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Cover Lesson - English Literacy PSE ICT Business - Fun End of Term Quiz
This is a literacy quiz but can really be used in any lesson as a one off Fun Cover lesson
Multiple choice quiz, with a task at the end for students to create their own.

Tui Case Study - Business Studies - Types of Business, Stakeholders
Can be used for a cover lesson or an assessment as marked questions.

Google doodles - ICT Cover lesson
One lesson on historical google doodles and the new creation of them

Business Cover Lesson 2024 - Advertising - The Apprentice - 2 hours of work
50 minute video to watch as a class or individually looking at advertising and branding of new electric cars
Task - students will then use the next hour to create their own advertising campaign

Christmas Activities - ICT Business Studies - one off lessons fun activities
3 Activities with PowerPoint and templates

Excel and Publisher Mini Project - Great Cover lesson - 4 lessons of work
Mini Project surrounding the opening of a new resteraunt
Students need to create, Publisher documents (menus/flyers/business cards etc and a spreadsheet with basic formulas and formatting
There is also some internet research required.
I have done this a few times with my classes and they always enjoy it - theres about 4 lessons worth of work - so great to leave as cover work too.

Business - Decision Making and SWOT- Can also be used as a cover lesson
Canva Presentation covering strategic, tactical, operational decisions
Roles of managers
SWOT Analysis
2 exam questions with answers supplied
2 hours of work for students

Stakeholders - full lesson - cover lesson - with case study and answers
Full lesson on stakeholders created in Canva for PowerPoint.
Ideal for a cover lesson or lesson on Stakeholders

Marketing Mix 4Ps Chuckle Brothers interview lesson / one off lesson / cover Business Cover lesson
I used this lesson for a HOD lesson and got the job!
Great lesson - includes an episode from the chuckle brothers (14mins)
followed by information slides, and a task.Created in Canva and downloaded to PowerPoint. Opens in Powerpoint
Can also be left as a lone off cover lesson - no knowledge of business required!

Head of Department interview - 5 year vision plan
I used this in my HOD interview and got the job!
Its easily adaptable for subject specific parts however most is whole school anyway.

Amigos - Mini ICT Project - Excel DTP Word - Admin and ICT
This mini project will take 4/5 lessons and can be done independently.
Great resource for pupils off school sick or to be left for cover if away for a week.

Higher Accounting - Lesson 1 and 2 - Shareholders Debentures Share Premium
Preference Shareholders
Ordinary Shareholders
Share Premium
Case Study task based on Hargreaves and Lansdown
This will take 2 lessons.

Higher Business Management - Course Introduction and Content List
PowerPoint explaining the SQA Higher Business Course - Lesson 1 - Course handout for students to highlist as they progress through the units.

Higher Business Management Assignment SQA - Student PowerPoint
Gives students an overview of the Assignment, what to do to gain full marks in each section - with some examples. 13 slides in total.

2024 Christmas big Quiz and Separate Business lesson
2 lessons worth of content. Big Christmas quiz with four rounds and answer sheet.

Higher Business Management SQA Assignment
This student help guide gets pupils started with the SQA Scottish Higher Business Assignment. It gives them ideas for topics and guidance with examples of how to gain full marks on this assessment.

Desktop Publishing (Publisher) 5 lessons Haven Holidays
5 lessons.
Background is given to students and they will need to use the Haven website to gather information
Each lesson they create new documents
activities booklet (2 lessons)
using Publisher skills.