Worksheet designed for low ability Y8 groups to get on with independently during speaking assessment. Designed for a group who struggled to complete Linguascope sheets and Gianfranco Conti sheets in a cover lesson so needed something simpler.
Worksheet on the topic of clothing designed for low ability Y8 groups to get on with independently during speaking assessment. Designed for a group who struggled to complete Linguascope sheets and Gianfranco Conti sheets in a cover lesson so needed something simpler.
Cover lesson worksheet for a low ability Year 8 class.
A series of tasks to work through to build up from learning the vocab to using it in a sentence.
Not very exciting, but thought it might save someone a bit of time.
Knowledge Organisers for my Y9 curriculum, including:
Revision and enhancement of Y7 basics (self, appearance, personality, family) in the guise of a Loft Story (Big Brother) themed project.
Media, TV, film, leisure activities.
Healthy Living
Customs and Festivals
Education and Future Career Plans
The KOs are divided into Productive Language (what we teach students to say and write) and Receptive Language (mostly taken from the AQA specification list) which they need to understand for Reading and Listening but don’t necessarily need to use in their own work.
The KOs can be used to structure lesson planning, as a sentence builder or scaffold for students during written/spoken tasks, and for setting homework (typically half a column per week for vocab tests).
I hope you find these useful. Check out my other resources if you did. :)
A cover lesson introducing language for the photo card at AQA GCSE (for the 4-sentences writing task, and as a starting point for the speaking exam). This is for a low ability Y9 group.
-hay + nouns
-es + height/build
-tiene + hair description
-lleva + basic clothing
4 pictures for students to describe.
A simple reading task to introduce the perfect tense with Year 8.
Pupils use their existing knowledge of verbs in the present tense/infinitive to identify the meaning of past tense verbs in the text, leading to a discussion of how the perfect tense is formed.
Aimed at Y8 pupils, alongside Expo 2, Module 2 but could easily be used with weak Y9s too.
Reading text suitable for Y9 or KS4.
Description of primary school (c’était, il y avait) and ideal school (ce serait, il y aurait) plus other verbs in the imperfect and conditional tenses.
Could lead to practice of these structures and students producing their own written work.
Reading task to revise the perfect tense with Y9 after teaching illness with 'j'ai mal au...'.
Pupils match 2 halves of sentences and work out which illness would result from which activity.
As extension, I set 'find the French' on various time phrases and connectives used in the speech bubbles.
Differentiated reading tasks for a very mixed ability top/middle set Y10 French group.
B/C text focuses on recognition and usage of key verbs in the perfect and imperfect tense.
A* version assumes pupils are already confident with the 2 tenses and introduces a range of advanced structures which they can use to develop their work.
Vocabulary lists produced for most modules of Y7, 8 and 9 French, roughly following the Expo textbook. Year 7: 1) Basic introductions, numbers, colours 2) Family and pets 3) House and home 4) School and daily routine Year 8: 1) Revision module (talking about family, where you live) + jobs and weather 2) Temps libre - introducing past tense 3) Les sorties - modal verbs, clothes 4) Manger et boire 5) Les vacances Year 9: 1) Future plans (Module 2 of Expo 3) 2) Interests/leisure/culture (Module 1 of Expo 3) 3) Healthy living
These word loops are intended for retrieval practice of vocabulary from the AQA GCSE Specification.
They can be used in class for self-quizzing in the following ways:
-Have the loop running as the class comes into the room. Students aim to shout out the English meaning of each word before it appears on the board.
-Paired competition - in pairs, aim to be quicker than their partner to say the answer. Give a tally to whoever answers correctly each time.
-Self-quiz memory challenge - students silently try to recall the English meaning of each word before it appears. If they are correct, give themselves a tally point. Total up at the end. Then repeat and aim for a new personal best.
My aim is to have these produced for all units and drop them into lessons throughout the year so students are reminded of language from previous topics.
Printable knowledge organisers for KS3 French.
Can be used as a basis for SoW (ie: what content to cover), as a scaffold in lessons, and for independent learning (self-quizzing for homework).
Productive KOs include verb phrases and key vocabulary that has been selected because it is transferable or is easy to say/spell in test conditions.
Receptive KOs are at word level and contain key language taken from the AQA specification, aimed at exposing pupils to a wider range of this from KS3.
Topics covered (so far) are:
Food and drink
Leisure/free time activities
Pocket money, chores, jobs
Going out in town
There are also KOs on key verbs in 3 tenses, and on quality language/opinions to be used across all topics.
Word loops are included for class retrieval practice of Food and Drink topic. Pupils aim to recall the translation of a word before the answers appear on the screen.
Year 7 reading activity with three short texts including opinions and reasons. Could be suitable for cover work.
Part 1 - match pictures to the texts.
Part 2 - true or false.
A cover lesson introducing language for the photo card at AQA GCSE (for the 4-sentences writing task, and as a starting point for the speaking exam). This is for a low ability Y9 group.
-il y a + nouns
-il/elle est + height/build
-il/elle a + hair description
-il/elle a + basic clothing
4 pictures for students to describe.
Used with an Asset Spanish class, so is fairly basic. Would probably be OK for KS3 or a Foundation GCSE group.
Read descriptions of people's jobs/where they work, and match with job titles previously learned.
To revise for a reading assessment towards the end of Expo 2 Module 3 (Les sorties), testing knowledge from Modules 1, 2 and 3.
Includes free time activities, perfect tense, modal verbs.
Print p.1 on plain paper and give a sheet to each group to highlight key words, etc.
Print p.2 on different colours of card and cut into strips (each question on a different strip).
Give each group Q1 - when they have written their answer on the strip of card, they bring it to you and you give them Q2. It's a race to finish first (or get the most questions answered within the time limit).
My pupils loved this and asked if we could do it again soon.
Description of 8 traditioanl French dishes to match to their names.
Pupils will need to research the food items in order to work it out.
Builds up to pupils writing their own paragraph to describe a food item.
Aim to develop comprehension skills and learn some new vocabulary whilst gaining cultural knowledge about French food.