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A Few Ideas

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(based on 138 reviews)

Boredom is the enemy of education. These resources aim to give students an engaging, fun way into topics that are relevant to their lives, including awkward ones like sex education, and informing about issues that are shaping the world and their future. My hope is that they help be an effective tool to the teacher to wake up a hunger for knowledge in students, and that everyone in the classroom would have a more enjoyable and enriching experience because of their use.




Boredom is the enemy of education. These resources aim to give students an engaging, fun way into topics that are relevant to their lives, including awkward ones like sex education, and informing about issues that are shaping the world and their future. My hope is that they help be an effective tool to the teacher to wake up a hunger for knowledge in students, and that everyone in the classroom would have a more enjoyable and enriching experience because of their use.
Poverty in the UK: Entire SOW

Poverty in the UK: Entire SOW

A 7 lesson Scheme of work on Poverty in the UK, including powerpoints, youtube clips, images, worksheets, booklets, and revision resources to help for KS3 or 4 work. Designed around the AQA Religious Studies B Spec. 1) What is Wealth and Poverty 2) Religious Attitudes to Wealth and Poverty 3) How do people get rich or poor 4) Poverty in the UK 5) Charitable Solutions to Poverty 6) Poverty: Solutions and Responsibility for Poverty 7) Revision/Consolidation lesson (with a 20 question competitive comprehension activity)
Environment and Medical Ethics Whole Scheme of Work

Environment and Medical Ethics Whole Scheme of Work

8 Lessons on the environment and medical ethics including presentations, worksheets, information sheets and activities. Including: Environmental Issues Religious Attitudes to Environmental Issues Infertility Treatment, and Religious Attitudes Organ Donation and Transplants Religious Attitudes to Organ Donations and Transplants Assessment Its not the most polished of Schemes of Work, but its all there and space for you to personaliz e it. Enjoy! :)
New Religious Movements and Cults

New Religious Movements and Cults

A differentiated activity with Marketplace, opinion line and video clip which explores these key questions: What are new religious movements and cults? What are the benefits and challenges of such movements? Should these new religious movements be made illegal? A Powerpoint and extensive word resource which has information on 8 of the world's new religious movements & cults.
Animal Rights

Animal Rights

A resource which is intended to run over 4 lessons: independent study with some introduction and video clips which can be uploaded to your server, and students can access them in their own time using headphones. Great for independent study, differentiation, SMSC, PHSE, Religious Studies and Citizenship, as well as General Studies, this resource stimulates outrage, insight and curiosity. It also includes historical and cultural insights, like the Ecuadorian Government signing in the rights of nature into law.
Religious Attitudes to Alcohol and Drugs

Religious Attitudes to Alcohol and Drugs

A powerpoint with embedded documentary about Alcohol use which is really good. It also has a venn diagram which compares Christian and Muslim attitudes to alcohol and drug use. Finishing with a discussion based plenary, this is an engaging, differentiated by activity and outcome lesson that explores the tricky world of drug and alcohol use. Objectives explored include What is a drug? Is alcohol a drug and what are its effects? What do Muslims and Christians believe about drugs? What is your opinion on drugs?
The United Nations: Updated 2019

The United Nations: Updated 2019

A lesson to explore the UN and what it does. This lesson aims to give students an understanding of the organisation and the means to question if it is a reasonable use of resources, or a waste of them. Class debates included, as usual, with extension activities, youtube videos, and some varied activities to bolster engagement. A SEND worksheet also attached here. Learning Questions What is the United Nations? What are its aims? Do you think it’s a good organisation? Note: Where do you stand activities are like opinion lines but split into four corners. More information has been embedded in the PPT rather than from youtube videos, which have also been updated and variations offered in the notes of the PPT. Feedback warmly welcomed, and always looking to improve.
Preparation for Working Life SOW with revision resources

Preparation for Working Life SOW with revision resources

A 9 lesson Preparation for Working Life Scheme of Work. This includes practice exam papers, mark schemes, powerpoints, youtube clips, worksheets, glossaries, revision booklets and exam practice skills. A great way to get your year 11s prepped for the exams in double quick time!
North Korea

