Rainy_violet's Shop
Rainy_violet's Shop
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After a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and some time in industry; I finally found my calling as a secondary school teacher in Chemistry. Enjoy! Please review the resources you buy in order for me to improve my teaching and my lessons

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KS3 Unit 8c Biology - Respiration

Aimed for High and Low ability Year 8 - there are different slides in the same powerpoint when relating to either high or low ability (they have different tasks)
It can be adapted whatever class you have
Further to this the lessons can also be split further - but due to time constraints; I was able to get through it all in 6 lessons rather than 8 lessons

8Cb: The gas exchange system
Lesson 1- The lungs (the lungs, cilia-specialised cells)
To describe the structure of the lungs
To use a model to explain breathing
To explain how specialised cells keep the lungs clean

Lesson 2 - Diffusion and gas exchange
To explain how diffusion occurs
To explain how the lungs are adapted for efficient gas exchange
To observe a lung dissection

8Cc: Exercise and smoking
Lesson 3 - Exercise
To understand the term ‘pulse rate’
To explain the changes in heart rate and breathing rate during exercise
To conclude and evaluate the results

Lesson 4 - Smoking
To explain the circulatory system
To explain the effects of the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke on the body
To describe how asthma, emphysema and tobacco tar can reduce gas exchange

8Cd: Aerobic respiration
Lesson 5 - Aerobic respiration (process, word/symbol equations) higher and lower lesson
To know where respiration happens
To be able to write the word (and symbol) equation for respiration
To describe ways in which respiration can be detected

Lesson 6: Comparing gas exchange
To describe how gas exchange occurs in plants
To describe how gas exchange occurs in fish
To compare and contrast the gas exchange systems of plants and other animals

8Ce: Anaerobic respiration
Lesson 6 - Anaerobic respiration
To explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
To model anaerobic respiration using a word equations
To explain why anaerobic activity cannot be sustained

7 lessons including practicals
(can be split to 8 if required but not needed for last lesson)

Targeted towards specification

All extension questions available on each slide
Answers all underneath each slide
Support also available where necessary
AfL sections and mini quizzes
Reducing the need for photocopying - more sheets than usual required in this section of work

Enjoy !!!




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7 years ago

Very useful resources thank you

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