ppt, 33.28 MB
ppt, 33.28 MB

This is a very visual PowerPoint presentation (41 slides) on river drainage basin systems. It is a good introduction to the unit on rivers and is the 1st in a series of 6 PowerPoint presentations that covers the whole unit on rivers for Cambridge IGCSE. This PowerPoint is **free ** so that others can sample my work without paying any money before deciding on purchasing my other PowerPoints if they wish to do so. Over the coming months I will be uploading material for IGCSE and A-level geography.

The learning objectives for this power point is:

  • Explain the main hydrological characteristics and processes which operate within rivers and drainage basins
Creative Commons "Sharealike"



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5 months ago

Super useful free resource - thanks so much for sharing! 5 stars.


2 years ago

Well prepared. Very usable. Thank you.


2 years ago

Excellent Power point file! I plan on downloading this seller's other resources.


3 years ago

This is an excellent PPT with loads of photos, animations and graphs, which are essential for understanding any processes related to rivers, especially considering that many students are from cities and are not familiar with natural processes like this. Good real life examples are also mentioned in the PPT. I plan on purchasing other PPTs from this seller in the near future.


3 years ago

This is an excellent powerpoint that sticks closely to the CAIE syllabus. It is very clear, has many visuals and good examples in it.

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