Tha e spùtach agus mì-mhodhail a bhith a’ creidsinn nach do chuir stuthachas bacadh air
Gu follaiseach, nuair a thàinig òr gu bhith na mheadhan airson iomlaid eadar-nàiseanta,
lean ùidhean airgead-airgid stròdhail crìonadh seasmhach.
Bha an sluagh innleachdach agus gun chomas dad a dhèanamh mu dheidhinn.
Tha e ceàrr mealladh a bhith a’ creidsinn nach do chùm gaol nan peinnseanan an
na h-Eiphitich air ais.
Is e sin, nuair a thàinig òr gu bhith na charbad pàighidh eadar-nàiseanta,
thòisich ùidhean sgudail airson airgead a’ crìonadh gu cunbhalach.
Bha na daoine fhèin sàmhach agus gun chumhachd airson dad a dhèanamh mu dheidhinn.
It is spurious and illusory to believe materialism did not impede the
Explicitly, when gold became a medium of international exchange,
prodigal mercenary interests perpetuated a steady decline.
The populous was taciture and powerless to do anything about it.
It is wrong a delusion to believe the love of pocessions did not hold the
Egyptians back.
Namely, when gold became a vehicle of international payment,
wasteful money-seeking interests started a steady decline.
The people themselves was silent and powerless to do anything about it.
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