Habitat Investigation + Insulation
<p>Designed to use in school grounds. One sheet develops the idea of finding a well insulated home for a mouse. The other is a set of cards using the attributes of each animal to make a ‘Top Trumps’ set.</p>
Questioning in in lessons
A starter for an inset on the use of questions in lessons. Used as starter for a teacher discussion about how effectively we use questions to enhance learning.
Historic Story Writing -vocabulary
Two work sheets to encourage children to consider what was and was not around in a second world war setting.
Design Items for Father Christmas
Christmas special. Creativity and imagination around the real Father Christmas.
Key Word Processing Skills
<p>A Powerpoint including little video explanations on how to word process using WORD. Designed for 7 to 10 year olds. Ideal for teachers who are unsure how to teach the skills or for children to use a reference resource.</p>
How long are TV programmes?
Work for Year4 looking at the CBBC schedule and a working out how long programmes last.
Maths Problem Solving Template
Type in the maths problem and follow the TASC based steps to solve it. I used this with a Year 4 group, but it should work with any multistep problem.
I cut and pasted BEAM problems into the problem box.
Value for Money Questions
These give the prices of different quantities of house hold shopping and ask which is better value. For example, which is cheapest, 1 litre of Coke at £1 or 75ml at 80p?
SCRATCH -how to make a game, step by step
<p>A PowerPoint with step by step videos introducing a class (and teacher?) to the stages of making a very simple driving game. It was made to help teachers who are not confident about introducing SCRATCH coding to a class. Load and play a step at a time.<br />
It’s quite a big file so be patient.<br />
Also available, with planning etc from http:bit.ly/sjsresources</p>
SCRATCH 2 - an introduction
<p>This is a PowerPoint introducing the areas of the SCRATCH 2 screen for staff and pupils who are not confident with SCRATCH 2. It is basically the “little talk” I give year 3 pupils before they start a unit to create a driving game. I hope others find it useful…</p>
SCRATCH - making a game stage 2
<p>This PowerPoint has video descriptions of how to add features to a simple driving or maze navigation game. I used it with year 3 and made this to help the teachers who were not confident or familiar with SCRATCH themselves. They were able to play the pages and then get the children designing, making, innovating and debugging their games.</p>
<p>It is a large file, so allow time for it to download.</p>
Angle measuring and classification
The objective is to estimate angles so that children can spot if their measurements in class are reasonable.
Multimedia unit for Computing match to new NC
Multi-media presentation unit written for year 6 to create a movie. This was written and matched to the new national curriculum for Computing.
Word Processing Unit
<p>A Powerpoints with video clips talking students (and/teachers) through some basic skills in using Microsoft Word. These can be used as the lessons -play each skill to the class and get them to practise the skill. There are interactive buttons on the first slide that allow you to go straight to the skill you want to explain.<br />
These have been used successfully in a Junior school an Hampshire, UK, by teachers who are unsure of their own skills in this area and want to be able to teach confidently.</p>
<p><a href="http://bit.ly/sjsy3word" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://bit.ly/sjsy3word</a></p>