txt, 751 Bytes
txt, 751 Bytes
txt, 973 Bytes
txt, 973 Bytes

Thàinig pailteas de mhion-fhiosrachadh pragmatach gu buil
tubaistean luingeis do-sheachanta tràth san 20mh linn.

B’ e rud bunaiteach a bh’ ann an dèanamh stàilinn agus dh’adhbhraich sin fàilligidhean ann an structaran.

Am bu chòir seo a bhith a’ cur bacadh air daoine ciallach bho bhith a’ togail an Titanic?

Bha seòltachd nan sanasan ag ràdh nach robh i do-chreidsinneach.

Tha miann airson mòrachd, cliù agus adhartas neo-chùramach.

Thàinig mòran de mhion-fhiosrachadh practaigeach làitheil gu buil
tubaistean luingeis do-sheachanta tràth san 20mh linn.

Bha dèanamh stàilinn aig ìre thràth agus dh’adhbhraich e fàilligeadh ann an structaran.

Am bu chòir seo a bhith na sheic do dhaoine glic bho bhith a’ togail an Titanic?

Thuirt òraid lasrach nan sanasan gun robh i do-chreidsinneach.

Chan urrainnear a’ choire a chuir air miann airson mòrachd, cliù agus adhartas.

A profusion of pragmatic mundane details led to
intractable shipping disasters in the early 20th century.

Steel making was rudimentary and instigated failures in structures.

Should this have been a deterrent to judicious people from building the Titanic?

The eloquence of ads claimed she was unsinkable.

A desire for bigness, fame and progress is irreproachable.

A lot of practical everyday details led to
unavoidable shipping disasters in the early 20th century.

Steel making was at an early stage and it led to failures in structures.

Should this have been a check to wise people from building the Titanic?

The flamboyant speech of ads claimed she was unsinkable.

A desire for bigness, fame and progress can’t be blamed.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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