New GCSE Tracker  1-9 for all subjects - interventions, predictions and QA analysisQuick View

New GCSE Tracker 1-9 for all subjects - interventions, predictions and QA analysis

password protected to ensure colleagues in teams cannot alter your data by accident and leave you trying to work out information!!!-** password is Summer2016. ** A tracker / mark book for classroom teachers, heads of department and heads of faculty, which allows colleagues to enter a % for any student assessment, piece of work, exam question, automatically converting to a grade 1-9 - these grades are based on boundaries offered as guidance from OCR, AQA and Edexcel for History, Geography and RS, but are editable for any teacher and course / subject. Tracker colour codes students assessment against their target grades which can be whole numbers or + and - also. The tracker sheet takes all the hard work out of the data for colleagues, but averaging student performance for Y10 and Y11 separately and combined, as well as incorporating any mock exams. The tracker automatically generates intervention groups based on students who are currently off target, predicted to be off target, are borderline grades and / or are in key groups such as PP, SEN and Boy/Girl. The tracker has the ability to assume where students will be in 6-8 assessments time if the rate of progress remains the same, and can also visually show in tabular and graphical form if the measured gaps are closing or widening. For a head of faculty, there is the tab which allows any students studying in more than one area to be seen on a comparative level across the subjects. Takes the stress and time consuming data trawls away - simply enter a % and let the work be done for you! There is a full guide written and within the tracker. It is an absolute MUST for any department which can be used for KS4 and KS3.
Festive/Christmas assemblyQuick View

Festive/Christmas assembly

An assembly to get students to think about Christmas and others in the world. Topics also included: Festivals, celebrations and special days.
National Careers Week Aspirations AssemblyQuick View

National Careers Week Aspirations Assembly

An assembly which asks pupils to consider what the dream is; the goal; the ambition. An assembly that talks about opportunities and experiences on offer to them in school and in life An assembly which talks about achievements not being down to luck, but as a result of measured risk, resilience, resourcefulness and hard work and determination. This assembly talks about how people have had knock backs, been told it will never work - but without ambition, dreams and determination we wouldn’t be where we are today. The assembly asks pupils to reflect on life, school and how they tackle challenge. An assembly which taps into National careers week and provides links to NCW virtual fairs and unusual careers.
Pupil profile pen portrait different ideas and versions according to ageQuick View

Pupil profile pen portrait different ideas and versions according to age

Ideal for SEND or new starters for teachers and students to get to know one another - asks questions of likes and dislikes; what is important to the student; what they like to do independently and what they would like support with. 3 different templates which students can all be involved with completing.
VCOP: Vocabulary, connectives, Openers and punctuation guides for History and GeographyQuick View

VCOP: Vocabulary, connectives, Openers and punctuation guides for History and Geography

Useful for all teachers at all levels and Key stages, which gives a very simple aids for students in their writing for Geography and History which gives examples and suggestions of specialist terms to include in their work for each of the areas. Totally editable for all staff to add / amend / remove terms from the pyramids which makes these useful for all subjects across school at all levels.
Aspirations Assembly - Dream big and aim high!Quick View

Aspirations Assembly - Dream big and aim high!

An assembly aiming to allow pupils to consider their futures and aspirations. Pupils are given the opportunity to consider where they see themselves and what goals they have for each stage of their education and life. Considers whether pupils set targets or whether they make excuses. Get pupils to consider if they have thought about the achievements of the famous, and whether they consider it down to luck or something else. An examination of some key people in the public eye, who despite adversity have achieved big through hard work and determination and aspiration. There is some thought about reflection, resilisence and aspiration. Pupils then take a look at some key achievements in history that have shaped the world today - without the risk taking; without the aspiration and without the hard work - we wouldn’t have the world we have today.
Religious IdentityQuick View

Religious Identity

A Y7 SOW with resources and an assessment which looks at how identity is shaped and formed, and how religious identity is formed and how it impacts on daily lives. The assessment is created in such a way as to look at the 3 strands covered in GCSE assessment of knowledge, understanding and evaluation and is simple to mark against the 1-9 criteria for specialists and non specialists. All resources are provided for each lesson!


The tracker allows anyone who is involved with careers, college applications and supporting of pupils into the next phase of their post 16 journey, the opportunit to strategically manage, prioritise and measure impact of 1:1 meetings, course applications and vulnerability to NEET. The tracker scores pupils based on LAC; PP; EAL; SEND; YOT; Ethnicity; Gender; ability and more, and identifies cohorts of pupils who would require priority for 1:1 to reduce potential NEET . The tracker also identifies pupils who have a vulnerability around their current grades, and any unrealistic level of courses they may have applied to at post 16 provisions. The tracker filters pupils who have not yet had 1:1; not yet applied for college courses and again enables collegaues to prioritise and measure impact. The tracker produces a full summary for careers leaders to enable static reports for PP; Gender; ability; course level; 1:1 and much more! All you have to do is input your information and let the tracker do the rest! There is no password to protect the sheet so its straight in and on with it! Any questions, just ask!
New GCSE Tracker  1-9 for all subjects - interventions, predictions and QA analysisQuick View

