All resources
Information Processing Model - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
Lesson 4: Types of Guidance
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation
Abuse of the environment - Part 1 - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme B
L1 - The origins of the universe and life (Christianity)
L2 - The origins of human life (Christianity)
L3 - The Origins of the universe Religious - Islam
L4 - Abuse of the environment - Part 1
L5 - When Does Life Begin
L6 - Abortion - Controversy
L7 - Abortion Religious Viewpoint
L8 - Euthanasia Controversy
L9 - Euthanasia Religious Views
L10 - The Afterlife
L11- Assessment
Cardiac Output - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 1b - The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system
Lesson 1: Structure of the respiratory system and Gaseous exchange
Lesson 2: Mechanics of breathing and Lung Volumes
Lesson 3: Blood Vessels and Redistribution of blood
Lesson 4: Structure of the heart and the cardiac cycle
Lesson 5: Cardiac Output
Recovery from exercise - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 1c - Anaerobic and aerobic exercise
Lesson 1: Aerobic and anaerobic
Lesson 2: Effects of exercise - ST
Lesson 3: Recovery from exercise
Lesson 4: Effects of exercise - LT
Lever Systems - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 2 - Movement Analysis
Lesson 1 - Lever systems
Lesson 2 - Mechanical advantage
Lesson 3 - Planes and axes of movement
Lesson 4 - Movement Analysis
Mechanics of breathing and Lung Volumes - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 1b - The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system
Lesson 1: Structure of the respiratory system and Gaseous exchange
Lesson 2: Mechanics of breathing and Lung Volumes
Lesson 3: Blood Vessels and Redistribution of blood
Lesson 4: Structure of the heart and the cardiac cycle
Lesson 5: Cardiac Output
Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2 - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
5b - Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Lesson 1: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1
Lesson 2: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2
Lesson 3: Technology in Sport
The Crucifixion - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Christianity Beliefs and teachings
L1 - Nature of God (Part 1)
L2 - Evil and Suffering - Part 1
L3 - Evil and Suffering Part 2
L4 - The Trinity
L5 - Creation
L6 - The Incarnation
L7 - The Crucifixion
L8 - Resurrection and Asension
L9 - The Role of Christ in Salvation
L10 - Christian ideas of the afterlife
L11 - Assessment
Risalah - Adam - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Islam Beliefs and teachings
L1 - The Nature of Allah (Part 1)
L2 - The Nature of Allah (Part 2)
**L3 - Risalah - Adam **
L4 - Risalah (Ibrahim)
L5 - The life of the Prophet Muhammad
L6 - Diversity in Islam
L7 - The six articles of faith in Sunni Islam
L8 - The five roots of Usul as-Din in Shi’a Islam
L9 - The Qur’an
L10 - Other Holy Books
L11 - Angels
L12 - Life After Death
L13 - Assessment
L14 - DiRT
The six articles of faith in Sunni Islam- AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Islam Beliefs and teachings
L1 - The Nature of Allah (Part 1)
L2 - The Nature of Allah (Part 2)
L3 - Risalah - Adam
L4 - Risalah (Ibrahim)
L5 - The life of the Prophet Muhammad
L6 - Diversity in Islam
L7 - The six articles of faith in Sunni Islam
L8 - The five roots of Usul as-Din in Shi’a Islam
L9 - The Qur’an
L10 - Other Holy Books
L11 - Angels
L12 - Life After Death
L13 - Assessment
L14 - DiRT
Angels - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Islam Beliefs and teachings
L1 - The Nature of Allah (Part 1)
L2 - The Nature of Allah (Part 2)
L3 - Risalah - Adam
L4 - Risalah (Ibrahim)
L5 - The life of the Prophet Muhammad
L6 - Diversity in Islam
L7 - The six articles of faith in Sunni Islam
L8 - The five roots of Usul as-Din in Shi’a Islam
L9 - The Qur’an
L10 - Other Holy Books
L11 - Angels
L12 - Life After Death
L13 - Assessment
L14 - DiRT
Analysing and Evaluating Performance (AEP) GCSE (9-1) OCR Exemplar
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for the OCR GCSE PE coursework task. This exemplar uses the sport of Football and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Evaluation (Theoretical Cause)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for Section 7 (Theoretical Cause) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Analysis Section 3 (Skill Strength)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for section 3 (Skill Strength) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Analysis Section 2 (Fitness Weakness)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for section 2 (Fitness Weakness) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Evaluation (Outline of Training Session)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for section 6 (Outline of Training Session) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Analysis Section 4 (Skill Weakness)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for section 4 (Skill Weakness) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
Prezi for Paper 2 (Themes A,B,D+E) - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA **PREZI ONLY**
This Prezi Presenation has all the information required for Paper 2 (themes A, B, D + E), including; detailed factfiles, videos, podcasts, case studies and stretch + challenge tasks. The information focuses on the philosophical and ethical arguments related to the issues raised, and their impact and influence on the modern world.
AQA Specification
• Theme A: Relationships and families.
• Theme B: Religion and life.
• Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict.
• Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment.
Alongwith this Prezi you can purchase additional differentiated worksheets for each theme (x2 per theme). The worksheets use ALL past paper questions from the 2017 samples to the November 2021 exam paper. The mark scheme answers are on the Prezi allowing the students to test their knowledge as they progress through the themes. The Prezi and supporting worksheets are perfect for teachers and students alike who wish to target their areas for development effectively, test their knowledge and then track their progress.
The differentiated worksheets can be on the TES search engine:
Theme A Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA
Theme B Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA
Theme D Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA
Theme E Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA
Practical - Physical Training Lessons -
When teaching chapter 3, all of our GCSE practical lesson are physical training lessons. Starting with fitness tests (discussing the implications etc.) going onto methods of training. During the training methods we would also discuss the principles of training. The attached resources support x4 1 hour lesson, focusing on fitness tests. The booklet and supporting powerpoint follows the AQA specification.
Chapter 3 - Physical Training
Lesson 1 - Relationship between health and fitness
Lesson 2 - Components of Fitness - Health Related
Lesson 3 - Components of Fitness - Skill Related
Lesson 4 - Fitness Testing - Part 1
Lesson 5 - Fitness Testing - Part 2
Lesson 6 - Use of Data
Lesson 7 - Principles of Training
Lesson 8 - Methods of Training
Lesson 9 - Training seasons and injury prevention
**Practical - Physical Training Lessons **
AQA - GCSE PE NEA Coursework - Netball Exemplar
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for the AQA GCSE PE coursework task. This exemplar uses the sport of Netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.