or used in class as a revision booklet</p>
<p>Urban environments<br />
changing world economies<br />
resource management<br />
first lesson in a Scheme of work to introduce rivers to GCSE students complete with a pract GCSE question. I have also adapted this lesson easily to use for KS£
<p>Students start with a literacy exercise to describe an image</p>
<p>The next tasks describes the location of Australia and the bushfires in 2019-20</p>
<p>Students then read an article and sort impacts of the article into social, economic and environmental impacts.</p>
<p>finished off with a diary writing task.</p>
<p>The Water Cycle and Types of Rainfall</p>
<p>Used as part of a successful interview lesson</p>
<p>This lesson looks at the water cycle with a focus on key terms and causes of these processes. This is then applied to the three types of rainfall, then applied to the UK to discuss types of rainfall affecting different areas.<br />
An extended writing task is then set to challenge pupils, more than just a match up exercise.</p>
<p>This lesson aims to challenge the common stereotypes of Africa. Focus on wealth and landscapes; use of challenge tasks, literacy focused tasks, imagery and map work.</p>
<p>Used as part of a successful interview lesson</p>
- Transportation and deposition processes lesson <br />
- Erosion and deposition landforms<br />
- Deposition Landforms<br />
- Lesson dedicated to exam practice.<br />
<br />
Each lesson has Practice exam questions, progress check and some level of differentiation.
This lesson follows on from a previous lesson on different power stations and then begins to talk about the effects of burning fossil fuels, looking at acid rain.<br />
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