Top Marks A-Level Biology essay - The Importance of Movement in Living OrganismsQuick View

Top Marks A-Level Biology essay - The Importance of Movement in Living Organisms

<p>A top mark A-Level Biology essay addressing the title:<br /> The Importance of Movement in Living Organisms</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Holistic introduction</li> <li>Seed dispersal of plants</li> <li>Reflexes</li> <li>Tropisms</li> <li>Biochemical processes<br /> - Krebs cycle: proton, coenzyme and electron movement</li> <li>Inflammation in the immune response</li> <li>Mass transport</li> <li>Movement of water in plants</li> <li>Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria</li> <li>Nerve impulses and synaptic plasticity</li> </ul> <p>Contains information from beyond the syllabus.<br /> Examples are structured in a clear and logical format.</p> <p>Useful for revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
Top mark A-Level Biology Essay - Different types of relationships and interactions between organismsQuick View

Top mark A-Level Biology Essay - Different types of relationships and interactions between organisms

<p>A full 25 mark A-Level Biology Essay addressing the title:<br /> There are many different types of relationships and interactions between organisms.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Holistic introduction</li> <li>Viruses, HIV</li> <li>Predator &amp; Prey interactions</li> <li>Trophic cascades</li> <li>The Nitrogen cycle</li> <li>Mutualistic and symbiotic organisms</li> <li>Negative human impacts on other organisms<br /> * Eutrophication, lowered biodiversity, pollution</li> <li>Positive human impacts on other organisms<br /> * Genetic and transgenic modification, therapeutics, CRISPR</li> </ul> <p>Contains information from beyond the syllabus.<br /> Examples are structured in a clear and logical format.</p> <p>Useful for revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
Top marks A-Level Biology Essay - Explain the importance of shapes fitting togetherQuick View

Top marks A-Level Biology Essay - Explain the importance of shapes fitting together

<p>A full high grade essay for A-Level Biology, discussing the topic: The importance of shapes fitting together in cells and organisms.<br /> Includes wider knowledge not from A-Level specification.</p> <p>Includes:<br /> &gt; Introduction, explanation of specificity in biology<br /> &gt; Enyzme shape, structure and active site<br /> &gt; Enzymes involved in DNA replication<br /> &gt; Complementary nature of DNA bases &amp; hydrogen bonding<br /> &gt; Immune response - antigens and antibodies<br /> &gt; Enzymes involved in the immune response, like in the inflammation process<br /> &gt; Mutated protein impacts, like in Mediterranean fever.<br /> &gt; Pharmacology - agonists and antagonists, such as carbachol.</p> <p>Useful as revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
Full Mark A-Level Biology essay - How is energy transferred within and between organismsQuick View

Full Mark A-Level Biology essay - How is energy transferred within and between organisms

<p>A full 25 mark A-Level Biology essay addressing the title:<br /> How is energy transferred within and between organisms</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Holistic introduction</li> <li>Photosynthesis</li> <li>Conversion to chemical energy in bonds</li> <li>Food chains<br /> - Losses at successive stages</li> <li>Respiration</li> <li>Glucose and ATP</li> <li>Necessity for energy carriers<br /> - Gibbs’ free energies</li> <li>Homeostasis and energy loss</li> <li>Nervous communication and electrical impulses</li> <li>Synaptic plasticity</li> <li>Heart regulation</li> <li>Holistic conclusion</li> </ul> <p>Contains information from beyond the syllabus.<br /> Examples are structured in a clear and logical format.</p> <p>Useful for revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
Top Mark A-Level Biology essay - The importance of DNA in science and technologyQuick View

Top Mark A-Level Biology essay - The importance of DNA in science and technology

<p>Top Mark A-Level Biology essay addressing the title:<br /> <em>The importance of DNA in science and technology</em></p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Holistic introduction</li> <li>DNA structure and stability</li> <li>Mutations</li> <li>Natural selection</li> <li>Epigenetics</li> <li>Inappropriate gene expression</li> <li>Genome sequencing</li> <li>Future therapeutic uses</li> <li>Genetic screening</li> <li>DNA fingerprinting</li> <li>Genetic engineering</li> <li>Transgenic modification</li> </ul> <p>Contains information from beyond the A-Level syllabus.<br /> Examples are structured in a clear and logical format.</p> <p>Useful for revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
Top Mark A-Level Biology essay - The membranes of different types of cells & their functionsQuick View

