docx, 139.17 KB
docx, 139.17 KB
pdf, 68.28 KB
pdf, 68.28 KB
docx, 115.48 KB
docx, 115.48 KB
Many schools are still using the 'I Can' statements for RE assessment, which means they are probably still using levels. This version uses the familiar statements but some have been tweaked so that the focus is not 'I can', but the pupil can. Rather than using levels, the Simple Assessment version uses age-appropriate expectations to provide assessment in RE from Year R to Year 9. There is a Word version here and a PDF. The other document is the Six Areas of Enquiry from the RE Council, which underpin the Simple Assessment. There is also a full set of excel spreadsheets - one for each year. These are held at
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5 years ago

We are reviewing our assessment in RE and this is really helpful. Thank you.


7 years ago


8 years ago

I am a HLTA who delivers RE in a primary school and was asked to provide some feedback to be included in end of year reports. I found this document very helpful compared to the 'I can statements'. Thank you

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