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Statistics - Median and Interquartile Range

Statistics - Median and Interquartile Range

Finding the median, quartiles and interquartile range from a list of data. PowerPoint with examples for odd and even numbers of data Worksheet on finding the median and interquartile range from data lists. Comparing data using medians and interquartile ranges Worked solutions included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Product and Quotient Rules

Product and Quotient Rules

Differentiating using the product and quotient rules. Follows on from the chain rule and only looks at expressions involving powers of x. I always teach this before I move on to differentiating trigonometric functions, logs and exponentials so I can include more complex expressions. There are 20 questions which are quite meaty which could be split over two lessons, one for product and one for quotient. There are questions on finding equations of normals and tangents at the end. Worked solutions are included and also a black and white version
Differentiation to find local max/min

Differentiation to find local max/min

A worksheet using the first and second derivatives to find stationary points. Mainly maximum and minimum but does have a couple of examples of stationary points of inflection. All curves are functions involving powers of x. *Points of inflection will be looked at in more detail in an upcoming shapes of curves worksheet/activity. Answers are included as detailed work solutions. Black and White version included
Polar Coordinates Graph match

Polar Coordinates Graph match

Match the 14 equations in polar form to their graphs. Graphs are drawn on polar grids. Answers are included. Cut out the graphs and the equations and give to students who can work in pairs. Get them to match the graphs and equations then stick them on large sugar paper.
Simultaneous Equations Puzzles

Simultaneous Equations Puzzles

Set up systems of linear equations to solve this algebra puzzles. The pictures in each row or column add up to the numbers shown. Write pairs of linear equations where possible. Solve them to find the value of each picture. Find the value of the remaining pictures and the missing totals. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Christmas Algebra Puzzles

Christmas Algebra Puzzles

12 grid puzzles with a Christmas Theme. In each one, the pictures represent different numbers and the totals of each row and column are given. Later ones require more problem solving and totals are needed to be found.
Dividing Algebraic Fractions worksheet

Dividing Algebraic Fractions worksheet

25 questions on dividing algebraic fractions. Questions increase in difficulty and practice factoring quadratic expressions. Worked solutions are included and a QR Code link to a video explanation which supports home learning
Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions Worksheet

Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions Worksheet

4 exercises of 8 questions on adding and subtracting fractions. Each exercise increases in difficulty. Worked solutions are included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Algebra - Collecting Like Terms

Algebra - Collecting Like Terms

Lesson on collecting like terms includes a Power Point, worksheet and solutions. Two slides with 3 examples on each on collecting like terms. 50 questions which include some problem solving/ link to perimeter of compound shapes. Worked solutions are also included. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Algebra - Collecting Like Terms No Prep Lesson

Algebra - Collecting Like Terms No Prep Lesson

Powerpoint, worksheet and solutions on collecting like terms LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Graphing Inequalities on a Number Line

Graphing Inequalities on a Number Line

Graphing Inequalities on a number line A Power point showing the examples Worksheet on graphing inequalities and also reading them off a graph Solutions included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Graphs of Polynomials

Graphs of Polynomials

12 graphs of polynomials - quadratic, cubic and quartic. These must be matched to a statement about number of roots (real or complex), the points where the graphs cross the coordinate axes and their equation. The extension is to find the complex roots. Get students to cut these out and stick them on a larger piece of paper.
Binomial Expansion

Binomial Expansion

2 Worksheets Questions on using Pascal’s Triangle for the binomial expansion. Questions lead students to discover the link and then use their answers to expand more complex binomials. This also addresses using the binomial expansion to calculate positive exponents of decimals. Using nCr function to generate coefficients and find particular coefficients in expansions for larger values of n Worked solutions are included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Area of a Triangle

Area of a Triangle

Calculating the area of a triangle no prep lesson A Power Point introducing the formula with examples. Worksheet finding areas, using areas to find missing lengths, compound areas Solutions included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Multiplying Decimals Worksheet

Multiplying Decimals Worksheet

Multiplying decimals with increasing difficulty 6 exercises with 10 questions each plus a problem solving exercise. Worked solutions are included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.