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Bha comann-sòisealta meadhan-aoiseil ann an staing.

Chuir an structar sòisealta aca bacadh air ùidhean mercenary.

Mar a tha comann-sòisealta airgead-tionndaidh air a shoilleireachadh le ciamar
riaghaltasan maoinichte le cothrom.

Bha an calpa a bha a dhìth air luchd-dùbhlain amharasach.

Chaidh iad còirichean airson an cuid dhaoine mar seo.

Bha mòran a’ càineadh agus a’ càineadh a’ phròiseis.

Tha eisimpleirean mìneachaidh pailt.

Bha comann-sòisealta meadhan-aoiseil ann an suidheachadh duilich.

Bha an structar sòisealta aca a’ cumail ùidhean airgid air ais.

Tha mar a tha airgead air a chosg air comann-sòisealta air a shealltainn le ciamar
luchd-gabhail cothrom a’ maoineachadh riaghaltasan.

Bha an airgead a bha a dhìth air luchd-iomairt àrdanach.

Chaidh iad còirichean airson an cuid dhaoine mar seo.

Bha mòran a’ gearain agus a’ càineadh a’ phròiseis.

Tha eisimpleirean deilbh pailt.

Medieval society was in a quandary.

Their social structure hampered mercenary interests.

How money inverted society is elucidated by how
opportunists funded governments.

Presumptuous oppourtunists had the capital needed.

They gone rights for their people like this.

Many ranted and decried the process.

Explanatory examples abound.

Medieval society was in a difficult situation.

Their social structure held back money interests.

How money upended society is shown by how
chance takers funded governments.

Arrogant adventurers had the cash needed.

They gone rights for their people like this.

Many complained and condemned the process.

Illustrative examples are plentiful.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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