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Teaching curriculum topics linked to racism and handling racist world events

Teaching curriculum topics linked to racism and handling racist world events

A lesson planning guide for teaching a curriculum topic that is linked to race and racism, or for when a potentially traumatic racist incident occurs in the wider world. The UK Trauma Council defines trauma as ‘a distressing event or events that are so extreme or intense that they overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, resulting in lasting negative impact.’ When this event or events are related to race, it is sometimes known as ‘racial trauma’. Experiencing overt racism – for example being a victim of a racially-motivated hate crime - could cause a trauma response in young people. However, racism can have a traumatic impact even when it isn’t something that directly happens to you. Racist and race-related events may occur in the wider world that may cause traumatic responses in young people; for example, the 2020 murder of George Floyd in the United States. There may also be topics that are part of the curriculum – for example, learning about slavery or the Holocaust in history lessons – that may be painful for young people to learn about. In this resource, we have created a lesson planning guide for teaching a curriculum topic that is linked to race and racism, or for when a potentially traumatic racist incident occurs in the wider world.
Supporting students who have experienced racism

Supporting students who have experienced racism

Information for staff on how best to support a student who has experienced racism and where else to seek support. Children and young people can experience racism in many different forms. It can include verbal abuse and name-calling; racist comments during a discussion or encouraging others to behave in a racist way. Sometimes racism can include damage to property, physical intimidation or violent attacks. All schools should have a clear structure and process for reporting racist incidents, and must create one if they do not. It is important to create opportunities to hear students’ voices and to have a clear framework for reporting racist incidents. Research has found links between experiencing racism and a detrimental impact to mental health. This resource shares guidance for schools on how to support the mental health of a young person who has experienced racism, as well as how to address the incident and further suggestions for tackling racism in schools.
Microaggressions: staff meeting presentation and guidance

Microaggressions: staff meeting presentation and guidance

A PowerPoint and guidance on delivering a presentation about microaggressions to staff members. A microaggression is ‘an act or a remark that discriminates against one or more members of a minority group, either deliberately or by mistake’. Research has found that experiencing microaggressions can have a significant impact on mental health. Through this training, staff will learn more about: what microaggressions are the mental health impact of experiencing microaggressions how to avoid committing microaggressions what to do if they experience or witness a microaggression. This training session is an introduction to the topic of microaggressions, and can easily be delivered by someone without much or any prior knowledge of the topic. It was designed to be delivered by a senior leader in a school to all school staff including support staff.
Supporting staff from racially minoritised groups

Supporting staff from racially minoritised groups

Information about the impact of racism on school staff, and guidance for schools on how to foster a safe and supportive environment. Some schools already have excellent initiatives in place to support their staff’s mental health and wellbeing, making it a whole-school priority. Schools are becoming aware that in order to properly support the wellbeing of students, the wellbeing of staff must be treated with equal importance. This resource helps schools specifically think about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of staff from racially minoritised groups. It covers topics that may impact the mental health of staff from these groups, including the ‘hidden workload’ and the diversity of the teaching profession. The resource then shares advice for schools on action to take, and includes a case study from Rahi Popat, a teacher in Leicester.
Exam and assessment stress: guidance for staff in further education colleges

Exam and assessment stress: guidance for staff in further education colleges

Stress around exams and assessments is normal, but it can also impact negatively on college work and day-to-day life. Get practical advice on helping your students through these periods of stress. This resource provides information for college staff on how to identify if a student is struggling with exam and assessment stress, and how to support them.
Anxiety: guidance for staff in further education colleges

Anxiety: guidance for staff in further education colleges

Information on common causes of anxiety, signs to spot and what to do if you suspect a student is having issues with anxiety. A detailed booklet of guidance for staff in further education colleges, sharing information on how to spot issues with anxiety in students and how to help.
Eating disorders: guidance for staff in further education colleges

Eating disorders: guidance for staff in further education colleges

Most eating disorders develop during adolescence, so college is a significant time for those struggling with eating disorders. Learn more about how to support your students and where else to get help. Support and guidance for staff in further education colleges on the topic of eating disorders, sharing signs to spot, conversation starters and who else to involve.
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools

Supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools

A booklet for primary and secondary schools to support all staff working in school settings to understand how best to help children and young people in their care. Developed with our child mental health experts, the booklet explains in simple terms what to do if you are worried about a child or young person in your school, and includes information on a range of topics including anxiety, low mood and self-harm. The colourful, informative pages could also be printed and displayed as posters in staff areas.
Engaging Parents

Engaging Parents

As part of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families ‘You’re never too young to talk mental health’ campaign we’ve released a series of expert advice videos for schools on a range of topics. Here, Brenda McHugh, Consultant Psychotherapist, gives advice to school staff about engaging with parents.
Coronavirus - Supporting schools & colleges

Coronavirus - Supporting schools & colleges

Our free Supporting schools and colleges booklet provides advice and guidance for school staff about how to help children and young people manage their mental health and wellbeing during times of disruption to their learning.