New GCSE Tracker 1-9 for all subjects - interventions, predictions and QA analysis

password protected to ensure colleagues in teams cannot alter your data by accident and leave you trying to work out information!!!-** password is Summer2016. ** A tracker / mark book for classroom teachers, heads of department and heads of faculty, which allows colleagues to enter a % for any student assessment, piece of work, exam question, automatically converting to a grade 1-9 - these grades are based on boundaries offered as guidance from OCR, AQA and Edexcel for History, Geography and RS, but are editable for any teacher and course / subject. Tracker colour codes students assessment against their target grades which can be whole numbers or + and - also. The tracker sheet takes all the hard work out of the data for colleagues, but averaging student performance for Y10 and Y11 separately and combined, as well as incorporating any mock exams. The tracker automatically generates intervention groups based on students who are currently off target, predicted to be off target, are borderline grades and / or are in key groups such as PP, SEN and Boy/Girl. The tracker has the ability to assume where students will be in 6-8 assessments time if the rate of progress remains the same, and can also visually show in tabular and graphical form if the measured gaps are closing or widening. For a head of faculty, there is the tab which allows any students studying in more than one area to be seen on a comparative level across the subjects. Takes the stress and time consuming data trawls away - simply enter a % and let the work be done for you! There is a full guide written and within the tracker. It is an absolute MUST for any department which can be used for KS4 and KS3.
Geography & History Key stage 3 curriculum audit for coverage of skills / concepts / processesQuick View

Geography & History Key stage 3 curriculum audit for coverage of skills / concepts / processes

An easy resource which allows teachers, heads of department, line managers and leaders to audit the coverage of important skills / concepts and processes at key stage 3, to enable the best possible progress and results at GCSE. Allows gaps to be easily identified and challenged / addressed to ensure maximum coverage and delivery to ensure students are adequately prepared for GCSE courses.
Careers / CAIEG Impact / progress documentQuick View

Careers / CAIEG Impact / progress document

A plpanning and impact review document, which allows the careers elemt of school to be tailored, focused and impact measured on a half termly, termly and yearly basis. The targets can be set bespoke to the school, and the measured impact reviewed and recorded. Great resource for managers, and also for careers staff to feed into whole school priorities and Government drive for the new statutory requirements
Geography skills and assessment objective audit - get ahead and get prepared!Quick View

Geography skills and assessment objective audit - get ahead and get prepared!

The audit allows colleagues to track across the 5 yr course (Y7-11) the skills and processes which are covered in teaching time, and the depth to which they are taught. The assessment objectives are also audited to ensure full preparation for the GCSE examination, and full breadth and depth of AO's are covered throughout the course. Any gaps are quickly identified, and can be bridged in future teaching, units of work and topics. Ideal for all departments, non specialists, NQTS and leaders.
Assembly - Facing your fears, linked to school life and assessments etcQuick View

Assembly - Facing your fears, linked to school life and assessments etc

An assembly which explores peoples fears with reference to terms and real fears. Links onto your own personal fears and how perhaps you have tried to overcome them, this then links to fears around assessments or next stages of school life like options; college applications; GCSE exams and how pupils should find strategies to overcome their fears. The theme is really around fear but also that things aren’t always what they seem - will small incremental achieveable strategies and targets we can overcome our fears.
Y7 Religious Studies SOW, resources and assessment: where have we come from and where are we going?Quick View

Y7 Religious Studies SOW, resources and assessment: where have we come from and where are we going?

A detailed scheme of work with starter activity linked to literacy, detailed suggested activities and links to videos / clips; interactive and engaging using the skills of knowledge, understanding and evaluation. The scheme takes students through the idea of creation, purpose and life beyond death. Assessment materials are included using life without levels. Can be used by a specialist or non specialist.
SMSC audit, promoting, exemplfying and planning in schools and departmentsQuick View

SMSC audit, promoting, exemplfying and planning in schools and departments

Ideal resource for anyone responsible for the SMSC in school or in departments - can be used by all colleagues to audit the current position of SMSC and colour the RAG column to show current and progress. There are more resources to this pack which cannot be attached to this file, so I have uploaded them as a separate pack which contains possible OFSTED questions, SMSC in starters and SMSC in detail.
Challenge and overcoming them to achieve and be successfulQuick View

Challenge and overcoming them to achieve and be successful

This assembly focuses on students looking at how we and the world prejudge people, situations, events, lessons, experiences based on the "whats in front of us" rather than what is beneath the surface. Oskar Schindler - prejudged as a German, doing awful things to Jews yet he was actually helping them Stephen Hawking - prejudged by the way he looks, yet is the most intelligent man!! The clips link to susan boyle - prejudged but went on regardless and achieved James arthur - difficult home circumstances and troubled start but again went on to achieve Ussain Bolt - assumptions he would win, but other athletes still tried and Ussain came 3rd! Goes onto audience participation - i had two teachers all with food covered in chocolate (cheese, garlic, pasta etc) and pretended it was foul things (a bit like bush tucker trial!) and had a chocolate coin at the end for them - the point of it being that sometimes life, lessons, work, experiences are hard and not great, but to get the end prize the grade, the result, the overcoming of fear, that we have to go through these things to be better!). Music is "we could be heroes"
SMSC Auditing, exemplifying, promoting and preparingQuick View

SMSC Auditing, exemplifying, promoting and preparing

second part to resource pack one which included the audit and other associated materials. This pack is an add on to the last which includes the possible OFSTED questions, starters and settlers for SMSC and SMSC in detail.
Assembly - Don't prejudge a book by it's cover - face the challenge and do your bestQuick View

Assembly - Don't prejudge a book by it's cover - face the challenge and do your best

An assembly that explored prejudgement and the implications - linked to life; linked to situations; linked to people; linked to their personal journeys both academic and socially. The assmebly explores what is meant by prejudgement and how society often judges someone or something by their outward appearance alone - how people make assumptions about something based on the way it looks. Explore famous people and the prejudgement that could be made about someone or WAS made about someone, and how those prejudgements have been wrong. Then look at studies and life and how we often prejudge something before we find out the detail - exams; something new such as work placement; coursework etc Moral of the assembly then given and pupils aksed to not prejudge but actually make an informed judgement for themselves based on fact and exploration. Fun element added to assembly where you ask staff to come and try the “delicious looking truffles” -some are truffles and some are not, they are coooked sprouts covered in chocolate! Don’t judge something by the way it looks!