End of Year Summer Quiz 2017Quick View

End of Year Summer Quiz 2017

A perfect summer quiz for the end of term!<br /> <br /> The quiz consists of 5 rounds (10 questions each) and a tie brake with all answers included in the presentation.<br /> <br /> Round 1 - British Beaches: Trivia about Britain's beaches (multiple choice)<br /> Round 2 - Ice-Cream Flavours: Guess the ice-cream flavour from the picture.<br /> Round 3 - Where in the World?: Name the country containing the famous tourist attraction.<br /> Round 4 - Celebs on Holiday: Name the celeb who is featured in the photos.<br /> Round 5 - Music Round: Complete the summer song lyrics.<br /> Tie Brake - Memory Game: Memorise the suitcase contents.<br /> <br /> Enjoy!
Area of Basic and Compound ShapesQuick View

Area of Basic and Compound Shapes

I have attached 4 separate worksheets that I made to use with middle to low ability students for consolidation of area. <br /> Area of Shapes Worksheet - Contains hand drawn shapes eg rectangles, triangles and parallelograms.<br /> Area Task 1 Worksheet - Finding the area of triangles and rectangles<br /> Area Task 2 Worksheet - Compound areas made up only of rectangles<br /> Area Task 3 Worksheet - Compound areas made up of rectangles and triangles.<br /> <br /> I used the three tasks to motivate the class, students moved their name on the board onto the next task as they completed each one. I had all their names on the interactive board and steps with the task numbers written on.<br /> <br /> Apologies for the quality of the sheets, I made them a while ago and have scanned them in.
Scatter Graph Correlation Match Up Pairs ActivityQuick View

Scatter Graph Correlation Match Up Pairs Activity

I have created a simple card sort where students group the cards into sets of 3.<br /> - graph<br /> -relationship<br /> -correlation<br /> <br /> They will need to look at the axes in order to correctly match up the relationships with the graph.<br /> <br /> They are not grouped on the sheet to allow students cutting them out without seeing them in the correct sets first.
Easter Quiz 2017Quick View

Easter Quiz 2017

5 rounds Easter Quiz sure to get the students excited for the Easter holidays!<br /> <br /> The rounds are as follows:<br /> Round One: Easter traditions around the world<br /> Round Two: Name the Easter Egg<br /> Round Three: Name the Easter number one (Music included)<br /> Round Four: Spot the Celeb<br /> Round Five: Eggy world records<br /> Tie Breaker: Students decide on how many colourful eggs were hidden within the quiz.<br /> <br /> All answers are included as slides for teams to swap sheets and peer mark.<br /> <br /> Should last a full hour!<br /> Enjoy!
RotationQuick View


Double sided worksheet to support students learning to rotate shapes using tracing paper. The sheet consists of lots of shapes with a center of rotation highlighted and direction and amount of rotation given. This worksheet has been brilliant with my classes in building confidence through plenty of consolidation and has maintained students focus.
Solving Equations GraphicallyQuick View

Solving Equations Graphically

I have created a couple of worksheets for students to practice solving linear and simultaneous equations graphically. Both worksheets are two sides with large enough text to print them two to a page to save on copying. <br /> <br /> They consist of plotting equations of lines by completing a table of values and then looking for points of intersection.
Column Vector Addition and Multiplication (Translation)Quick View

Column Vector Addition and Multiplication (Translation)

I have created a whole lesson (30 minutes +) on introducing vector multiplication and addition through extending prior learning of translation. The objective is below.<br /> <br /> Objective: Understand and use column vectors and explore their additive properties and the effect of multiplying by a scalar.<br /> <br /> Included is a lesson plan for a 30 minute lesson however few students completed all work, as this was originally used as an interview lesson where I didn't want to run out of resources and work for the students.<br /> <br /> The flip chart is created using ActivInspire for a Promethean board. However I have also attached a PDF version for ease.<br /> <br /> Resource you would need are rulers and ABCD multiple choice answer cards to use for AfL at the start of lesson to assess prior learning.<br /> <br /> The Concept if that students works in pairs having numbered themselves 1 and 2.<br /> Person 1 follows a vector trail drawing the vectors onto a grid such as a + a + b + a + c <br /> Person 2 simplifies the expression and draw this onto the grid as well. 3a + b + c<br /> <br /> They should notice that they both end in the same place.<br /> <br /> The teacher then draws on their knowledge of translations to substitute a, b and c for their corresponding column vector. Through multiplying by the coefficients and adding them together you can find the resultant vector without the need to draw it all out on the grid.<br /> <br /> There is also a level 2 trail for students to try which is significantly harder. This resultant vector is found in the same way as above but it's nice also to show that it is also a multiple of one of the original vectors anyway. Showing how vectors can be parallel.<br /> <br /> This lesson is very interactive and the students I have carried this out with enjoyed the lesson.
Adding Fractions with BarsQuick View

Adding Fractions with Bars

I have created a two paged worksheet to support students in learning to add fractions with different denominators. It is aimed at lower ability students to guide them into recognising the need for searching for a common denominator without requiring them to find the common denominator themselves. <br /> <br /> The sheet starts out asking students to colour in fractions of bars which are divided up into sections.<br /> <br /> They then see that 1/2 and 1/5 can both be shaded on a bar with 10 sections. The bars are all of equal length to highlight this. There are then able to add them together.<br /> <br /> The second side works through 1/3 and 1/4 using bars divided into 12.<br /> <br /> I have left the document as word so that you can edit it as necessary.
Direct and Inverse ProportionQuick View

Direct and Inverse Proportion

I have created a fairly simple direct and inverse proportion worksheet to use when introducing formula and substitution. eg y = kx<br /> <br /> The sheet doesn't use the constant k when forming the formula but rather uses simple values for students to spot the multiplier easily in order to grasp the reasoning behind the formula and why it is useful. Once students understand how to create the formula, the sheet then introduces difficult values that may need the use of a calculator. I would then move onto using the terminology and symbols found in GCSE exams afterwards.<br /> <br /> The worksheet is on a Word document and consists of 4 pages (2 direct proportion and 2 inverse proportion.)<br /> <br /> Additionally I have included a presentation to use with the worksheet to demonstrate a couple of examples.
Solving Sine EquationsQuick View

Solving Sine Equations

This is a double sided worksheet I created for use with a year 10 class when introducing sine equations. The worksheet is scaffolded so that students can follow the instructions to find more than one solution to sine equations using the sine curve. <br /> <br /> This topic is now part of the new GCSE maths scheme where before students wouldn't see this until A Level maths. Therefore is suitable for GCSE and A Level.
Solving Cosine EquationsQuick View

Solving Cosine Equations

This is a double sided worksheet I created for use with a year 10 class when introducing cosine equations. The worksheet is scaffolded so that students can follow the instructions to find more than one solution to cosine equations using the cosine curve. <br /> <br /> This topic is now part of the new GCSE maths scheme where before students wouldn't see this until A Level maths. Therefore is suitable for GCSE and A Level.