Top Mark A-Level Biology essay - The membranes of different types of cells & their functions

<p>Top Mark A-Level Biology essay addressing the title:<br /> The membranes of different types of cells are involved in many different functions</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Holistic introduction</li> <li>Properties of membranes</li> <li>Components present in membranes<br /> - Proteins and channels</li> <li>Passage of substances across membranes<br /> - Passive and facilitated diffusion, co-transport, active transport</li> <li>Ultrafiltration</li> <li>Plasma receptors<br /> - Blood glucose control, immune response</li> <li>Membranes in nervous communication</li> <li>Synaptic plasticity</li> </ul> <p>Contains information from beyond the syllabus.<br /> Examples are structured in a clear and logical format.</p> <p>Useful for revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
Full Marks A-Level Biology Essay - Carbon dioxide may affect organisms directly or indirectly.Quick View

Full Marks A-Level Biology Essay - Carbon dioxide may affect organisms directly or indirectly.

<p>A 100% 25 mark A-Level Biology essay addressing the title:<br /> Carbon dioxide may affect organisms directly or indirectly. Describe or explain these effects.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <p>Holistic introduction<br /> Photosynthesis - Calvin Cycle<br /> Photosynthesis - limiting factors<br /> Haemoglobin and the Bohr shift<br /> Gaseous exchange - Plants and humans<br /> Regulation of heart rate<br /> The Carbon cycle<br /> Environmental impacts of CO2</p> <p>Contains information from beyond the syllabus.<br /> Examples are structured in a clear and logical format.</p> <p>Useful for revision for this specific topic and to see a sample structure of a high grade essay.</p>
An Inspector Calls – A* Character AnalysisQuick View

An Inspector Calls – A* Character Analysis

Full in depth analysis of all characters.<br /> <br /> Mr Birling<br /> Mrs Birling<br /> Eric<br /> Sheila<br /> Gerald<br /> The Inspector<br /> <br /> Quotes and analysis.<br /> Relevant for any exam board<br />
Top mark A-Level Biology EssaysQuick View

Top mark A-Level Biology Essays

7 Resources
<p>A collection of high mark, sample essays for A-Level Biology, providing helpful revision content and examples of logical structuring.</p> <p>New Specification!</p> <p>Includes essays on the titles:</p> <ul> <li>The Importance of movement in living organisms</li> <li>Explain the importance of shapes fitting together in cells and organisms</li> <li>Carbon dioxide may affect organisms directly or indirectly.</li> <li>How is energy transferred within and between organisms</li> <li>Explain the importance of shapes fitting together in cells and organisms</li> <li>Different types of relationships and interactions between organisms</li> <li>The membranes of different types of cells are involved in many different functions</li> <li>The importance of DNA in science and technology</li> </ul> <p>Save over 70%!</p>
A Streetcar Named Desire revision notesQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes

5 Resources
<p>Detailed notes on A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams made to top grade A-Level standard.</p> <p>Comprehensive and useful notes to have for close study of this text.</p> <p>Revision materials to supplement individual notes and raise new discussion points.</p> <p>Covers:</p> <ul> <li>Character analysis</li> <li>Relationships</li> <li>Key themes</li> <li>Contextual details</li> <li>Technical components - form, structure, theories</li> </ul> <p>Focus on:</p> <ul> <li>Close language analysis</li> <li>Salient character traits</li> <li>Significant quotes</li> </ul> <p>Set out in a clear, logical and helpful format:</p> <ul> <li>Sections colour-coded according to scene - with a key in the header.</li> <li>Quotes clearly indicated.</li> <li>Important details emboldened.</li> <li>Sections separated by clear, collapsible headings.</li> <li>Descriptive sub-headings throughout.</li> </ul> <p>Save 60%!</p>
A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - form, motifs, structure, linguistic theoriesQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - form, motifs, structure, linguistic theories

