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Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.

Speaking is a language skill that learners tend to find very challenging, regardless of level, and increased engagement with language that requires them to both reproduce accurately language they are already familiar with, and to be creative with that language in order to produce new language is integral to successful language learning.

The questions feature a range of tenses, such as the present tense, imperfect tense, conditional tense, and wenn + subjunctive + conditional clauses. There is also a significant amount of implicit input on a range of grammatical concepts, such as direct and indirect object pronouns, use of the subjunctive and so on.

I include tenses we may not have formally covered, as the activity is not solely about practising language, but also about actively learning it. I encourage students to look for cues and clues in the questions themselves, and this certainly enables them to engage with new or unknown language successfully, and to progress in their learning.

Questions formats are varied, to ensure maximum opportunity to work with the different ways to ask questions in German. Some questions seek to elicit very similar information, but are asked in different language: this avoids learners simply parroting learned responses to fixed prompts.

I remind students that it is not necessary to tell the truth - the purpose is to create and produce accurate and realistic language. Students can prepare their responses in as much detail as possible on the accompanying planning sheet, remembering that these are conversation starters, so that once they have responded, they should then say something to continue the conversation going.

Frequent and regular engagement with the activity brings the best results: with the planning sheet, students can create and prepare increasingly detailed and more complex responses, reflecting their learning progress. I definitely find it useful to read through the questions together as a whole-group, with students offering initial suggested responses. This ensures everyone can actually access the language, and they also benefit a lot from each others’ ideas.

Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.


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**KS3 GERMAN SPEAKING SKILLS KS4 GERMAN SPEAKING SKILLS GCSE GERMAN SPEAKING SKILLS KS5 GERMAN SPEAKING SKILLS ALEVEL GERMAN SPEAKING SKILLS TWO SETS OF 100 GERMAN CONVERSATION STARTERS @ £3.75 EACH** ***Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.*** Speaking is a language skill that learners tend to find very challenging, and ***increased engagement*** with language that requires them to both reproduce language they are already familiar with, and to be creative with that language in order to produce new language is ***integral to successful language learning***. The questions focus largely on the ***present tense***, with some examples of the ***past tenses***. I include tenses we may not have formally covered, as the activity is not solely about ***practising language***, but also about ***actively learning*** it. I encourage students to look for cues and clues in the questions themselves, and this certainly enables them to engage with new or unknown language successfully, and to progress in their learning. Each card has an image: some of these are ***specific visual prompts*** to help students infer meaning; some are more ***generic images***. I do use images as much as possible with this kind of activity, not only to provide the prompt, but also to add to the ***visual appeal*** of it, which is a real ***motivator for learning***. I remind students that it is not necessary to tell the truth - the purpose is to ***create and produce accurate and realistic language***. Students can prepare their responses in as much detail as possible on the accompanying ***planning sheet***, remembering that these are conversation starters, so that once they have responded, they should then say something to keep the conversation going. As a whole-group activity, distribute the cards amongst your students, one or several. Ideally, they should walk around the classroom, asking questions, and swapping cards. For pair or small-group work, students can work in a designated area. This really helps them focus closely on the language, and helps learners who are slightly less confident working with a larger group. ***The starters broadly address the following themes:*** ***Set 1:*** personal information : family & routines at home : hobbies & free time : likes & dislikes : local environment : food & drink school & studies : sport & healthy living countries & languages : weather & seasons ***Set 2:*** music : film & television literature & culture : personal life, information & preferences : leisure & free time : health & well-being : history & society : recent & current events : travel, tourism & holidays technology & social media : likes & dislikes local environment : environmental & social issues : education & studies ***Have a browse in my store for more German resources, with special offer bundles, German resource boxes, and lots of freebies.*** **VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IN DER DEUTSCHSTUNDE!**



**PRIMARY GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS KS2 GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS KS3 GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS THREE SETS OF 99 BEGINNER WORDS AND PHRASES WITH MATCHING ENGLISH CARDS AND 18-PAGE REFERENCE, RECALL AND WRITE WORKBOOKS @ £3.00 EACH IN THE BUNDLE** ***Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use.*** ***297 beginner German words & phrases*** with matching ***English*** vocabulary cards, ***198 cards*** in each set, ***594 vocabulary cards*** in total, ideal for independent learning. ***The vocabulary groups across the three sets are:*** Begrüßungen : Zahlen 0-60 : Tage der Woche : Monate des Jahres : Jahreszeiten : Wetter : Körper / Körperteile : Farben : meine Familie : Tiere : Obst und Gemüse : Schulfächer : Alltagswörter : Deutsch im Klassenzimmer : Fragen und Antworten The cards are really versatile, and the set includes descriptions of a range of games and activities that students can try in ***German class***. The ***Reference, Recall & Write*** book has 18 pages. It includes an alphabetical ***German-English*** reference list of all 99 words & phrases. The recall and write challenges help students familiarize themselves with, and really embed, the range of vocabulary in the set, and also get used to reading, writing and spelling in ***German***. My students use their recall workbooks several times, simply covering previous answers. This means that prep and paper are kept to a minimum. ***There are three written recall challenges in the workbook:*** = Challenge 1 students write the English word or phrase from a German prompt, with all the words and phrases grouped together in the same category = Challenge 2 with this challenge, students write the words or phrases in German from an English prompt, and again, they're all group together in the same category = Challenge 3 the final challenge ‘switches’ at each question from German to English, and lists words and phrases randomly from each category. This challenges the memory more than when the vocabulary is in the order learners first learn it in, with the additional challenge of moving between the two languages = Meine Notizen und Neuer Wortschatz encourages students to reflect on their learning and to note any new vocabulary they may learn Laminate the game cards if you can as they're more learner-friendly, and they will remain in excellent conditional for years. ***Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IM DEUTSCHUNTERRICHT!**



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