Tha comas aig speuradairean trèanadh a chumail suas.
Tha samhlaidhean mòra aig ionadan NASA a’ toirt a-steach mòran shuidheachaidhean.
Mar sin chuir an rangachd tàir air an t-saoghal nuair a thuirt e gu robh apathy nuair a bha
chaidh putty àbhaisteach foirmeil a chleachdadh a dh’fhàillig nuair a shèid an Callenger suas
Dh’fhàillig seam rocaid.
Tha cumhachd aig speuradairean gus trèanadh a chumail.
Tha goireasan trèanaidh air an deagh shuidheachadh aig ionadan NASA a tha a’ toirt a-steach iomadh dòigh eadar-dhealaichte
faodaidh rudan tachairt …
Mar sin chuir na ceannardan iongnadh air an t-saoghal nuair a thuirt iad gu robh co-fhaireachdainn ann cuin
chaidh putty àbhaisteach far na sgeilp a chleachdadh a dh’fhàillig nuair a shèid an Callenger suas.
Dh’fhàillig seam rocaid.
Astronauts have tenacity to sustain training.
The NASA complexes have lavish simulations inclusive of many scenarios.
So the hierarchy confounded the world when it asserted that there was apathy when
a formulaic standard putty was used that failed when the Callenger blew up
A rocket seam failed.
Astronauts have staying power to endure training.
The NASA complexes have well appointed training aids that include of many different ways
things can happen…
So the bosses shocked the world when it claimed that there was non-caring when
an off the shelf standard putty was used that failed when the Challenger blew up.
A rocket seam failed.
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