I'm Head of Department and AQA examiner for Religious Studies. I teach the AQA spec and provide tried and tested resources. I'm uploading resources all of the time; my newest collection is the #FUN LESSONS range which are engaging, exam focused, challenging and getting great results. Lessons are fully resourced and easy to follow with minimal printing. I hope you enjoy teaching them.
I'm Head of Department and AQA examiner for Religious Studies. I teach the AQA spec and provide tried and tested resources. I'm uploading resources all of the time; my newest collection is the #FUN LESSONS range which are engaging, exam focused, challenging and getting great results. Lessons are fully resourced and easy to follow with minimal printing. I hope you enjoy teaching them.
Christian Festivals: Christmas/Easter #FUN LESSONS. A fun and engaging lesson with a variety of games, tasks and use of multimedia to stimulate learning. It is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions. Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘Christian Festivals: Christmas/Easter’ – Christian Practices’
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Explain how and why Christians celebrate the festivals of Christmas and Easter
• Evaluate which festival is the most important
Activities/resources include:
Recap do-now starter – Dobble
a variety of tasks e.g. Easter Egg (info) hunt, nativity plays, sorting games, model answers. To gain an in-depth understanding of:
• The events of the incarnation
• The events of the incarnation
• Bible quotes references to incarnation/resurrection
• How Christmas/Easter is celebrated
• The Symbolism of Christmas and Easter celebrations
• evaluating which is the most important
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
‘Christian Practices – Revision lesson’ is a concise and easy to follow. It is a fun lesson to recap on the content. Students should be learning without realising it!
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Christian Practices - Revision
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Engage in lots of fun game to revise for test. To prepare and present multiple views on a variety of statements with a strong religious reference.
Activities include: FULLY RESOURCED**
• Articulate game
• quotes master game (sorting)
• presentation game: students are required to give reasons for and against variety of statements and include a strong religious reference
• pub quiz (without the beer!) and peer assessment
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Pilgrimage: Christian Practices #FUN LESSONS. A fun and engaging lesson with a variety of games, tasks and use of multimedia to stimulate learning. It is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike. It covers GCSE content as well as A Level material to stretch and challenge.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions. Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘Pilgrimage – Christian Practices’
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• To explain reasons for pilgrimage in Christianity
• To explain two contrasting examples of Christian pilgrimage
• Evaluate which is the most important practice in Christianity
Activities/resources include:
Customisable recap do-now starter
a variety of tasks e.g. Tour Guide presentation, quiz, discussion, exam questions. To gain an in-depth understanding of:
• Importance of pilgrimage
• Three places of pilgrimage: Lourdes, Iona, Jerusalem
• A level stretch: religious experience
• recap all Christian practices along with reasons why they are important and relevant sources of authority
• Evaluate which are the most and least important Christian practices
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Christian Response to Persecution: Christian Practices. An engaging lesson with a variety of games, tasks and use of multimedia to stimulate learning. It is ‘MASTERY’ focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike. It covers GCSE content as well as advanced material to stretch and challenge.
Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘Christian Response to Persecution – Christian Practices’
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Explain How and WHY Christians respond to persecution
Activities/resources include:
Recap do-now starter: Sort events of Jesus life in chronological order
a variety of tasks e.g. World map activity, letter writing, discussion, video, discussion. To gain an in-depth understanding of:
• Persecution in early Christianity
• prevalence of persecution of Christians in the world today
• Christian responses to Persecution
• Bible teachings related to responses to persecution
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Forgiveness and Reconciliation – Christian Practices (#FUN LESSONS) A fun and engaging lesson with a variety of games, tasks and use of multimedia to stimulate learning. It is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike. It covers GCSE content as well as advanced material to stretch and challenge.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions. Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Forgiveness and Reconciliation – Christian Practices’
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
With reference to Bible teaching, The Trust and Reconciliation Committee and the Community of the Nails of the Cross:
• Create a collage entitled ‘Reconciliation and Peace” in Christianity
• Answer Exam Question: Two reasons Christians should focus on reconciliation.
Activities/resources include:
Customisable recap do-now starter
a variety of tasks e.g. student presentations, collage, video, discussion, exam questions. To gain an in-depth understanding of:
• Bible teachings about forgiveness and Reconciliation
• Difficulties and advantages of reconciliation
• Case studies: Desmond Tutu and apartheid / Community of the Nails of the Cross
• How Christian teachings have influenced those to work for reconciliation
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Mission & Evangelism, Discipleship CHRISTIAN PRACTICES (# FUN LESSONS) A fun and engaging lesson with a variety of games, tasks and use of multimedia to stimulate learning. It is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike. It covers GCSE content as well as dipping into some linked A Level material to stretch and challenge.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions. Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Mission &Evangelism - Christian Practices AQA
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
Explain the Christian duty of discipleship
Explain the difference between evangelism and missionary work using examples of each.
