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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Unit plan

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Unit plan

A Unit plan designed for a 9 week term. It includes syllabus objectives, a description of the unit, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources.A Scope and Sequence suggesting topics to be covered throughout the term is provided. A Learning Intention and Success Criteria handout for students to glue into the front of their work books Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This unit allows students to demonstrate planning, evaluation and inquiry by investigating the role technology, in particular the internet and social media, plays in their own life. They will explore the advantages and challenges associated with changing technology and how they can be safe when using it. Students will evaluate and analyse how science and technology has advanced the way we interact and improve our way of living. Students will learn how science and technology can help out society in the 21st Century. They will also learn the effects that science and technology have on society.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Types of Identity theft

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Types of Identity theft

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. A PowerPoint which goes through some of the key terms that students were to find for their Inquiry booklet. This is helpful to run before they write their essay as it allows those who have misunderstood key terms to go back and amend theirs. Key terms which are defined are: scam, fraud, identity theft and financial fraud. There is a ‘brain break’ clip (from the comedy film ‘Identity Thief’) followed by a series of slides about particular types of identity theft. I have underlined key parts that students should write down. These notes are useful for students to refer to as they look for case studies to include in their essay as they can provide helpful search terms. Students are reminded about the cognitive verb ‘explain’ and how this relates to criteria 1.2 and 1.3 in this subject. They are given some general sentence starters that can be used when explaining and an example question which we talk through as a class (think alouds) and consider how we would answer it. There is information about the difference between a task that asks you to ‘describe’ and one that asks you to ‘explain.’ I then use the film Shrek as an example with the screen split into two and a series of dot points which exemplify description vs explanation. Afterwards, there is an example paragraph about the evolution of the radio (which contains spelling errors and does not follow TEEL). Students are to mark it using the ‘I Can’ checklist and discuss how it could be improved. To link this to our assessment, we discuss how students will need to explain the case studies they have found about people who have been victims of identity theft. There is a graphic organiser which students can use as they read their case studies to ensure they have enough information to be useful in their essay. There is a time filler activity at the back of the slide in case the lesson progresses more quickly than expected. It contains some helpful tips from the University of Queensland about how to protect your identity. NB: This resource also includes a handout given to students in the lesson and an article which students can use to practice filling in the graphic organiser.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Identifying perspectives

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Identifying perspectives

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This lesson is designed to help students prepare to write about specific case studies of people who have had their identity stolen. It revises key terms (viewpoint and perspective) and how this differs from bias. It also includes opportunities to practice identifying viewpoints in websites / news stories about identity theft / financial fraud. What you get: A PowerPoint which I use to facilitate the lesson (I have a lot of visual learners). It goes through the structure for body 2 where students will have to utilise the skills they learn today. We revisit the cognitive verb ‘explain’ and the graphic organiser that we intend to use to retrieve information from the sources we find. Then there is a ‘we do’ activity where the class reads an article entitled ‘From catfish to romance fraud, how to avoid getting caught in any online scam’ together and fills in the graphic organiser. Then there is a ‘you do’ where students view a clip from 60 minutes and fill in the same graphic organiser. Afterwards, there are some post viewing discussion questions. Students are then introduced to the cognitive verbs 'compare’ and ‘contrast.’ For the remainder of the lesson, students use the internet to find example case studies. NB: This resource also includes a handout which includes two articles that contain viewpoints about Identity Theft as well as some sentence starters which students can use when comparing and contrasting viewpoints (a skill they are required to demonstrate in their upcoming essay).
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - learning how to evaluate

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - learning how to evaluate

A lesson designed to teach students the skills that they need to complete their inquiry booklet. This lesson focuses on teaching students how to evaluate whether a source is reliable and worth quoting in their essay. It also practices the skill of drawing key points from sources like web pages and news articles. A PowerPoint which introduces students to the cognitive verb ‘evaluate’ and gives them an opportunity to practice evaluating sources provided by the teacher. It includes an explanation of the graphic organiser students need to complete in their inquiry booklet. There is an explanation of how to evaluate to meet criteria 2.1 to a C standard and to an A standard. Then they read an article about Social media and try to work out which points are most important. I have modelled answers on the slide as a way of talking through my decision making process. I also have included my answers to the graphic organiser. This is followed by a ‘brain break’ (interesting video) after which students read another article and do the evaluation independently or in pairs. There are additional activities at the end of the slide for if the students progress through this more quickly than expected. A handout which contains the two articles referred to in the PowerPoint. Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Exploring viewpoints

