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A 19 page Word booklet, which can be added to and altered to suit your teaching style. There are Five PowerPoints to aid delivery with space for student notes, video's, activities to engage and exam practice questions covering the content below for B1 and B2. The suggested exam answers are included with an indication as to how students achieve the individual marks. There is also a separate card match activity and embedded videos in the presentations

Learning Aim B
The roles of organisations in the health and social care sector

B1 The roles of organisations in providing health and social care services
• Ways services are provided by:
 the public sector:
– NHS Foundation Trusts, to include hospitals, mental health services and community
health services
– adult social care
– children’s services
– GP practices
 the voluntary sector
 the private sector.

• Settings where health and social care services are provided to meet different needs, to include:
 hospitals
 day care units
 hospice care
 residential care
 domiciliary care
 the workplace.

B2 Issues that affect access to services
• Referral.
• Assessment.
• Eligibility criteria.

• Barriers to access, to include specific needs, individual preferences, financial, geographical, social, psychological, language.

For more resources for Unit 2 or other BTEC Level 2 and 3 or Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care resources, follow me on TES to find all my resources in one place, with a search facility.

Enjoy your time saved, by purchasing this resource, and spend it doing something lovely!



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5 years ago

Excellent resource. Saved me so much time! Thank you!

Kimberley Roberts

6 years ago

As ever, good PowerPoints to support this course. However, there is still a lack of answers with the Exam Practice Activities, please could these be put in with the files that are downloaded? Or a link in the notes of the PowerPoint slide of where to find the answers on the internet.


7 years ago

Fab, having used Alisons resources for Unit 1 it was a must for Unit 2! Thanks again!


7 years ago

this is my 'go to' place for any resources. Anything that I have ever brought from Alison has been adaptable (if I want to add to or amend eg dates), it correlates well with the text book (one with Russian doll on the front), links to the spec and has obviously taken her some time to put together, which means its a lot easier for me. So thank you so much... I only wish she had a loyalty scheme hahaha


7 years ago

Detailed notes to cover the requirements of the course. Thank you so much. It has been a real lifesaver this term.

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