North Korea

A 1 hour lesson including a 30 minute documentary, debate, opinion line, extension activity and reflection exercise to measure students improvement in their understanding. Lesson objectives include: What is life like in North Korea? Why is the world talking about it so much? Should we or the USA attack North Korea? There is a discussion included about nuclear war: try to draw out students understanding of the long term effects of nuclear weapons. Good luck, and if I may try to remind students that most things that happen in the world are good, that's why the news (which is always negative) is 'news': the good things people do are the norm. Try not to let them leave the room pessimistic. For instance, there are 12.7 MILLION volunteers in Britain every year. That's almost 20% of the population. Awesome.
Puberty: What is it, what to expect, benefits and challenges

Puberty: What is it, what to expect, benefits and challenges

This resource is intended to be a quick and easy resource to inform students about puberty. Aimed primarily at 10-14 year olds, it’s a great start for beginning understanding the biological and emotional changes and challenges of this transformation from a child’s to an adults body. It includes videos which explain, in very child friendly terms, the what, how and why of puberty, and has space for class discussion too. Ideal for specialists and non-specialists alike.
Lesson 2:  Uncomfortable Histories (Global Citizenship and Fundamental British Values)

Lesson 2: Uncomfortable Histories (Global Citizenship and Fundamental British Values)

This lesson aims to give students (particularly British ones) some understanding of the histories and activities of Britain we don’t mention as much as the 2nd World War, the Tudors and the Romans. It is an exploration of the slave trade, the arms trade, native american indians, aborigines and transportation and our involvement in India during the empire. It aims to give students an alternative perspective on Britain without undermining them as individuals, invalidating their experience or burdening them with guilt. Hopefully it leads to some interesting discussion and learning. It certainly does in my classroom! Group activities, based on SOLE (Self Organised Learning Environments), which need some monitoring but the resources created would work well with a variety of exercises including marketplace and others. It aims to meet the Global Citizenship Education aims, specifically 4.7 (which focuses on global citizenship education and education for sustainable development). Any feedback greatly received Learning Questions include: What are the histories we learn about in school? What was Britain’s role in the slave trade, Native American Indians, Aboriginal peoples, the arms trade and India? How do these histories affect our opinions about today’s world? Extension: can you figure out what/whose histories are not included in this lesson? How would you find out about them? Are we responsible for our ancestors’ actions?
Lesson 1) Introduction to Global Citizenship (Fundamental British Values)

Lesson 1) Introduction to Global Citizenship (Fundamental British Values)

This lesson is an introduction to global citizenship, part of a module on Global citizenship, that begins with a personal look at the individual. It includes youtube videos, mindmaps, one print out and structured questions to help students understand their own biases and the biases of the class they are in. It is a powerful step forward for self reflective learners, uses PELTS well, and incorporates SMSC, Ethics, PHSE, Citizenship and geography into one topic. Tasks are differentiated, with questions going from easy to more difficult. Ideal for KS3-4 (11-16yr olds). Learning Questions include: What is global citizenship? What is my own personal, social, historical and economic background? How might my background affect how I see the world?
Medical Ethics 8: Consolidation and Extension

Medical Ethics 8: Consolidation and Extension

This small bundle of resources is designed to help students revise together and independently so they really know what embryology, cloning, IVF, surrogacy, human experimentation and transplants and transfusions are, as well as the key terms essential for a good grade. Learning objectives are: Be more confident about the topics involved in Medical Ethics Have a more fluent understanding of the religious issues raised by these topics. Have begun to evaluate the various merits of different opinions about modern medical procedures.
Medical Ethics: Religious Studies and Ethics

Medical Ethics: Religious Studies and Ethics

6 Resources
A bundle of 8 lessons which includes: embryology, IVF, surrogacy, cloning, transplants and transfusions and human experimentation. these include case studies, embedded videos, youtube links, articles, current updated statistics and a variety of activities for students to get stuck into. This also includes some extenstion activities, some key word tasks and a revision session to really embed your students learning. 50% reduction on indivual lessons.
Medical Ethics 7: Human Experimentation

