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Sweetie Challenge - Business Studies - One off Lesson - Fun - Cover
Gives students a scenario and they have to create ideas based upon the information given.

Business Studies - Ferrero Rocher Case Study - Easter, Christmas, Valentines, Cover Lesson
One hour lesson
Could be used at Easter, Christmas, Cover lesson
Explains to students who Ferrero Rocher are and some of their existing products and gets them to create their own product for their portfolio.
Could be ran as a competition with a bar of chocolate as a reward for the best product.

Business Studies - External Factors - Hollywood Bowl Ten Pin Case Study
Covers External factors such as an increase in minimum wage and the effect it has on a business. This is an hour lesson, with a homework for students to complete their own case study.
Also covers multinational companies.

Google Case Study - Corporate Culture Features, Advantages, Disadvantages
Corporate Culture
Definition , Features, Advantages, Disadvantages and Case Study Exam style question based on given information about Corporate Culture at Google Head Offices.

Business Studies PR Public relations and Celebrity and Product Endorsement
One full lesson looking at what PR is.
Examples of PR, with advantages and disadvantages
Celebrity and Product endorsement with case studies - London Marathon and Virgin Money.
Task for students to complete.
Extension task for students to complete.

Business Studies end of term quiz
Quiz that gets students thinking about things such as - why is water more expensive at an airport?
I have done this quiz with all my of class ranging from 11years to 18 years and all love this one.
Can be done as a class or independently.

Immersive reader instructions for literacy in Word PowerPoint and Webpages ASN Inset
instructions powerpoint on how to set up immersive reader for your students

Introduction to Business Quiz
1st lesson back after the holidays…gets students thinking about business concepts in a fun way. 15 questions that will last a whole lesson if you go into discussions about each one, or can be used as a 15 minute starter.
All students can have a go at this ability wouldn’t matter, its more to promote thinking and ideas.

Dragons den - Best all time pitches one off full lesson - Business Studies Cover lesson
You could use this as a one off lesson, or 5 one off lessons/cover lessons
The powerpoint can be shown/given to students with links in for them to view content and a task. You could use this for a one off lesson or for 5 lessons (one for each company explained)

Higher Business Studies Command Words
This will cover a full lesson.
Clear PowerPoint slides covering:
With keywords for each and how to gain full marks. A fun task on the final slide gets students to use the keywords in a totally fun unrelated activity, which tests their understanding of the command word and not business concepts. Students have always found this activity fun and relatable.

Business Christmas Challenge
A 5-page booklet ready to print for students to use. Would be enough to be used over 2/3 lessons
Encourages students to think of a christmas product, celebrity endorsements, etc
The booklet allows for them to plan, create, advertisement and justification of their product
Perfect for last week of term at Christmas.

Companies house task - An introduction lesson into business studies
This worksheet is designed for a lesson and homework. It shows students around the companies house website and gets them to create a written report to a given criteria on a business of their choice.

Tatti Lashes - Business Case Study - Celebrity - Cover Lesson - One Off
Whole lesson,
Video on Tatti Lashes
How celebrities helped to build the brand
Finishes with students having to come up with their own product idea.
Great for a one off cover lesson

Cover Lesson - Business Studies - Suppliers - Playstation, Tesco, Childs Farm
Great cover lesson
Includes - supplies, how businesses should choose them.
Supply Chain - What happened to Childs Farm when they got too much positive feedback on social media (video)
Quiz to check understanding
Task - Looking for Internal and External factors that could affect the supply chain.

Social Enterprises Lesson -Jamie Oliver Case Study
Looks at social enterprises
includes video, case study and task.

Business Cover Lesson / Fun Lesson - Price is Right
Round 1 Pupils have to guess the prices of good
Round 2 - Pupils have to guess which shop sells the same product cheaper
Round 3 - Pupils have to write up why prices of products are different in different shops. Or they can look for their own products and find different prices.