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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
Exprime-toi! (Les vêtements)

Exprime-toi! (Les vêtements)

In this small-group activity, Fate (the dice) will determine which garment your students must describe. Exprime-toi is a relaxed way to reinforce lessons on adjectives and to encourage your students to speak in full sentences. If you’d like to extend the lesson to written work, just assign some dice co-ordinates (ie: •• x •••• or •••• x •)
Use your words ! (Describing things)

Use your words ! (Describing things)

This small-group activity, originally designed for MFL students, encourages children to develop their descriptive skills. The dice will determine whom or what your students will describe. It's a relaxed way to reinforce lessons on adjectives and to promote speaking in full sentences. If you&'d like to extend the lesson to written descriptions, just assign some dice co-ordinates (eg: •• x •••• or ••• x •• ). But remind the class that the first co-ordinate is for the dice in the vertical column and the second is for the dice in the horizontal column. I would appreciate your feedback.
Glorious Autumn! ( Thematic Boggle + solutions )

Glorious Autumn! ( Thematic Boggle + solutions )

Another five minute filler for teachers. Embedded in this puzzle are ten words associated with Autumn and 100 other general vocabulary words. Full instructions, templates in colour and in black and white, a thematic vocabulary and an answer key are included. If you were one of the first 8 people to download this puzzle, you'll notice that the answer key was for another puzzle. Mea culpa. The correct key is included now.
La Rentrée (played like Boggle)

La Rentrée (played like Boggle)

Another five minute filler for French teachers. Templates in colour and in black and white, a thematic vocabulary and an answer key are included.
Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, une adolescente de 14 ans, vient de traverser le lac Ontario à la nage. Not sure how much general interest there would be in a story like this on your side of the pond but it will work for teachers looking for 'girl power' affirmation stories for the French classroom. BTW, Annaleise covered 52 kilometres so this is comparable to a Channel swim. I am curious to know if you and / or your students find this interesting so would appreciate any feedback. Joyeuse rentrée.
Quelles qualités cherches-tu chez ton ami(e)?

Quelles qualités cherches-tu chez ton ami(e)?

I've updated this PDF and have incorporated the how to play guide. A few years ago, I had to cover a Family Studies’ class. The students had been studying healthy relationships and my job was to run a Values’ Auction. The kids were so taken by the activity that I took home a copy to rework for a unit on Les amis et la vie sociale. I hope your students enjoy it as much as mine do.
La journée de Lady Gaga, BTS ou . . .

La journée de Lady Gaga, BTS ou . . .

This is a guided writing activity in which students assume the identity of Lady Gaga or a member of BTS and describe her/his day. The focus is the use of pronominal verbs. There are separate handouts for le présent and le passé composé for both the Lady and BTS. Of course, the same sheets will work for Drake, Adele, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Calvin, Hobbes, the principal of your school, and so forth. (It was high time to update this file. Lady Gaga has stood the test of time. One Direction, not so much!)
Passover puzzle (like Boggle)

Passover puzzle (like Boggle)

A Passover 'How Touching' or Boggle puzzle + solutions This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. The colours have flattened in the transfer from Pages to PDF. Does anyone know how to get around this, please?
Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

This Easter “How Touching” puzzle is a bit like Boggle. This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. I’ve included mini B & W puzzle grids for teachers who are trying to cut back on photocopy costs.
One Direction's  'More than this' in French

One Direction's 'More than this' in French

In honour of the One Direction mania that is almost at fever pitch in Toronto as the boys prepare to perform their first concert here this weekend, here’s a clip of 'Plus que ça' or 'More than this' with a loose translation of the lyrics in French. It was lovingly uploaded and subtitled in both French and Spanish by an orthographically challenged fan but as I’m technologically challenged myself, I can’t redo the clip with the correct lyrics. But maybe you'll turn this into a 'spot the errors' contest. Or a karaoke singalong ? Let me know what you do with it, please.
A Valentine 'Boggle' + solutions

A Valentine 'Boggle' + solutions

This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. Because I live in Canada, I'm guessing about the proper curriculum level and would appreciate your feedback. A B & W version for teachers who&'d like to photocopy a handout has just been added. P.S. I've listed a number of possible answers but (prudishly? wisely?) I've avoided possibilities like 'lover' and 'loins'!
que, qu', dont? (3.0)!

que, qu', dont? (3.0)!

In spoken English, we now commonly end sentences with prepositions so the taboo of ending a sentence with 'de' tends to mystify some students. Here's a straightforward exercise that centres on identifying the phantom DE and magically transforming it into DONT. This version should be sans typos.
French: résolutions pour 2024

French: résolutions pour 2024

Les résolutions du Père Noël 2024 is an exemplar of a New Year’s activity. I couldn’t resist making a list of resolutions on behalf of Petit Papa Noël. It will give your students some ideas, a laugh or two (I hope) and an opportunity to try their hand by filling in resolutions 2 and 1. Note: This is not a new resource but an update of the resolutions that I’ve been posting since 2012.
Hanoucca ('C'est touchant' est comme 'Boggle'

Hanoucca ('C'est touchant' est comme 'Boggle'

A five minute filler for French teachers. If your classes enjoy my Christmas puzzles, please let me know and I'll post some of my others . . . les verbes ER, la Saint-Valentin, au bord de l'eau, au cinéma, etcetera.