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Tron Chogadh Ar-a-mach, sheall George Washington cunbhalachd.

Cha do rinn e gnìomhan neo-riaghailteach.

Bha co-chòrdadh aig an Arm.

Ge-tà; gu h-ìoranta gu leòr, thug buaidh droch bhuaidh.

Bha fuireach neo-ghnìomhach na bhrosnachadh le droch thoraidhean.

Chaidh an t-arm an sàs ann an Newburg New York, a’ feitheamh ris na Breatannaich Cathair New York fhàgail.

Dh’èirich buairidhean mòra leis na h-oifigearan a bha buailteach do cheannairc mu phàigheadh.

Bha e na chùis trom-tharraing.

Tha mar a chuir Washington a-mach e fhèin bhon t-suidheachadh seo mar phàirt den chliù aige.

Tron Chogadh Ar-a-mach, sheall George Washington seasmhachd.

Cha do rinn e gnìomhan mìorbhaileach.

Ghlan an t-Arm ri chèile.

Ge-tà; gu h-annasach gu leòr, thug buaidh buaidh millteach.

Bha fuireach neo-ghnìomhach na adhbhar droch thoraidhean.

Chruinnich an t-arm ann an Newburg New York, a’ feitheamh ris na Breatannaich Cathair New York fhàgail.

Dh’èirich buaireadh mòr leis na h-oifigearan a’ tuiteam nan cobhartach airson ar-a-mach mu phàigheadh.

Bha e na chùis fìor dhona.

Tha mar a fhuair Washington e fhèin a-mach às a’ chùis seo mar phàirt den chliù aige.

Throughout the Revolutionary War, George Washington showed consistency.

He did no arbitrary actions.

The Army had coherence.

However; ironically enough, victory had deleterious effects.

Staying inactive was a catalyst with bad results.

The army stagnated in Newburg New York, waiting for the British to leave New York City.

Profound temptations arose with the officers susceptible to mutiny over pay.

It was a matter of upmost gravity.

How Washington extricated himself from this siuation is part pf his fame.

Throughout the Revolutionary War, George Washington showed steadiness.

He did no whimsical actions.

The Army stuck together.

However; oddly enough, victory had destructive effects.

Staying inactive was a cause of bad results.

The army festered in Newburg New York, waiting for the British to leave New York City.

Great temptations arose with the officers falling prey to mutiny over pay.

It was a matter of utmost seriousness.

How Washington got himself out of this situation is part of his fame.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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