Math for early childhood

Two Little Black Birds Felt Board Pattern PDF
Two little black birds sitting on a hill
One named Jack
And the other named Jill
Fly away Jack
Fly away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill

Five Little Clouds Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five little clouds up in the sky,
Drifting, floating way up high,
One disappeared from the sky so blue,
When a big gust of wind came blowing through.
Four little clouds up in the sky.....
Three little clouds up in the sky.....
Two little clouds up in the sky....
One little cloud up in the sky....
Each cloud is about 18cm wide (7 inches).

Five Little Raindrops Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
his felt set pattern comes with two rhymes:
Counting Down
Five little raindrops plopping on the floor,
One plopped away, and then there were four.
Four little raindrops dripping on the trees,
One dripped away, and then there were three.
Three little raindrops splashing on my shoe,
One splashed away, and then there were two……
Counting Up
One little raindrop in the dark, dark sky
Two little raindrops watch the clouds roll by….
The cloud is 18 cm (7 inches) wide and each raindrop is 4.5cm long (1.75 inches).

Five Little Leaves in the Tall Tree Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five Little Leaves in the Tall, Tall Tree Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Five little leaves in the tall, tall tree
As bright and pretty as they can be
Along came the wind
Blowing all around
And one bright leaf fell to the ground
The leaves range in size from 10 cm (4 inches) to 14 cm (5.5 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Four Birthday Presents Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is fun birthday rhyme that encourages counting and colour recognition.
This felt set is super easy to make. No sewing at all. Just cut the felt and assemble.
Each present is 8.5cm square (3.25 inches).
Four birthday presents and they’re all for me,
I’ll unwrap the green one and now there are three.
Three birthday presents and one is from you,
I’ll unwrap the purple one and now there are two.
Two birthday presents left until I’m done,
I’ll unwrap the pink one and now there is one.
One birthday present, I’m having so much fun!
I’ll unwrap it slowly and now there are none.

Five Little Easter Eggs Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
It’s so fun to play with Easter eggs that you don’t even notice that you’ve learned to count up to five and down again and to identify colours as the same time.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
Five little Easter eggs,
lovely colours wore,
Mother ate the blue one,
Then there were four.
Four little Easter eggs,
two and two, you see,
Daddy ate the pink one,
Then there were three.
Three little Easter eggs,
before I knew,
Sister ate the yellow one,
Then there were two.
Two little Easter eggs,
oh, what fun!
Brother ate the purple one,
Then there was one.
One little Easter egg,
See me run!
I ate the last one,
And then there were none.
Each egg is 10cm tall (4 inches) and 7.5cm wide (3 inches).

Jelly Bean Count Down Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Jelly Bean Count Down Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Five little jelly beans
I wish I had more!
I’ll eat the (colour) one
Now there are four!
Four little jelly beans.
Tasty as can be,
I’ll eat the (colour) one
Now there are three!
Each jelly bean is 12cm (4.75 inches) by 9 cm (3.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Raindrops Dancing on the Walk Felt Board Pattern PDF
Five little raindrops
Dancing on the walk
Pitter patter, pitter patter,
that’s the way they talk.
Out comes the yellow sun, shining in the sky
And away goes one raindrop
Bye, bye!
Each raindrop is 15 cm tall (6 inches) from top to bottom
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use