<p>Full and comprehensive analysis of technical elements within A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, such as:</p> <ul> <li>dramatic form</li> <li>motifs</li> <li>structure</li> <li>linguistic theories</li> </ul> <p>Detailed notes made to an A* grade A-Level standard.</p> <p>Includes discussion of:</p> <ul> <li>Plastic theatre</li> <li>Form</li> <li>Expressionism</li> <li>Light and dark</li> <li>Music</li> <li>Locomotives</li> <li>Motifs</li> <li>Short’s scale of realism</li> <li>Politeness theory</li> <li>Bernstein’s code</li> <li>Grice’s Maxims</li> </ul> <p>Focus on:</p> <ul> <li>Close language analysis</li> <li>Salient character traits</li> <li>Significant quotes</li> </ul> <p>Set out in a clear, logical and helpful format:</p> <ul> <li>Sections colour-coded according to scene - with a key in the header.</li> <li>Quotes clearly indicated.</li> <li>Important details emboldened.</li> <li>Sections separated by clear, collapsible headings.</li> <li>Descriptive sub-headings throughout.</li> </ul> <p>A beneficial aid to any top-grade analysis of the play to A-Level standard.</p>
A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - themesQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - themes

<p>Full and comprehensive analysis of both major and minor characters within A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.</p> <p>Detailed notes made to an A* grade A-Level standard.</p> <p>Includes discussion of themes such as:</p> <ul> <li>Purity and sin</li> <li>Female roles in society</li> <li>Male dominance</li> <li>Violence and conflict</li> <li>Sexuality</li> <li>Social class and difference</li> </ul> <p>Focus on:</p> <ul> <li>Close language analysis</li> <li>Salient character traits</li> <li>Significant quotes</li> </ul> <p>Set out in a clear, logical and helpful format:</p> <ul> <li>Sections colour-coded according to scene - with a key in the header.</li> <li>Quotes clearly indicated.</li> <li>Important details emboldened.</li> <li>Sections separated by clear, collapsible headings.</li> <li>Descriptive sub-headings throughout.</li> </ul> <p>A beneficial aid to any top-grade analysis of the play to A-Level standard.</p>
A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - RelationshipsQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - Relationships

<p>Full and comprehensive analysis of both major and minor characters within A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.</p> <p>Detailed notes made to an A* grade A-Level standard.</p> <p>Addresses the relationships between:</p> <ul> <li>Blanche and Stanley</li> <li>Stella and Stanley</li> <li>Blanche and Stella</li> <li>Blanche and Mitch</li> </ul> <p>Focus on:</p> <ul> <li>Close language analysis</li> <li>Salient character traits</li> <li>Significant quotes</li> </ul> <p>Set out in a clear, logical and helpful format:</p> <ul> <li>Sections colour-coded according to scene - with a key in the header.</li> <li>Quotes clearly indicated.</li> <li>Important details emboldened.</li> <li>Sections separated by clear, collapsible headings.</li> <li>Descriptive sub-headings throughout.</li> </ul> <p>A beneficial aid to any top-grade analysis of the play to A-Level standard.</p>
A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes – Contextual DetailsQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes – Contextual Details

<p>Set of fully comprehensive revision notes covering context in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.</p> <p>Detailed notes made to an A* grade A-Level standard.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Social context</li> <li>Writing context</li> <li>Authorial context - Williams’ life</li> <li>North/South divide</li> <li>Distinctive temperaments of Northerners and Southerners in America</li> <li>References and allusions to the North/South divide within the play.</li> <li>Moments in the play relevant to contextual knowledge</li> <li>Blanche as an embodiment of the South</li> </ul> <p>Set out in a clear, logical and helpful format:</p> <ul> <li>Sections colour-coded according to scene - with a key in the header.</li> <li>Quotes clearly indicated.</li> <li>Important details emboldened.</li> <li>Sections separated by clear, collapsible headings.</li> <li>Descriptive sub-headings throughout.</li> </ul> <p>Useful and important information to have for high-grade study of this play at A-Level standard.</p>
A* Glossary of rhetorical devicesQuick View