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Exploring viewpoints

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This lesson was designed to assist students to write a paragraph for their upcoming assessment which shows a range of viewpoints about identity theft / financial fraud (e.g. victim, victim’s family, scammer, Australian police, Australian government). It includes some recommended content to be incorporated into this paragraph (which students work out how to incorporate into a TEEL structure).It includes a review of Criteria 2.2 which is entirely assessed in this paragraph. This is followed by an explanation of where to find viewpoints.To ensure students get off to a good start, there is advice about how to plan and write a clear topic sentence for their paragraph. The lesson is broken up by a brain break video and then students are to complete their paragraph. There is also information about the next paragraph students are to write (and a homework task).
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Unit Plan and Learning Intentions

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Unit Plan and Learning Intentions

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. A Unit plan designed for term 4 (a shorter term.) It includes syllabus objectives, a description of the unit, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources.A Scope and Sequence suggesting topics to be covered throughout the term is provided. A Learning Intention and Success Criteria handout for students to glue into the front of their work books A template for recording differentiations made to accommodate NCCD students. (The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. The NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at school.)
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – peer review checklist & draft feedback form

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – peer review checklist & draft feedback form

A peer review handout for students to use to provide feedback to a peer prior to the draft due date. Excellent for increasing student assessment literacy. NB: to avoid plagiarism the students should bring a printed copy of their essay to class which will be returned to them at the completion of the activity. The handout includes a table with the assessment objectives in the first column & some questions in the middle column which expand on the criteria giving the student prompts for things to comment on if they are missing from their peer’s essay. In the final column they must rate the student for each cognitive verb being assessed (1 – excellent, 2 – satisfactory, 3 – needs attention). There is room for the student to write reasons / suggestions beneath this. At the base of this document is a PMI chart for students to fill in prior to handing the sheet back to their peer. Students then have time to read their feedback and seek clarification from their peer before making modifications to their draft ready to submit to the teacher in the following lesson. A drafting feedback checklist - This checklist was created to aid the teacher to provide consistent feedback to students about their assessment in a timely manner. It has comments for the various parts of the assessment and also includes some proofreading and editing steps. This style of feedback is not indicated on the actual draft itself, but as a separate document, which means that the learner has to locate the issues in their draft for correction. A lifesaver for busy teachers! You can reduce the number of points or use this document as a template to modify to suit your own tasks. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay.
Macbeth Act 5

Macbeth Act 5

This is a PowerPoint which is useful for teaching the final act of the play. It includes dot-point summaries of each act, key quotes and some historical background into how to attack a castle.
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - Inquiry booklet

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - Inquiry booklet

A comprehensive scaffolding booklet which students are to use to conduct their inquiry prior to writing their essay. Teachers may opt to provide some or all sections of this to students based on their ability. It can also be broken up into handouts and used within specific lessons (chunking) with incremental deadlines to ensure students are on track to have found useful sources and analysed/evaluated these making notes about key features to mention within their essay. The booklet includes: • A brainstorming mind map for students to reflect on what they have learned throughout the term (used to aid them to select a topic to focus on in their essay) • A list of key individuals, groups and events prior to and during the Vietnam War (they must investigate an individual / group) to learn about their social, political or ideological views & their impact on the independence movement • Tips for developing a key inquiry question (including an example for another topic) • Tips for developing apt sub questions which are open and incorporate any of the 7 historical concepts which are prioritised in the Queensland syllabus • A graphic organiser for the student to reflect on their key and sub questions • A retrieval chart for students to keep their research organised. Students were advised that they needed to “Locate at least 10 historical sources (minimum two books and five primary sources – the rest can be from journal articles / websites / online sources) that present the perspectives of different people in response to your questions.” • Graphic organisers (using T.A.D.P.O.L.E acronym for students to note key details from sources that are worthy of analysis in their essay. I also added a section where they are prompted to reflect on the usefulness and reliability of the source (as students should be evaluating some of the sources within their essay). • Tips for developing a hypothesis (students should do this prior to writing their essay). • Tips for writing the essay including a suggested word count breakdown for each paragraph. There is information about the TEEASC body paragraph structure recommended on the History Skills website (as an alternative to TEEL). NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay.
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - Unit Introduction