Ten Apples Up on Top Dr Seuss Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Retell Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr Seuss using this felt set.
First put the dog, the lion and the tiger on the felt board.
Read the first page of the book and demonstrate how to use the apples to act out the story.
Encourage children to take over adding apples as each page is read.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
The lion is 11cm x 10cm ( About 4.5 x 4 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Reindeer Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five little reindeer pulling the sleigh
Filled with toys for Christmas day.
Santa shouts “Oh No! I’ve dropped a sack”,
So one little reindeer goes to get it back
Each reindeer is 14cm wide (5.25 inches) and 9cm high (3.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Ice Cream Cones at the Ice Cream Store Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is a fun summer or birthday counting rhyme with lots of opportunities to discuss flavours and colours.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all. Just cut the felt, assemble and paint.
Each ice cream cone is 17cm from top to bottom (6.5 inches).
Five ice cream cones at the ice cream store,
A boy bought a chocolate one, and then there were four.
Four ice cream cones, as delicious as can be,
A girl bought a vanilla one, and then there were three.
Three ice cream cones, none the colour blue,
A boy bought a peppermint one, and then there were two.
Two ice cream cones, dripping in the sun,
A girl bought a strawberry one, and then there was one.
One ice cream cone, in a sugar cone,
A boy bought this last one, and now there are none.

Apple Colour Sorting Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Have so much fun counting apples and sorting them by colours. This set encourages colour identification, colour sorting and counting and colour word recognition.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
The apple tree is about 29cm tall ( about 11.5 inches) and 25 cm wide (about 10 inches).
Activity cards provided with US and English spelling.

Counting and Colour Sorting Kites Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Counting and Colour Sorting Kites Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
This activity allows children to practice number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, counting,
colour recognition and sorting.
Count the number of kite tails required to match the numeral on the kite.
Match kite tails to kite colour
Make patterns with the kite tails.
Kites are 40cm long ( 17.5 inches)
Activity card template provide for US and English spelling.
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Way Up High in the Apple Tree Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Way Up High in the Apple Tree Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Way up high in the apple tree
Two little apples smiled at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
Down came the apples
Yum they were good
The Apple Tree is 21 cm tall (about 8 inches) and 16 cm wide (about 6.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Elves Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
These cute elves just demand to be counted at Christmas time.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
Each elf is 11.5 cm (about 4.5 inches) and 12 cm wide (about 5 inches).
Five little elves jumping on the sleigh,
One jumped off and ran away
Rudolph called Santa and Santa said
“No more elves jumping on the sleigh.”
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Currant Buns in a Baker’s Shop Felt Board Pattern PDF
Five currant buns in a baker’s shop
Round and fat with a cherry on the top
Along came a boy with a dollar one day
Bought a currant bun and took it away.
Each currant bun will be 6 cm x 4.5 cm
Finished Cake Stand measures 31 cm x 8 cm
Coins measure 4.5 cm diameter)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use

Ten Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Ten Green Bottles Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
There were ten green bottles hanging on the wall
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidently fall
There’ll be nine green bottles standing on the wall
Nine Green Bottles standing on the wall…
Count down until ….
One Green Bottle hanging on the wall
One green bottle hanging on the wall
And if that green bottle should accidently fall
There’ll be no green bottles hanging on the wall
The wall is 54cm long (21 inches) and 12cm high (almost 5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Little Worm Hide and Seek Sizes Game Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Little Worm Hide and Seek Sizes Game Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Hide worm underneath one of the apples. Then chant with the children:
Little worm, little worm
playing hide and seek.
Are you under the large, medium, or small apple.
Let’s take a peek.
The large apple is 15cm x 16 cm (about 6 inches) and the smallest apple is 7cm x 8cm ( about 2.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Balloons Up in the Sky Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Tune 10 Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall
Five balloons up in the sky
See them flying way up high
If one of those balloons should happen to POP
Only four balloons would be floating up top
. ……
Each Balloon is 9 cm wide (3.5 inches) and 33 cm long including the balloon strings (13 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Mary had a Coloured Lamb Digital Pattern
This fun activity and song investigates colours, increases vocabulary and promotes an understanding of similes.
Mary’s lambs are so fluffy. They are made using polar fleece for the sheep’s wool and felt for the bodies.
Each sheep is 11.5cm tall (4.5 inches) and 7.5cm wide (3.5 inches).
Mary has lost her lamb and needs our help.
We’ll have to sing to help her find the lost lamb.
Out comes the first lamb and we sing:
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
whose fleece was yellow as…… the sun!