A* Glossary of rhetorical devices

A clear and informative glossary containing key rhetorical devices. <br /> Useful for both the analysis and composition of texts.<br /> <br /> <br /> Entries are arranged in alphabetical order and each have individual examples, which are colour coded in red, making for a very user-friendly resource.<br /> <br /> Includes the Aristotelian persuasive devices: Ethos, Logos &amp; Pathos.<br /> <br /> Recommended for GCSE level or higher, relevant for anyone studying English.
Stylistics, Rhetoric and Writing Techniques BundleQuick View

Stylistics, Rhetoric and Writing Techniques Bundle

4 Resources
This bundle contains key information on Stylistics, Rhetoric and Writing Techniques, providing a comprehensive overview of how to analyse critically and write with flourish. <br /> <br /> Contains:<br /> > Glossary of rhetorical devices<br /> > Glossary of linguistic and stylistic terminology<br /> > An introduction to stylistic analysis<br /> > Key grammatical rules and conventions.<br /> <br /> Valuable resources for students to improve analysis and writing capabilities. Save over 50%!<br /> <br /> Recommended for GCSE level and above.
Of Mice and Men - Tension in chapter 3,   A* analysisQuick View

Of Mice and Men - Tension in chapter 3, A* analysis

Explorative essay of tension in the first half of chapter 3 in Of Mice and Men.<br /> <br /> Includes:<br /> - Carlson's and his approach to killing Candy's dog.<br /> - Impact of the scene with the letter in the magazine.<br /> - Themes of the American dream.<br /> - Personification of the silence.<br /> - Dramatic impact.<br /> <br /> How tension is explored in depth.
Of Mice and Men - Opening scene analysisQuick View

Of Mice and Men - Opening scene analysis

Detailed and close analysis of the descriptive opening in Of Mice and Men.<br /> <br /> Includes:<br /> - Themes of loneliness and isolation<br /> - Presentation of light<br /> - Themes of the American Dream<br /> - Animal vs Human presence<br /> - Unsustainability of the Edenic scene<br /> <br /> Key and clear text analysis.<br />
A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - Character AnalysisQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire revision notes - Character Analysis

<p>Full and comprehensive analysis of both major and minor characters within A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.</p> <p>Detailed notes made to an A* grade A-Level standard.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Blanche</li> <li>Stanley</li> <li>Stella</li> <li>Mitch</li> <li>Minor characters - eg: Eunice, Allan Grey, Shep Huntleigh…</li> </ul> <p>Focus on:</p> <ul> <li>Close language analysis</li> <li>Salient character traits</li> <li>Significant quotes</li> </ul> <p>Set out in a clear, logical and helpful format:</p> <ul> <li>Sections colour-coded according to scene - with a key in the header.</li> <li>Quotes clearly indicated.</li> <li>Important details emboldened.</li> <li>Sections separated by clear, collapsible headings.</li> <li>Descriptive sub-headings throughout.</li> </ul> <p>A beneficial aid to any top-grade analysis of the play to A-Level standard.</p>
GCSE History - WW1 Causes and Events - past paper questionsQuick View

GCSE History - WW1 Causes and Events - past paper questions

A series of answers to 4 and 6 mark past paper questions on the causes and events of the First World War.<br /> The 4 mark questions instruct students to 'describe'; the 6 mark questions require them to 'explain'.<br /> <br /> The resource is useful for those looking to revise the causes and events of WW1 as well as practicing how to approach and structure different types of questions. <br /> <br /> The topics covered include:<br /> &gt; The alliance system before 1914<br /> &gt; Sarajevo events on 28th June 1914<br /> &gt; No-man's land<br /> &gt; Schlieffen plan<br /> &gt; Conditions in the trenches and trench warfare<br /> &gt; Germany and their U-Boats<br /> &gt; Arms race<br /> &gt; Battle of Jutland<br /> &gt; Colonial rivalry between the powers<br /> &gt; Naval blockade of Germany<br /> &gt; 1905 Moroccan crisis<br /> &gt; Franz Ferdinand's assasination<br /> &gt; Technology on the Western front &amp; Stalemate<br /> &gt; Victors of the war at sea<br /> <br /> Recommended for GCSE history students.