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - Unit Introduction

A PowerPoint designed to be delivered at the end of a term to introduce the next topic (Vietnamese Independence Movement). It is to be run in a quasi-lecture style. Students are given a Cornell notes template to take notes as the lesson proceeds. The lesson begins with three learning goals which helps students know what they need to listen out for as they note take. The lecture includes some information about The Cold War Era before introducing the origins and duration of the Vietnam War. It includes information about America’s involvement in the war. Groups including the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese army are discussed and cartoons and photographic sources are featured. Information about the terrain, climate and wartime experiences of soldiers and civilians are summarised. Clips from the film ‘Good Morning Vietnam’ are used to engage audio-visual learners. Key weapons (agent orange and NAPALM) are explained. As is the Viet Cong Tunnel system and their military tactics. This segues into the reasons for anti-war protest in America and includes information about how photojournalism influenced this movement. Clips from the films ‘Forrest Gump’ and ‘Love and Honour’ are used along with primary sources (photographs). **NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay. **
11 Modern History – Vietnam Independence Movement - Mapping activity and key terms

11 Modern History – Vietnam Independence Movement - Mapping activity and key terms

A PowerPoint for the first lesson of the term. It begins with students completing a KWL chart about the Vietnam War. Students are given a homework task (to create a timeline of key events). The slides go through some of the key features of a timeline to ensure students know what to include. Information is provided about the assessment task and an example Inquiry Question from a past student is provided as an example. This is followed by a mapping activity (to familiarise students with key place names and features e.g. rivers, the demilitarised zone, military bases). After the key term activity students have time to add to the L section of the KWL chart. The lesson concludes with some important dates for the term. A handout for the first lesson of the term. It begins with a mapping activity (an outline of Vietnam at the time and the division between North and South has been provided with the key places covered up with text boxes for the students to label after consulting an Atlas). There are 10 prompts to assist students to complete this. This is followed by a list of key terms on post it notes. Students need to match the terms to definitions in the table below and think of synonyms if they can. **NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay. **
11 Modern History – Vietnam Independence Movement - Unit Intro and Documentary Viewing Sheet

11 Modern History – Vietnam Independence Movement - Unit Intro and Documentary Viewing Sheet

A PowerPoint designed to be delivered at the end of a term to introduce the next topic (Vietnamese Independence Movement). It outlines the key question and five sub questions, provides brief information about the assessment task & summarises the learning intentions and success criteria for the unit. It also includes information about Cornell note taking (a style that students will use in the next lesson which will be run like a university lecture.) A worksheet designed to be used alongside the documentary Vietnam and the War (2015) – available at https://clickv.ie/w/0iwn. It includes 30 questions which I wrote as I watched the documentary (so they can be answered chronologically). NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay.
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - Research lesson – continuity and change

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - Research lesson – continuity and change

This lesson utilises an Inquiry Based Learning approach. From earlier terms, the year 11 MHS students are aware of the historical concept of continuity and change. They are aware that, as historians, we need to study what things have changed or continued over time and try to explain the reasons for these. In this lesson, the students receive a handout that poses a key question that they need to investigate and respond to. As a class, we then broke down the key question into sub questions which students could research independently. (I find the use of think aloud activities – talking through my process – helps students to learn historical skill. This lesson gives them the opportunity to practice doing these things which they will do again when they develop their own key question and begin their assessment). Also included on the handout are a list of places where students can begin their research before branching out to their own searches. There is also a retrieval chart which provides a structured way for students to record their research. If you want to save on paper they can draw these in their books or complete them on One Note. Alternatively, a handout with several tables is provided as a separate word document. The final activity (Complete a T.A.D.P.O.L.E. of one of the sources you have chosen to assess its reliability) can be completed in class for fast finishers or for homework. NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay.
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – responding to sources about the Viet Cong

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – responding to sources about the Viet Cong

To prepare students for their upcoming assessment (writing a historical essay about an individual / group involved in the independence movement that they have investigated) this lesson focuses on paragraph writing. This resource includes a PowerPoint, a handout of sources about the Viet Cong and a homework sheet about the TET offensive. A handout containing a range of source types including extracts from textbooks, online encyclopaedias, biographies, illustrations and photographs. The PowerPoint begins by introducing students to the question they need to respond to in paragraph form. They learn the meaning of the term ‘modus operandi’ which appears in the question. Students are reminded of the importance of synthesising (one of the criteria in the instrument specific marking guide for this subject). Synthesis is explained and then students have time to engage with the sources on the handout and write their TEEL paragraph. Students have a checklist to use post writing to ensure they have met the communication criteria. Afterwards students are called on to share their answers and feedback is provided from the teacher about their responses in terms of structure, content, synthesis, evidence of analysis/evaluation of sources within their response, word choices etc. Then, if time permits, this is followed by a brief introduction to a key event: The Tet offensive. There are some clips to view to provide students with a better understanding of this event in preparation for their homework task. A homework sheet that requires students to summarise the Tet offensive, look at a famous photograph from the time and research its context & answer some questions about this image. **NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay. **
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – Jigsaw activity (group work investigating source