Evaluate which is the most important Christian duty discipleship or charity
Activities/resources include:
Customisable recap do-now starter
a variety of tasks e.g. Carousel, video, debate, group planning and exam questions. To gain an in-depth understanding of:
• The Great Commission and duty of discipleship
• Examples of evangelism / missionary work and the difference between these
• Exclusivist, pluralist views
• An evaluation of whether the duty of discipleship is more important than the duty of charity
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Role of Church Local/Worldwide - CHRISTIAN PRACTICES. (#Fun Lessons) .
A fun and engaging lesson with a variety to games, tasks and use of multimedia to stimulate learning**. It is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions. Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘Role of the Church – Local/Worldwide – Charity’ Christian Practices AQA
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• With reference to sources of wisdom:
• Explain two ways the Church work for the local community
• Explain two ways the Church work for the worldwide community
• Evaluate whether charity begins at home
Activities/resources include:
Customisable recap do-now starter
a variety of tasks e.g. Mastermind, create a TV Commercial, 5 mk questions and model answers to gain an in-depth understanding of:
• The difference between Church and church
• Parable of the sheep and goats / parable of the Good Samaritan
• Street pastors / food banks - **You can edit the info sheet to give examples of churches in your area that provide foodbanks **
• Christian Aid / Oxfam
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Sacraments: Eucharist / Holy Communion CHRISTIAN PRACTICES. #FUN LESSONS. A fun and engaging lesson with a variety to tasks and multimedia to stimulate learning and is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. You’ll find it concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike.
You can use props for the main activity e.g. red squash/Disco crisps – but I often ask the kids to improvise and their creativity can make it even more fun.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions. Assessment and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘‘Sacraments: Eucharist / Holy Communion’ Christian Practices AQA
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• To explain the origins, symbolism and significance of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
• Explain differences within Christianity with regards to the practice of the Eucharist
Activities/resources include:
Customisable recap do-now starter
a variety of tasks to gain an in-depth understanding of:
• The Origins of the Sacrament
• The events of the Last Supper
• Relevance of the Gospel of Luke and the New Covenant
• Role play: Catholic / Anglican service of mass
• Differences between Catholic and Anglican denominations including transubstantiation -v- Real Presence.
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Sacraments: Infant and Believers Baptism - Christian Practices. #FUN LESSONS. A fun and engaging lesson by employing use of popular media and games. It does not lack academic challenge it is ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. This is concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike.
You can use props for the main activity e.g. doll, water – but I often ask the kids to improvise and this often makes it even more fun.
There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘Sacraments: Believers and Infant Baptism’ Christian Practices AQA
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Explain the meaning and significance of sacraments
• Explain the difference between a believer’s baptism and Infant baptism and evaluate which type is most important
Activities/resources include:
Customisable recap do-now starter
a variety of tasks to gain an in-depth understanding of:
• the meaning and significance of sacraments
• Denominational differences regarding the sacraments
• purpose of baptism
• believers and infant baptism differences
• evaluate which is most important believers or infant baptism
• Key term bingo
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
‘Prayer -Christian Practices’ #FUN LESSONS. Engages students with the use of a range of popular culture media. It is a ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson that is concise and easy to follow making it suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike.
There is an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in exam questions and mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout.
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Prayer – Christian Practices
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• To explain the meaning and significance of the Lord’s Prayer
• To explain the difference between liturgical (set prayers) and informal prayers and public/private prayers and evaluate which is most meaningful
Activities include:
variety of multimedia in popular culture including: Stormzy and David Bowie
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about:
Liturgical prayer and Lord’s prayer
Informal prayers, and arrow prayers
Private and Public prayer - Strengths and weaknesses
liturgical and informal prayer - strengths and weaknesses
The five purposes of prayer
5 mark exam question with scaffolding
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
‘Worship: Christian Practices’ is a concise and easy to follow, ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Worship: Christian Practices’ AQA
Students will be able to
• Explain different types of Christian worship and the denominations that use them
• Evaluate (strengths and weaknesses) of these forms of worship
Activities include:
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about:
• Learning from popular TV series (videos) differences between Liturgical non liturgical, informal and charismatic forms of worship
• Matching activity to pair forms of worship with their advantages and disadvantages
• Venn diagram to illustrate similarities and differences between each type of worship
• Drama activity: students role play a type of worship the rest of the class guess which type of worship it is.
• debates regarding which is the most respectable form of worship
• Exam 4 mark question with scaffolding, model answer and peer assessment
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
The scheme of learning is for the The Christian Beliefs bundle of 9 lessons.
For each lesson it contains:
Lesson title
It also contains a handout for the last piece of homework (for end of topic revision)
‘Christian Beliefs’ #FUN LESSONS Bundle includes a scheme of learning which details homework, differentiation and assessment and a fully resourced pack of 9 concise and easy to follow lessons. **These lessons are ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused. **
Students will learn the GCSE content plus be challenged by dipping into some relevant A Level material. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
AQA/Edexcel Christian Beliefs
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
‘Christian Beliefs – Revision lesson’ is a concise and easy to follow. It is a fun lesson to recap on the content. Students should be learning without realising it!
