Topics that inspire! Classroom tested with great success.
All oral presentation topics are based on research. Key words guide the student's web research. Guidelines for research are provided. Cooperative learning is required. Suggestions are given for audience response. Spain: Bicycling and queens, cities and paintings! Students investigate and present many facets of Spain’s rich culture.
2. Three levels of difficulty, A, B and C. Each level is on a separate page.
3. Level A provides the student 3 suggestions, level B gives the student 4 suggestions and level C, 6 suggestions. Group work is required to divide the assignments and prepare for a class presentation.
4. There is always a central theme. All topics are guided. First sentences are provided.
Presente B has 8 topics about Spain, each divided into three levels of difficulty. Here are the topics and some examples.
1. Visita Madrid – Each student acts as a tourist guide, guía de turismo, and takes the audience on a guided tour. One example:
- ¡Tenemos mucha suerte! Esta semana celebramos la fiesta de San Isidro. Les voy a explicar la fiesta y vamos a participar.
Palabras clave: Madrid + Fiesta de San Isidro
2. ¡Felicidades¡ Students hand out a prize and explain what it is for. One example:
- Los Premios Zarcillo son para los mejores vinos españoles. Me complace otorgar el Gran Zarcillo de Oro y hablar de la región donde crece la vid del ganador.
Palabras clave: Premios Zarcillo + Gran Zarcillo de Oro
3. «Vuestra Majestad» Participate in an «audience» with the queen, Isabel la Católica. An example:
- Vuestra Majestad, vengo con alimentos del Nuevo Mundo. (Escoge varios.) Voy a decir cómo se llaman y dar sus colores y tamaños.
Palabras clave: alimentos del Nuevo Mundo
4. Guernica – Oral presentations on the painting, the town, the bombing, all with the same name.
5. La Vuelta a España - Report on Spain´s national bicycle race, the Spanish equivalent to the Tour de France.
6. Monumentos – Associate an iconic landmark with a city.
- Cuenca es la ciudad de las Casas Colgadas. Yo también tengo fotos. Es una ciudad fortificada. Es una ciudad bonita.
Palabras clave: Cuenca + Casas Colgadas
7. Toros – A controversial subject. Different students explore and present conflicting opinions.
8. Don Quijote – Spain´s most famous book and its illustrious protagonist, Don Quijote.
- Voy a hablar de Sancho Panza, el segundo personaje del libro. Primero, usando un cuadro, voy a describir su aspecto físico. Luego, voy a describir su carácter.
Palabras clave: Sancho Panza
All oral presentation topics are based on research. Key words guide the student's web research. Guidelines for research are provided. Cooperative learning is required. Suggestions are given for audience response. Spain: Bicycling and queens, cities and paintings! Students investigate and present many facets of Spain’s rich culture.
2. Three levels of difficulty, A, B and C. Each level is on a separate page.
3. Level A provides the student 3 suggestions, level B gives the student 4 suggestions and level C, 6 suggestions. Group work is required to divide the assignments and prepare for a class presentation.
4. There is always a central theme. All topics are guided. First sentences are provided.
Presente B has 8 topics about Spain, each divided into three levels of difficulty. Here are the topics and some examples.
1. Visita Madrid – Each student acts as a tourist guide, guía de turismo, and takes the audience on a guided tour. One example:
- ¡Tenemos mucha suerte! Esta semana celebramos la fiesta de San Isidro. Les voy a explicar la fiesta y vamos a participar.
Palabras clave: Madrid + Fiesta de San Isidro
2. ¡Felicidades¡ Students hand out a prize and explain what it is for. One example:
- Los Premios Zarcillo son para los mejores vinos españoles. Me complace otorgar el Gran Zarcillo de Oro y hablar de la región donde crece la vid del ganador.
Palabras clave: Premios Zarcillo + Gran Zarcillo de Oro
3. «Vuestra Majestad» Participate in an «audience» with the queen, Isabel la Católica. An example:
- Vuestra Majestad, vengo con alimentos del Nuevo Mundo. (Escoge varios.) Voy a decir cómo se llaman y dar sus colores y tamaños.
Palabras clave: alimentos del Nuevo Mundo
4. Guernica – Oral presentations on the painting, the town, the bombing, all with the same name.
5. La Vuelta a España - Report on Spain´s national bicycle race, the Spanish equivalent to the Tour de France.
6. Monumentos – Associate an iconic landmark with a city.
- Cuenca es la ciudad de las Casas Colgadas. Yo también tengo fotos. Es una ciudad fortificada. Es una ciudad bonita.
Palabras clave: Cuenca + Casas Colgadas
7. Toros – A controversial subject. Different students explore and present conflicting opinions.
8. Don Quijote – Spain´s most famous book and its illustrious protagonist, Don Quijote.
- Voy a hablar de Sancho Panza, el segundo personaje del libro. Primero, usando un cuadro, voy a describir su aspecto físico. Luego, voy a describir su carácter.
Palabras clave: Sancho Panza
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