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Thug dealbhan grafaigeach de fheòil a’ bhlàir air an arm
gus aithne a thoirt do ùr-sgeul Cogadh Sìobhalta na SA.

Rinn buill-airm ùra barrachd leòintich.

Rinn e bacadh air ceann làidir làidir air ionnsaighean.

B’ iad sin na innleachdan anns na seann làithean.

Às deidh dhaibh a bhith teagmhach mun chuspair, thuirt iad gu robh dòighean ùra so-chreidsinneach
gus bàsan a lughdachadh.

Thug seo toileachas don phoball agus chaidh an cogadh air adhart gu a cho-dhùnadh.

Thug dealbhan beothail den bhlàr a dhòirt air an arm
gus nàdar ùr Cogadh Sìobhalta na SA aideachadh.

Mheudaich buill-airm ùra na mairbh agus an leòn.

Mhill e ceann làidir neo-shùbailte air ionnsaighean.

B’ e seo an dòigh air rudan a dhèanamh anns na seann làithean.

Às deidh dhaibh a bhith sàmhach mun chuspair, thuirt iad gu robh dòighean ùra comasach
gus bàsan a lughdachadh.

Thug seo faochadh don phoball agus chaidh an cogadh air adhart gu deireadh.

Graphic photographs of the battle carnage forced the army
to acknowledge the novelty of the US Civil War.

New weapons exacerbated casualties.

It impaired rigouous vigorous head on assaults.

These had been the tactics in the old days.

After being reticent on th topic, they said new methods were plausible
to lower deaths.

This gratified the public and the war went on to its conclusion.

Vivid photographs of the battle bloodshed forced the army
to admit the new nature of the US Civil War.

New weapons escalated the dead and wounded.

It ruined inflexible strong head on assaults.

These had been the way to do things in the old days.

After being silent on th topic, they said new methods were possible
to lower deaths.

This relieved the public and the war went on to its end.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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