Medical Ethics 7: Human Experimentation

A lesson that explores the pros and cons of human experimentation: how it is essential for new safe drugs, as well as the darker sides of using humans for purely ‘scientific’ progress. Learning Questions: What are some examples of human experimentation? What ethical issues do they raise? What may religious responses be? Particular examples are included as a seperate word document, as well as youtube links to modern versions of Milgrams electric shock experiment in the 60s.
Medical Ethics 5: Genetic Engineering

Medical Ethics 5: Genetic Engineering

A lesson which explores and explains genetic engineering, looking at some specific examples (such as glow in the dark mice) as well as a case study activity. It builds on previous lessons on religious attitudes to medical ethics particularly well, but also stands alone. Learning Objectives are: To know the difference between: Genetic Screening & Genetic Engineering To evaluate religious arguments about genetic screening and engineering To develop my own opinion on these technologies. Starters and plenaries included with activities differentiated by outcome.
Medical Ethics 6: Cloning (with cover lesson)

Medical Ethics 6: Cloning (with cover lesson)

This lesson has a hotseat starter which covers many key terms from Medical ethics (i.e. sanctity of life) as well as an interactive treasure hunt plenary for those of you with the luxury of smart boards. Learning Questions include: What is Cloning? What are the different kinds of cloning? What are religious responses to it? Extension: What quotes do you know that could apply to this topic and how? There is also a roleplay opportunity included here, as well as a variety of youtube links and a cover lesson linked to the sixth day which can be rented or bought on youtube (It’s no gattaca, but has some interesting ethical issues raised and debated in there). Differentiated by outcome, with extension task included with the learning questions.
Medical Ethics 4: Transplants and Transfusions

Medical Ethics 4: Transplants and Transfusions

This comprehensive lesson exploring the facts, benefits and religious responses to organ transplants and blood transfusions will need trimming to fit in one hour. There are plenty of case studies, youtube clips, embedded short videos about ‘cellular memory’, and comparative religious arguments from the six major religions. Activities are differentiated by outcome, with discussion or learning pyramid plenaries available. Went all out on this one. Learning Objectives: To know the possible benefits about organ transplants. To know some religious attitudes to blood transfusions and organ transplants. To evaluate and compare religious attitudes to medical ethics. It also includes a particularly close look at Jehovah’s witnesses opinions on blood transfusions.
Medical Ethics 3: Surrogacy Case Studies

Medical Ethics 3: Surrogacy Case Studies

This lesson explores surrogacy: what it is, the issues it raises, look at specific case studies and explore religious responses. It includes a moving article about an infertile woman, as well as 3 real life case studies of people who have gone through surrogacy. Plenary, starter and differentiated task included. Some printing is needed here to get the best out of the lesson, but not 100% necessary. Learning Objectives are: To know what surrogacy is and the issues it raises To debate the ethics of specific case studies To evaluate religious arguments about surrogacy
Medical Ethics 2: Assisted Reproduction (IVF)

Medical Ethics 2: Assisted Reproduction (IVF)

A powerpoint that explores assisted reproduction, specifically IVF (AIH and AID). It includes religious responses to the issue, which can be used in a variety of ways (as a treasure hunt or group exercise). Learning questions include: What is IVF? (AIH and AID) What are some Religious Responses to it? Learn a case study and consider if IVF is ethical? Case studies include Octomom, with a youtube video link included, to explore IVF at its extremes and help students evaluate how different situations may alter their opinions on how ethical it is. The exercises are differentiated by outcome, and groupings can be done using a kagan system of mixed ability. Side note: My preference with the religious responses exercise is to number the class 1-5, have them study, condense and write one opinion. I then re-number them 1-4 and have them sit in new groups, so each new grouping has at least one person from each of the 5 previous groups. They then teach each other all the information.
Medical Ethics 1: Embryo Research

Medical Ethics 1: Embryo Research

An introductory lesson to medical ethics focussing on embryology. This powerpoint explains what embryology is, as well as giving an introduction to one of the key questions behind most medical ethics issues: when does life begin? It includes high definition photographs of embryos in development and an embedded video which shows these stages. It also includes a case study, a research homework, plenty of information (including some religious opinions). These are developed more in the second lesson. Information can be printed out and Learning Questions include: What is Embryo Research? What are some potential problems and positives of Embryo Research? What are some religious opinions? What is my opinion? All feedback welcome! :)