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Business Cover Lesson / Fun Lesson - Price is Right

Business Cover Lesson / Fun Lesson - Price is Right

Round 1 Pupils have to guess the prices of good Round 2 - Pupils have to guess which shop sells the same product cheaper Round 3 - Pupils have to write up why prices of products are different in different shops. Or they can look for their own products and find different prices.
Excel and Publisher Mini Project - Great Cover lesson - 4 lessons of work

Excel and Publisher Mini Project - Great Cover lesson - 4 lessons of work

Mini Project surrounding the opening of a new resteraunt Students need to create, Publisher documents (menus/flyers/business cards etc and a spreadsheet with basic formulas and formatting There is also some internet research required. I have done this a few times with my classes and they always enjoy it - theres about 4 lessons worth of work - so great to leave as cover work too.