As the exam dates creep closer, we enter mock exam season. I found that as the exam is still quite new it was difficult to find a wide range of practice papers to use which the students hadn’t already sat. Therefore I have created a full mock of paper 2, with reading and writing sections, based around the topic child labour which is a topic which may crop up in the live exam. This resource comes with a full powerpoint which can be used as an informal mock or altered into something more formal looking if desired. I like to make my mock exams as friendly as possible as many of my students do not enjoy mocks or have anxiety regarding exams. Having the mock on powerpoint helps to put my students at ease whilst also building their confidence in exam conditions. Another benefit to having my mocks on powerpoints is so I can break down the questions to my weaker/ more challenging students or run bite sized mocks, whilst for my higher achieving students I can use the powerpoint to help students practice their timings for exam questions. I’m also required to run workshops and hold drop in sessions outside of regular class time for which these mock paper powerpoints are very useful.
The texts featured in this resource are a speech to parliament in 1840’s regarding the conditions of child labour and a 2018 article from The Guardian about human trafficked children. Please be aware that the TES preview can at times distort the look of a resource and this is not a true reflection which is why I have included screenshots of the powerpoint to help you get an idea of what it contains. Hope it helps.
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