English language arts

EYFS early reading book - using sounds satpin
A simple book to support children blending simple CVC words containing the sounds s, a, t, p, i and n.

EYFS early reading book - using satpinm sounds
A simple book to support children blending simple CVC words containing the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n and m.

Next step Reading PDF Pre-cursive formate
Next step reading activities.
In pre-cursive formate
PDF version
Starts with letters, words and then sentences.
Phase 2 and 3 sounds
Where possible two sets of activities for each sounds.

Reading next step work
Activities for each of the phase 2 and phase 3 sounds to support the individual child’s next steps.
Phase 2 activities comprise of
-find the sound
-read the words
-read the sentences
Phase 3 activities comprise of:
-find the sound and read within a word
-read the sentences.
They are a word document so you can add to them or edit if you need to.

Train CVC pictures
4 sets of CVC frame trains - children to write the CVC word in the frame after each train.
2 sets 6 trains with pictures of CVC words to be printed and used to support the segmenting and writing of phase 2 CVC words. I cut them up and got the children to cut out and build their own train coaches and wrote the CVC words in each coach.
These can also be used to support early oral blending skills, for example find the train that has a h-a-t on it.

w for window -art to enhance the w sound
Window outline to support the w sound.
Children can draw own view from the window.

Print read, trace and build phase 2 and 3 tricky words
Print version of the read, trace, write and build tricky words
Phase 2 and 3 tricky words.

Pre Cursive - Read, write and build Tricky word cards
Pre-cursive script
Cards containing Phase 2 and 3 Tricky power words.
Encourages children to read, trace, write, build and find tricky words.

ur sound - surfboard
Activity to enhance the ur sound within your provision.
design you own surfboard.

dot the d pre-cursive
Use a cotton bud to dot the d sound.
An activity to support the phonic d sound and the formation.

Pre-cursive Gruffalo tracing letters
Gruffalo Cursive handwriting enhancements
Phase 2 and 3 pre-cursive letters to trace.

Reception Jack and the Beanstalk ideas and 6 week overview
Jack and the Beanstalk Talk 4 Writing ideas and overview of Growth and change topic.
These are just ideas to support our weekly planning.

Pete the Cat unpicking key vocabulary PowerPoint
A Pete the Cat PowerPoint made to highlight and discuss key vocabulary to support children’s understanding.
I used it with Reception, but can be used with other year groups.

CVC word writing - firework themed
What can you see in the picture.
CVC items hidden in firework themed picture - promote CVC word work