Hi! Here, you'll find mainly phonic related resources - Phase 2 to 6 and Year 3 spellings.
No matter what systematic synthetic phonics teaching programme you follow, these resources will support and enhance your teaching and your children's learning.
I've worked 16 years in KS1 and 3 years in Year 3.
After spending a super last year in Year 1, I have now retired!!! But i will continue to share my resources with teachers everywhere!! Enjoy!
Phase 6: ppt and table cards [including a set of cards with Sassoon font] for past tense ‘ed’ words - four rules:
1. just add ‘ed’;
2. double the last letter if there’s a short vowel just before it, and then add ‘ed’;
3. if the words ends in an ‘e’, just add a ‘d’;
4. if the word ends in a ‘y’, change the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ and then add 'ed.
Can be printed on card or laminated for group work.
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