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Christian Beliefs
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Engage in lots of fun game to revise for test. To prepare and present multiple views on a variety of statements with a strong religious reference.
Activities include: FULLY RESOURCED**
• Articulate game
• quotes master game (sorting)
• presentation game: students are required to give reasons for and against variety of statements and include a strong religious reference
• pub quiz (without the beer!) and peer assessment
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Sin and the Means of Salvation - CHRISTIAN BELIEFS. AQA. #FUN LESSONS. Concise and easy to follow, ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson. Students will learn the GCSE content plus be challenged by dipping into some relevant A Level material. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout**
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Sin and the Means of Salvation / Christian Beliefs
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Explain different Christian views on the means of Salvation including: including law, grace and role of Christ/atonement
• Evaluate which of these means guarantees salvation
Activities include:
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about:
• Analysis of the song Amazing Grace and its background
• The following means of salvation: Grace, The Law, Role of Jesus, (crucifixion), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Good deeds
• Contrasting Christian beliefs about which of these means is most reliable for Salvation
• 12 mark question With emphasis on key skills required by the exam board
• key term bingo
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Afterlife: Judgement and Resurrection - Christian Beliefs AQA. #FUN LESSONS
A concise and easy to follow, ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson. Students will learn the GCSE content plus be challenged by dipping into some relevant A Level material. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
‘Afterlife: Judgement and Resurrection’ / Christian Beliefs
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
Explain different Christian beliefs about the afterlife
Evaluate whether belief in Hell is compatible with belief in an omnibenevolent God?
Activities include:
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about:
• Mediaeval doom paintings analysis and their purpose
• Universalist, liberal, Catholic, Protestant and fundamentalist views
• relevant extract from the Nicene Creed - analysis
• Parable of sheep and goat’s symbolism and annotation
• Reasons for and against the statement ‘if God was omnibenevolent there would be no hell’
• Exam five mark question
• key term bingo
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Person of Jesus: Resurrection and Ascension / CHRISTIAN BELIEFS / AQA
#FUN LESSONS. A concise and easy to follow, ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson. Students will learn the GCSE content plus be challenged by dipping into some relevant A Level material. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Resurrection and Ascension: Person of Jesus / Christian Beliefs
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Explain evidence for the resurrection
• Explain ways the resurrection influences Christians today with reference to scripture
Activities include:
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about:
artwork analysis of resurrection
Nicene Creed annotation
Primary sources: the four gospels - comparative analysis
Exam skills: 5 mark answer with model answer full self-assessment
ranking evidence for and against
Secular arguments e.g. Sigmund Freud wish fulfilment theory
The influence of the resurrection on Christians today
The ascension and its importance
Philosophical problems with bodily and spiritual resurrection
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Person of Jesus: Crucifixion / CHRISTIAN BELIEFS/AQA/ A concise and easy to follow, ‘MASTERY’ ‘and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson. Students will learn the GCSE content plus be challenged by dipping into some relevant A Level material. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Mini plenary’s and extra challenges throughout
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Crucifixion: Person of Jesus / Christian Beliefs
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• To explain Christian beliefs about the earthly and spiritual reasons for Jesus crucifixion.
Activities include:
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about:
Sinful nature of human beings
The nature of atonement and Jesus role in this
The Four Gospel accounts: comparative analysis
Spiritual and earthly reasons for his death
Time line from arrest to death
Non-Christian sources of the Crucifixion
Exam skills: 5 mark answer with model answer full self-assessment
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.
Person of Jesus: Incarnation - God in the flesh. CHRISTIAN BELIEFS/AQA/#FUN LESSONS. Concise & easy to follow, ‘MASTERY’ and EXAM SKILLS focused lesson. Students will learn the GCSE content plus be challenged by dipping into some relevant A Level material. There will be an emphasis (and modelling) of key skills needed in evaluation questions. Frequent mini plenary’s for assessment.
Date on slide updates automatically / Resource light / Easy to follow & Suitable for non-specialists
Person of Jesus: The Incarnation
Students will be able to (with reference to source of authority):
• Explain Christian beliefs about the incarnation and reasons why God would choose to incarnate
• Evaluate was Jesus: mad, bad or God?
Activities include:
Customisable recap do-now starter, a variety of tasks to learn about
Four Gospels and their historicity (annotation), Analyse symbolism of Christmas cards, Analyse Annunciation artwork throughout history, To develop the point The Gospel writers show that Jesus was no ordinary person…. (using key terms and quotes), Video activity on why God became flesh. Exam skills practise of five mark question. Video activity followed by discussion: Was Jesus: Mad, Bad or God?
I hope you enjoy teaching this lesson. Your feedback is most welcome.