British Empire QuizQuick View

British Empire Quiz

Y7-8. It has 4 rounds: flags of the empire, general knowledge of the empire, memory quiz, and spot the difference Also includes a starter wordsearch. Ideal for end of topic or end of term.
Votes for WomenQuick View

Votes for Women

5 Resources
A scheme of work of 6 lessons on Votes for Women in Britain and the work of the Suffragettes. This includes: An introduction lesson on the vote and the arguments against women suffrage The difference between Suffragettes and Suffragists The Cat and Mouse Act An investigation into the death of Emily Davison Women during the First World War Why women eventually won the vote Key Stage: KS3 (Y8) Ability: HA/MA Lesson length: 1hr
The SuffragistsQuick View

The Suffragists

Lesson for KS3 or KS4 on the Suffragists. Students will study the history of the Suffragists and the beginning of the votes for women movement. They will look at the tactics of the NUWSS and practice source skills. All worksheets are included in powerpoint.
History of British SuffrageQuick View

History of British Suffrage

Lesson for KS3 or KS4 on British Suffrage. Good introduction to the fight for women’s vote or a stand alone lesson on the history of suffrage and voting rights in Britain. Students will cover why the vote is important and study the main legislation that expanded the franchise from the Magna Carta to the Representation of the People Act. All worksheets are included in powerpoint.
Response to Women's SuffrageQuick View

Response to Women's Suffrage

Lesson for KS3 or KS4 on opposition to women’s suffrage. Students will cover the anti-suffrage movement and the treatment of the Suffragettes by the police. They will create an account of Black Friday 1910. All worksheets are included in powerpoint.
The SuffragettesQuick View

The Suffragettes

Lesson for KS3 or KS4 on the Suffragettes. Students will study a brief history of the Suffragettes and the tactics of the WSPU. Their main task is an article detailing the first arrest of the Suffragettes, this could be adapted to teacher read, a class reading, or partner echo reading. All worksheets are included in powerpoint.
Introduction to the Vote for WomenQuick View

Introduction to the Vote for Women

History lesson introducing the vote for women. It covers what the vote was to women and the arguments against the vote being given to women. Perfect as a start to a Suffragette scheme of work. Key Stage: KS3 (Y8) Ability: MA Lesson length: 1hr
Cat and Mouse ActQuick View

Cat and Mouse Act

History lesson on the Cat and Mouse Act. It covers hunger strikes, force feeding and the act. The lesson looks at why the act was introduced and what it was, including examples of propaganda from the Suffragettes. Key Stage: KS3 (Y8) Ability: MA Lesson length: 1hr
Life Under CromwellQuick View

Life Under Cromwell

Lesson for KS3 on Oliver Cromwell’s England and the Interregnum. Students will study life under Cromwell and the difference in treatment. They then will be evaluating sources from the time. All worksheets are included in the powerpoint.
The Glorious RevolutionQuick View

The Glorious Revolution

Lesson for KS3 on the Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights. Focusing on the causes and consequences of the Glorious Revolution and the abdication of James for William and Mary. Students will study the Bill of Rights and evaluating whether the revolution was truly glorious. All worksheets are included in the powerpoint.
King James IQuick View

King James I

Lesson for KS3 on King James I. A good starter lesson for the Stuarts, it focuses on the first Stuart king. The lesson covers the reign of James and uses primary sources to explore his view of the divine right of kings. Students will then evaluate how effective he was as a ruler. All worksheets included in powerpoint.
Women in the First World WarQuick View

Women in the First World War

History lesson on women during the First World War. It looks at their roles in the war and if their life changed because of it. Key Stage: KS3 (Y8) Ability: MA Lesson length: 1hr
The Gunpowder PlotQuick View

The Gunpowder Plot

Lesson for KS3 on The Gunpowder Plot. Within the lesson students will gain an understanding of the why the plot happened and the consequences. Students will develop the skills of writing an account. All worksheets are included in the powerpoint.
Queen Anne and the Act of UnionQuick View

Queen Anne and the Act of Union

Lesson for KS3 on Queen Anne’s reign and the Act of Union with Scotland. Students will study the union between England and Scotland, the causes and consequences. They will also be analysing a source from her reign. All worksheets are included in powerpoint.
Gender StereotypesQuick View

Gender Stereotypes

R.E. lesson on gender stereotypes. It covers the meaning of stereotypes and studies gender toys as an example. Key Stage: KS3 (Y7) Ability: MA Lesson length: 1hr
Why did women get the vote?Quick View

Why did women get the vote?

History lesson on why women gained the vote in England. It focuses on source work on the actions of the Suffragettes, Suffragists and women during the war. The lesson compares the effectiveness of each in gaining women the vote in 1918. Key Stage: KS3 (Y8) Ability: HA/MA Lesson length: 1hr
Civil War and the Battle of NasebyQuick View

Civil War and the Battle of Naseby

Lesson for KS3 on Battle of Naseby The lesson gives description of the three stages of the English Civil War. Students will study the case study of the Battle of Naseby and why it lead to a Parliamentarian victory. All worksheets are included in the powerpoint.
Malcolm XQuick View

Malcolm X

History lesson on Malcolm X. It looks at his life and beliefs, students are tasked to make a Facebook profile for X. Key Stage: KS3 (Y8-9) Ability: MA/LA Lesson length: 1hr
D Day LandingsQuick View

D Day Landings

A history lesson for students to understand what happened at the D Day Landings and what it was like to be there. Students will learn what the Landings were, what different people experienced during the day (British, Americans and Germans). They will use the information to create a twitter account and a diary entry for various people involved in D Day. Key Stage: KS3 (Y8) Ability: HA Lesson length: 1hr (but could be spread to 2hrs for MA/LA classes)
Trial of Charles IQuick View

Trial of Charles I

Lesson for KS3 on the trial and execution of Charles I. Students will study the events of the trial and then will be evaluating how useful sources are to understanding the time period.
Causes of the English Civil WarQuick View

Causes of the English Civil War

Lesson for KS3 on causes of the English Civil War. Students will create a timeline of events leading up to the declaration of war. They then will writing an account using long term and short term factors. All worksheets are included in the powerpoint.