zip, 286.34 KB
zip, 286.34 KB

Place value calculation charts, colour coded for mastery and showing links with multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.

Download these editable, easy to use, charts showing place value titles to build confidence. Ensure mastery and accuracy. There is no space for the decimal point on the charts to prevent the common misconception.

Available in lots of formats:

  • Enlarged for modelling multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
  • Blank chart to laminate for multilpying and dividing by 10 (labelled arrows drawn on to show movement)
  • Black and white printable chart for children to write on and move numbers on 7 blank lines
  • Colour coded chart showing the place value titles grouped into 3s to enhance understanding

Various charts could be used in a maths toolkit, stuck into maths books or homework books, put on display or as helpful sheets on tables. Or print out place value title cards with matching colours for a maths sorting activity or an interactive display.

Check out my other popular maths resources at The Teachallenjoy Shop.

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6 months ago

We are pleased to let you know that your resource Place Value Charts, has been hand-picked by the Tes resources content team to be featured in in September 2024 on Congratulations on your resource being chosen and thank you for your ongoing contributions to the Tes Resources marketplace.

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