Task to create job wanted advertQuick View

Task to create job wanted advert

Complete lesson - starts with managing your money quiz by rhianrebecca on this site. Students then look at examples of job adverts. Previously they will have considered jobs and the nature of jobs, evaluated themselves and adverts for sexism etc. and now it is time to make a job wanted ad where they have to think about everything that they have learned so far. Lesson ends with careers wordsearch - also from this site. Probably needs tweaking for own role/ age etc.
AQA GCSE Revision Psychopoly GameQuick View

AQA GCSE Revision Psychopoly Game

Print out on thin card and play. It works really well with the money and pieces from Monopoly Junior. Other wise, you will need money, a die and some counters. Good way to use Christmas time when they don’t want to do ‘work’.
Fractions Decimals PercentagesQuick View

Fractions Decimals Percentages

Used with KS4 SEN group but could be used early on in KS3. To overlearn equivalencies and apply these equivalencies to order mixed fractions, decimals and percentages
Homework Research SheetQuick View

Homework Research Sheet

A worksheet asking students to research some of the jobs that they are less likely to have heard of . There are 30 sheets and each has a different job at the top. I ask students to pick one at random.
WJEC Film Studies GCSE District 9Quick View

WJEC Film Studies GCSE District 9

This is a brief homework comparing the statue in D-9 to Arbeit Macht Frei - both lies that were 'told' in sculpture. It is for grade 1-3 students really but could be adapted.
Bartlett vs Murdoch Cut n stick (or highlight)Quick View

Bartlett vs Murdoch Cut n stick (or highlight)

My students were mixing up Murdoch and Bartlett so I produced this as an overlearning activity. My students will cut the boxes out and stick them down two sides of a piece of paper. You could just as easily highlight them to categorise them
Primogeniture and Robert CurthoseQuick View

Primogeniture and Robert Curthose

Against the background of a description of Primogeniture, students have to order events from the life of Robert, detailing his turbulent relationships with his father, William the Conqueror and his younger brother, William Rufus. Brief mention is also made of Odo’s rebellion too
Spot the Logo QuizQuick View

Spot the Logo Quiz

Can You Spot the Logo spelt out in letters from famous logos (UK) Students should see if they can spot where the letters come from - useful when starting work on media to note cumulative effects
Top Trumps - InventorsQuick View

Top Trumps - Inventors

Top Trumps for a mixture of male and female inventors. Students should decide on the stats/ importance. I am going to laminate them and play then but the important conversations are the ones where students see links and make their decisions about relative importance.