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – Jigsaw activity (group work investigating source

This is a set of resources for a student centred lesson which utilises a cooperative learning strategy known as ‘Jigsaw.’ The “Jigsaw Method” is a teaching strategy of organizing student group work that helps students collaborate and rely on one another. This teaching strategy is effective as it gives students a greater sense of individual responsibility. It works well in modern history as it teaches students to read sources, locate information relevant to their question and write a synthesised summary combining ideas from multiple sources and perspectives. A 87 handout full of sources about a range of different topics including: Viet Cong, peasant experiences in the Vietnam War, the Australian presence in Vietnam, Colonialism in Vietnam, The My Lai massacre and Ideologies, causes and effects. Each ‘expert’ group only needs one copy of the sources for their topic. This forces students to engage with the materials and take their own notes so that they can teach their peers about the topic. (However, depending on your group sizes you may choose to provide two copies). This is also a great resource for uploading in full to One Drive / Class Notebook for students to use as inspiration when selecting their topic to investigate for their research essay. A PowerPoint designed for running the lesson so you can see how the groups were set up for a small class size (10 students). There is also information behind the reference slide about the Jigsaw strategy for teachers who are interested in learning further about this pedagogy. In essence, Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a topic. Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same aspect, and after mastering the material, return to the “home” group and teach the material to their group members. With this strategy, each student in the “home” group serves as a piece of the topic’s puzzle and when they work together as a whole, they create the complete jigsaw puzzle. The fact that they have the opportunity to listen to the perspectives of others enhances the quality of their education. Through this activity they will become better at paying attention to their peers, reflecting on what they have learned and asking good questions **NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay. **
Historical Source – WW1 monograph (1916) provided for QLD students in grades 3&4

Historical Source – WW1 monograph (1916) provided for QLD students in grades 3&4

A glimpse into history! This source can be used to explore what Queensland students were learning about the First World War as it was occurring. The first section of this monograph is includes information about the Gallipoli landing. Latter sections feature poems and stories. Source name: The School Paper: ANZAC Day 1916 (for classes III and IV) Author details: Queensland. Dept. of Public Instruction Made in: Brisbane Publisher: Department of Public Instruction Source type: Monograph (a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it.) Source origin: These books were given to students in Queensland schools during World War One. This was the property of Violet Coley (daughters of Philemon and Sylvia Coley) when she was a student in Coleyville. Coleyville is a rural locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. The locality is named after Violet’s parents who emigrated from Halesowen, Worcestershire, England, in 1866 and settled in the area.
Historical Source – WW1 monograph (1916) provided for QLD students in grades 5&6

Historical Source – WW1 monograph (1916) provided for QLD students in grades 5&6

A glimpse into history! This source can be used to explore what Queensland students were learning about the First World War as it was occurring. first section of this monograph is includes information about Australian soldiers being trained in Egypt and about the decision to land at Gallipoli. Next is a poem entitled ‘The Sailing of the Long Ships.’ This is followed by information under the heading ‘The Months of Battle’ about the solders experiences in Gallipoli. Images are provided of some men of the Australian 10th Light Horse in the trenches. Another poem ‘The Grey Mother’ (by Lauchlan Maclean Watt) is featured. The ‘grey mother’ is a metaphor for Great Britain and her children are the colonies and dependencies of the British empire. This is followed by a section called ‘The Return’ about evacuating the ANZACs. It includes details about the numbers that had to be evacuated, the military strategy used to plan this evacuation with as little loss of life as possible. It was implemented under the cover of nightfall. A description of what remains there today (1916) – empty trenches, a hulk or two on the beach, shattered piers – is provided along with a belief that the spirit of the Anzacs will live on in this place. Statistics of the numbers lost in the war are provided. Along with a statement about the significance of the Anzacs: “The word has already passed the nation’s lips to the nation’s heart, and the world will not willingly forget it.” A poem called ‘Pro Patria’ (latin for to die for one’s country) written by O.S is featured. This is followed by information about ‘The Victoria Cross’ and its recipients. Source name: The School Paper: ANZAC Day 1916 (for classes V and VI) Author details: Queensland. Dept. of Public Instruction Made in: Brisbane Publisher: Department of Public Instruction Source type: Monograph (a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it.) Source origin: These books were given to students in Queensland schools during World War One. This was the property of Violet Coley (daughters of Philemon and Sylvia Coley) when she was a student in Coleyville. Coleyville is a rural locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. The locality is named after Violet’s parents who emigrated from Halesowen, Worcestershire, England, in 1866 and settled in the area.