Boston MatrixQuick View

Boston Matrix

<p>A revision booklet aimed at GCSE students to reinforce their Boston Matrix knowledge.</p> <p>Tasks work through assessment objectives, demonstrating knowledge, application, analytical and evaluative skills.</p> <p>Stretch and challenge task included.</p> <p>Suitable for Edexcel, AQA, OCR and BTEC specifications.</p>
Demand for Labour MRP worksheetQuick View

Demand for Labour MRP worksheet

<p>Worksheet that allows students to learn and practice how MRP impacts decisions of firms in the labour market.</p> <p>Students are given an example then are prompted to complete their own grid working out MPP and MRP. They then decide how the firm should respond to factors influencing the MRP.</p>
Cash flow forecastingQuick View

Cash flow forecasting

<p>A sample activity taken from my full finance activity resource based on fictional Biff’s bakery.</p> <p>Read the information and complete the cash flow forecast template with answers included.</p> <p>Encourages development of data extraction skills from a case study and allows students to put knowledge of cash flow to practice.</p>