My time zone and your time zone may be the same time zone.
Maybe midnight for you and midnight for me are the same.
Your month and my month could be the same month.
But they could be different. Not every day. Not all the time. Not everywhere.
But some times in some places on some days.
Perhaps even on the day this was written.
My time zone and your time zone may be the same time zone.
Maybe midnight for you and midnight for me are the same.
Your month and my month could be the same month.
But they could be different. Not every day. Not all the time. Not everywhere.
But some times in some places on some days.
Perhaps even on the day this was written.
A set of slides to introduce Pythagoras' Theorem like the Rugby Off-side rule: (i) with little extra information [maybe supplemented with explanation]; (ii) with movement; (iii) with different (technical) labelling.
Differentiated questions with two different answer approaches:
Allowing progression by attempting one at each level of difficulty then marking before returning to try each again.
Allowing progression by attempting all at each level of difficulty and then marking before moving up a level.
Snakes and ladders; but with fractions; and dodecagonal dice: sum the negatives *and* positives before you make *your* move!
Yes, you too can practice:
* calculating equivalent fractions, so you can translate the
* fractions on the
* faces of the dodecagonal dice you made and hence
* calculate the sum of the
* positive and negative fractions on respective faces of each and hence
* make your correct directed fraction move!
equivalent fractions | adding & subtracting fractions | directed number | nets | dodecagons | properties of solids
Self explanatory.
Identify gradient and y-intercept of line so correct shot is taken by laser to stop Kim Jong Il’s missiles. If the wrong equations are chosen, and the back-up fails, the consequences are clear…
To be used after pupils familiar with use of #Pythagoras’ theorem, properties of #isosceles #triangles and #symmetry and sum of #internal #angles of a triangle.
Gentle, steady, step-by-step progress.
Trigonometric Ratios from first principles & pythagoras’ theorem.
Set in context of tracking a star orbiting an Earth assumed to be flat (as it seemingly was at the time the principles were first developed!).
Place Bearing Point on ground and calibrate to magnetic north using compass/GPS. Pupil stands on Bearing Point with trundle wheel. Giant scale map-making/diagram-drawing begins.
Corners/Vertices can be marked using cones.
Bearing point can be lifted and replaced with cone at each vertex to aid taking further bearings.
£4.50 IKEA Mat:
Chalk pen:érh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Apens+chalk
[might work with Tippex pen]
Folllowing the timeline for the Autumn term I have provided on this website, these break each objective into four steps: consolidating; developing; securing; mastering. Each objective is taken directly from the "new" UK National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 [where an objective is given for each bullet point (from page 5): ] .
Consolidating - is generally pitched for the weakest pupils: who are revisiting key stage 2 material that may have been first taught before year 6.
Mastering - will generally pitched to stretch at or beyond expectations for key stage 3.
Problem solving exercises will need to be set within and around material each week. Three hours per week has proven enough to deliver the material to the very most committed and able pupils (when accompanied with sufficient homework); however, five hours per week (and some looping back to earlier objectives if/when later objectives prove inaccessible) may suit pupils who would benefit from such an approach.
Folllowing the year 8 timeline for the Spring term I have provided elsewhere on this website, this breaks each objective into four steps: "Consolidating", "Developing", "Securing", "Mastering". Each objective is taken directly from the "new" UK National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 [where an objective is given for each bullet point (from page 5): ] .
"Consolidating" - is generally pitched for the weakest pupils: who are revisiting key stage 2 material that may have been first taught before year 6.
"Mastering" - will generally pitched to stretch at or beyond expectations for key stage 3.
Problem solving exercises will need to be set within and around material each week. Three hours per week has proven enough to deliver the material to the very most committed and able pupils (when accompanied with sufficient homework); however, five hours per week (and some looping back to earlier objectives if/when later objectives prove inaccessible) may suit pupils who would benefit from such an approach.
From days at Primary; animated & adjusted to work for -ve powers of 10 as well as +ve.\nKibel [pp34-40 Miles T.R., Miles E. (2004)Dyslexia é mathematics] has +ve story to tell about Dienes blocks.\nWorth remembering that their use can be scaled up é down. Hence BETTER version will be made by someone with time é 3D ICT kit. It’ll ZOOM in é out to enable pupils to view (é correctly name - for US é Brit purposes!) numbers as big as a Googol é as small as...\nIt'll use techniques like those in these slides; but combined with ZOOMING as seen in this: