Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.
Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.
PE, Numeracy and communication skills mix in this fun active relay fitness game for Primary (Key Stage 2, especially Year 4, 5 and 6). Great for outdoor learning or special events such as National Maths Week, to have children practising mental calculations in another curriculum area. Alternatively, use this activity as a warm up to add variety to your normal Physical Education programme. Good teamwork and communication should be encouraged as teammates help each other to work out the calculations and guide each other to the possible answer cards, while navigating around the hidden Exercise Cards (which force the team to divert onto a variety of athletic challenges!). 4 files are included: large versions of game boards and cards in PDF, small versions, plus editable exercise card files (both sizes - in PPT), in case you wish to add some of your own exercise ideas. Print and laminate the boards and cards you require. No equipment is necessary and the game can be played in a gym hall or outside space. Answer key included.
INSTRUCTIONS (Also included within the file):
Split students into up to 7 groups, giving each a calculation board.
Shuffle the number cards and as many exercise cards (12 included) as you wish, spreading them out face down at the other end of the playing area. You may wish to remove the answer cards for any board not in use.
Teams send one person at a time running to collect a card. On each go, students must only turn over one card. If they know it is not an answer to any calculations on their board, they replace it, or else they can bring it back to their team to check and the next team member can replace it if it is not required, before collecting another card.
If a player turns over an Exercise Card, they must bring it back to their group and the whole team must perform the stipulated exercises. When all members are finished the exercise, the next runner can set off for another card.
The winners are the first team to cover all their calculations with the correct answer cards.
There are two of each number card, as each answer features on two boards, helping to ensure a faster game. To speed up the game or to add an extra element, include as many Pass Cards as you like. If children turn over a Pass Card they can place it over any calculation they want, for instance if they are finding a calculation too difficult or if there is an answer card they are struggling to find. For differentiation, use mixed ability groups or else grant certain groups extra pass cards to cover more challenging calculations.
To ensure a smooth game, circulate with the answer key for at-a-glance checking. If groups have accidentally taken another group’s answer card, ensure they quickly replace it so as not to hamper the progress of other teams.
Thank you for your interest.
Quelle est la date? Beginners French KS2 / KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6 and 7) Printable Speaking Games for revision of calendar and date vocabulary: 10 Four in a Row game boards and a Snakes and Ladders Board for practising saying the date in French. These resources will help you plan multiple lessons at Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 (upper Primary and early Secondary and equivalents) for students beginning French or near beginners requiring revision of basic vocab and phrases. Originally made for UK schools, I have also added US date format versions of both resources.
You can get these games with other French calendar resources (a substantial PowerPoint lesson presentation, bingo game, loop games, worksheets and puzzles) in this bundle: French Calendar (Le Calendrier) Bundle
I originally created this to help pupils answer the French question 'Quelle est la date?' but there is no reference to French on the boards so they can also be used for Italian, Spanish, German and other languages. Pupils will practise calendar vocabulary - months (les mois), days of the week (les jours de la semaine) and numbers to thirty-one.
5 boards with the month and date
5 further boards with the month, date and day
A fun language learning activity - ideal for a starter, early finisher task, main lesson consolidation work or as part of a bank of revision activities. Print in either A3 or A4 and laminate for regular use. Individuals or pairs play against each other, taking it in turns to roll a dice before choosing a date in the correct column (columns are labelled 1-6) to say in the target language. If correct, they could put their symbol or initial over it in a wipeable pen or cover it with a counter of a different colour to their opponent. The first player/team to get 4 in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally is the winner. With 10 boards in total, they can swap with other pairs/groups when finished to have another game.
Pupils play as per normal Snakes and Ladders, only they have to say the date they land on in French. The US date format version of the game is on page 2 of the file. Instructions are on page 3.
Explore some of my other French basics resources:
Huge French Basics Bundle
For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
KS2 / KS3 Beginners French Halloween vocabulary (L’Halloween) speaking games and activities. Enjoy teaching spooky words this October with these fun printables, originally made for Year 4, 5, 6 and 7) for beginners or near beginners. May suit other ages depending on experience. Resources are included in colour, with alternative greyscale versions in a second file.
Vocabulary slide
4 x Four in a Row boards
2 x ‘I Have…Who Has?’ / Loop Games
30 x Bingo Boards
SAVE by purchasing this as part of my French Halloween BUNDLE, alongside my French Halloween Presentation and Flashcards pack and my French Halloween Worksheets and Puzzles.
Use this page to support students playing the games, if required. You can display it on a screen or print it.
4 different game boards. Print in colour or b&w and laminate as required. Works well in A3 for larger groups but A4 is good too. First to get four in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally - wins. Students roll dice, then choose a Halloween word from that number column and say it in French. If correct, use a dry-wipe marker to put a symbol or initial in that box, and so on.
This game practises some of the key Halloween vocabulary in phrases alongside some numbers. Print and laminate the 30 illustrated cards, which form a continuous loop so you can start with any one. Distribute amongst players. First player reads the English language side of one of their cards and then all players check if they have the matching number of the correct item. If they do, they will read out both sides of their card. Students use ‘Qui a…?’ (‘Who has…?’) to ask the question each time. Instead of the usual ‘J’ai…’ (‘I have…’) for the other side of the cards, students could use the expression ‘Il y a…’ (‘There is… / there are…’).
A 20-card word-only game, similar to the one above. It uses a wider pool of vocabulary but without the numbers.
Use these 30 different cards for games of Bingo (the teacher could read out French Halloween words) or Tic Tac Toe / Noughts and Crosses, with students taking it in turns to say aloud a French Halloween word from their card. If cards are laminated, students could write on them with a dry-wipe marker.
You might be interested in this Huge French Basics Bundle
Thank you. Please explore FullShelf Resources for many more French, Literacy and Maths resources.
25th January is Burns Night when people all over the world with Scottish connections attend a Burns Supper. Celebrate the life and poems of Scotland’s national Bard this January - or at any other time of the year - with these differentiated non-fiction / informational text reading passages with comprehension questions, a cloze procedure task, discussion writing prompt card and a crossword puzzle. They were designed for upper Primary (Upper KS2 - Years 5 and 6 and equivalents) or early Secondary (KS3 - Year 7). These close reading tasks and other activities are in an 18-page PDF. A US version with minor spelling changes is also included in the Zip file.
Also available in this January Reading Comprehensions BUNDLE.
Please check the preview to assess suitability. The non fiction comprehension and cloze task are provided at two levels of challenge, therefore they will suit a range of year groups and provide appropriate levels of challenge for different abilities within many classes.
Famous Scottish poet Robert Burns (often known as Rabbie Burns) was born on January 25 1759 and became one of the world’s best known writers. On Burns Night, his life and achievements are celebrated in Scotland and all over the world, especially in countries where many Scots have emigrated, such as Canada.
I am designing these non-fiction comprehension and activities packs to provide a time-saving bank of flexible themed tasks linked to dates throughout the year, though of course you can use them whenever you want. They feature very short texts (about 250 - 300 words). Each provides comprehension questions, a cloze procedure task and other linked tasks. The other tasks are on aspects of spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, writing or reading (this varies across the different packs). Build all activities into your Literacy / English programme, or use for cover lessons, homework, early finisher tasks or for those busy times when you need something low-prep, meaningful, relevant and engaging at the last minute!
Reading passage (2 levels of difficulty)
Cloze procedure task (2 levels) – using same passage
Comprehension questions (2 levels) – using same passage
Discussion writing prompt card (with and without background color) - this will help students to write a balanced argument about whether Burns is the greatest Scot ever. Students could carry out research to expand on the arguments and explore further points, if you want them to write a more detailed piece.
Burns Supper crossword puzzle (research task) - the text provides some answers but this will require internet access to search for most answers (unless they have done a Burns study)
Full answer keys
Teacher notes
YOU MIGHT LIKE: Scotland Crossword
5 KS2 Year 4, 5 or 6 spelling games to make learning about homophones and near homophones fun. These ‘splat’ SPaG activities include the following words that are often muddled up and misspelled:
there / their / they’re (64 sentences included)
it’s / its (64 sentences included)
where / were / we’re / wear (64 sentences)
whether / weather (32 sentences)
knew / new (32 sentences)
1 PDF document (19 pages)
1 PowerPoint (5 slides)
SAVE by purchasing this with more homophones splat games as part of this Homophones BUNDLE.
The games revolve around a total of 256 sentences which model a variety of structures so that while children are learning about the spelling of commonly confused words they are also learning about how to use a range of openers, connectives, sub-clauses etc to construct interesting sentences. Many sentences are silly to further engage children!
It’s a challenge to make SPaG work active and engaging, rather than relying solely on worksheets and these homophones splat games are ideal for fun consolidation during the main part of SPaG lessons or can be used as purposeful early finisher and/or starter activities. If you print and laminate them all, children could self-select the homophones they need to practise.
It is best played in small groups, where children each take a sentence card which features 8 sentences with a homophone word in it (homophone words are printed in bold). Children take it in turns to read a sentence from their card while the others compete to splat the correct homophone flashcard (homophone flashcards are included in black and white as well as fun colour ‘explosion’ style cards so you can choose which to print). The first student to hit the correct homophone word scores a point. Students could lose a point for hitting the wrong word to stop them being tempted to guess early.
The PowerPoint includes a slide for each game and features the homophone words for splatting as a whole class version on a ‘splattable’ whiteboard, should you so wish.
Thank you very much. You might like to explore some of my other Literacy and English resources:
Imaginative Story Writing Prompts
Spelling Games and Puzzles Year 5 / 6
Editing / Proofreading Puzzles Worksheets
Super Sentences (Complex Sentence Writing)
Improving Sentence Structure Worksheets
This New Year, your students can learn about the Christian Feast of the Epiphany (January 6) or Three Kings Day (El Dia de Los Reyes) with these differentiated January nonfiction reading passages with comprehension questions, cloze procedure task, compare and contrast activity, and fun crossword puzzle were designed for upper Primary (Upper KS2 - Years 5 and 6 and equivalents) or early Secondary (KS3 - Year 7). While using and developing their literacy skills, students will learn about Three Wise Men and their role within the Christmas Story as well as finding out about the significance of Epiphany to Christians and some of the various traditions associated with this religious celebration in different countries. These Epiphany themed close reading tasks and fun puzzle are in a printable non-editable PDF file with 20 pages. An additional US spelling / grammar version is included in the Zip file with a small number of amendments to the UK version.
Also available in this money-saving January Reading Comprehensions BUNDLE.
Most activities are provided at 2 levels of challenge, so will suit a range of year groups and provide appropriate levels of challenge for different abilities within many classes.
I am designing these non-fiction comprehension and activities packs to provide a time-saving bank of flexible themed tasks linked to dates throughout the year. They feature very short texts (about 250 - 300 words). Each pack is linked to a particular month but of course you can use them whenever you want! Each provides comprehension questions, a cloze procedure task and other linked tasks. The other tasks are on aspects of spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, writing or reading (this varies across the different packs). Build all activities into your Literacy or English programme, or use for cover lessons, homework, early finisher tasks or for those busy times when you just need something low-prep, meaningful, relevant and engaging at the last minute!
Reading passage (2 levels of difficulty)
Cloze procedure task (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage
Comprehension questions (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage
Compare and contrast task – using additional text, where 2 students from different cultures outline their experiences of Christmas and Epiphany / Three Kings Day. A Venn Diagram is then to be filled in with key details to show similarities and differences.
Crossword puzzle - students will be able to answer many clues from having read the texts in this pack but could have internet access to search for the remaining clues.
Full answer keys
Teacher notes
Winter Creative Writing Story Prompts
Key Stage 1 (KS1) Year 1 and Year 2 (Y1 / Y2) add and subtract 9 and 11 (and 10) printable mental maths activities. Use in Maths / Numeracy lessons for independent work, starters, warm ups, early finishers tasks, revision etc. There are 36 self-check write and wipe trail cards to be laminated for pupils to complete with wipeable pens. Ideal for fun consolidation once you have taught the related strategies of adding 10, then adding 1 / adding 10, then subtracting 1 etc. Will suit some Year 3 (Y3) and older learners in KS2 for consolidation. In Scotland, use for First Level Maths, Primary 2 and 3, or Primary 4 and above needing consolidation.
Each card contains 14 mental maths calculations - over 500 calculations across the whole set. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. Differentiation: The first 18 cards involve 2 digit numbers, while more able or older pupils could use cards 19-36, which involve 3-digit numbers (and bridging through hundreds in some). For further differentiation, allow number lines / number squares where appropriate.
They can be used by individuals or you could have pairs or small groups racing against each other to complete trails accurately. It promotes speed and accuracy and is a more engaging alternative to worksheets.
Starting at the bee and working their way around the card in a spiral, children write the answer to each calculation in the box, creating a running total. The final answer is printed next to the flower in the middle of the card so they can see if they have correctly completed it. If not, children can check to see where they have gone wrong.
Answer cards can be used by the pupils themselves or by the teacher to see at a glance where pupils have gone wrong. Print and laminate if required.
I hope your pupils enjoy using these. If you can leave me a review I would be very grateful.
I have other versions of this resource, to practise different aspects of adding and subtracting. They are available with this one in a great value bundle:
Adding and Subtracting within 20 Write and Wipe Cards
Add and Subtract within 50 Write and Wipe Cards
Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 Write and Wipe Cards
Add and Subtract Activities Trails BUNDLE
You might also like these: Basic Addition and Subtraction Fluency Puzzles Worksheets
For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
Key Stage 2 (KS2) place value printable activities for numbers up to 5 digits to develop understanding of place value, while practising mental maths. There are 56 self-checking maths trails (36 more challenging trails and an additional 20 trails for lower ability or less experienced learners) to make into reusable activity boards or simply print as worksheets (versions also included without the final answer). Ideal as main lesson tasks, starters, early finishers, home learning, homework and revision. PDF format. Ideal for Year 4 or Year 5 (Y4 / Y5) - or Primary 5 or 6 in Scotland.
A fun activity that can be used as a competitive game or an individual challenge
Differentiation: In addition to there being 2 different levels here, the last 6 trails in the main set (trails 31-36) are a little less challenging than the first 30 but a little more challenging than the lower ability set
Print as many A4 boards as you require (printing on card recommended), laminate for regular use and have students complete trails with whiteboard pens
Consider printing and/or laminating back-to-back to save resources
A5 worksheet versions of the trails (two trails per A4 page) are included with the answer removed, which you might want to use for classwork or homework without laminating
Separate final answer key versions included (for use with worksheet versions)
Full answer versions also included for speedy checking by student or teacher if required
Alternatively students could use a calculator to help them see where they have gone wrong.
Students love using these trails, fixing any errors for themselves. They could work in pairs or individually and choose whether to time themselves or race against their friends.
How do they work? The trails each feature 12 addition and subtraction calculations (or 8 in the lower ability set) to consolidate place value. A start and end number are printed on each card, so students can work from left to right down the rows, adding and subtracting different size numbers, until they reach the end, where they can check if they arrived at the correct final number.
These trails are available alongside other place value games and activities for large numbers and decimal numbers in a popular bundle:
KS2 Place Value Activities Bundle
Some of my other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources:
Mental Maths Bundle
Multiplication / Division Bundle
Please visit FullShelf Resources to explore more. Thank you.
KS2 / KS3 French Beginners printable role-play or conversation / dialogue cards for review of La Famille en Francais / Ma Famille et Les Animaux de Compagnie / Les Animaux Domestiques vocabulary and phrases. There are 24 cards in this speaking activity, with vocabulary support pages included too. Students consolidate talking about family members, such as how many brothers and sisters they have, who they live with, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents, step-families, ages and names. They talk about whether they have household pets (cat, dog, goldfish, guinea pig, hamster, horse, lizard, mouse, parrot, rabbit, snake, turtle) and give details such as the names, ages and colours of their animals. These scripted French conversations are a good stepping stone to more independent role-playing.
My French basics resources are designed for Year 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (and equivalents) but may suit others, depending on experience. See the preview to check suitability for your students. The cards are in a PDF and there’s an additional US spelling version with a small number of amendments to the words grey / gray, colour / color and mum/mom.
SAVE by purchasing this in my French Families and Pets BIG BUNDLE, which also includes presentations, flashcards, worksheets, puzzles, printable games and activities, introducing and reviewing the same core vocabulary and phrases as these role-play cards.
You may wish to get some of the packs individually, or choose these smaller bundles:
French Family BUNDLE
French Pets BUNDLE
These role-play cards are also included in:
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French Role-Play Cards BUNDLE
Print and laminate cards.
The 6 English language pages are designed to be printed back-to-back with the 6 translation pages for self-checking. Adjust printer settings as necessary.
If preferred, print translations as separate cards.
Pairs translate the conversation on their card into French, practising speaking it together.
The 2 vocabulary support pages (one for family vocab, one for pets) can be printed if required.
Many thanks for your interest in my resources.
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
German role play oral activity for Greetings and Introductions unit vocabulary (Die Begrüßungen auf Deutsch). 24 printable conversation / skits cards included, in English and German. Reviews basic German words and phrases such as as Guten Tag (Hello), Guten Abend (Good evening), Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye) and Bis bald (See you soon). Students will practise asking and answering questions such as Wie geht’s? (How are you?), Wie heißt du? (What’s your name?), Wie alt bist du? (How old are you?), and Wo wohnst du? (Where do you live?). My German basics resources are made for students beginning German and near beginners in KS2 or early KS3 (Years 5, 6 and 7) and equivalents but they may suit others, depending on experience. Please check the preview file to assess suitability.
These scripted German greetings dialogues are a good stepping-stone to more independent role-playing activities.
Print and laminate as required. In pairs, students translate the conversations on their card into German, practising speaking it together. The 6 English language pages are designed to be printed back-to-back with the 6 translation pages for student self-checking. If preferred, the translations could be printed as separate cards. The vocabulary card can be provided for support where required. An instruction page is also included.
SAVE by purchasing this as part of my German Greetings and Introductions BUNDLE, along with these further 4 resource packs:
German Greetings and Introductions Presentation and Activities
German Greetings Worksheets
German Greetings Games
German Greetings Board Game
Although I am in the early days of adding German content to my store, if you teach French too you might be interested to explore some of my French resources:
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Key Stage 1 (KS1) Year 1 and Year 2 (Y1 / Y2) add and subtract multiples of 10 / tens numbers activities. These printable mental maths activities, are great for starters, warm ups, early finishers, independent work, home learning etc. Includes 36 self-check write and wipe trail cards to be laminated for pupils to complete with wipeable pens. A preview file is included to show how the write and wipe trail cards work. These cards could also be used in KS2 with learners who require consolidation. In Scotland, use for First Level Maths, Primary 2 and 3.
Each card contains 14 mental maths adding and subtracting calculations - over 500 calculations across the whole set. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. They can be used by individuals or you could have pairs or small groups racing against each other to complete trails accurately. It promotes speed and accuracy and is a more engaging alternative to worksheets.
Starting at the dog and working their way around the card in a spiral, children write the answer to each calculation in the box, creating a running total. The final answer is printed next to the bone in the middle of the card so they can see if they have correctly completed it. If not, children can check to see where they have gone wrong. Answer cards can be used by the pupils themselves or by the teacher to see at a glance where pupils have gone wrong. Print and laminate if required.
I have other versions of this resource, to practise different aspects of adding and subtracting. They are available with this one in a great value bundle:
Adding and Subtracting within 20 Write and Wipe Cards
Add and Subtract within 50 Write and Wipe Cards
Add and Subtract 9, 10 and 11 Write and Wipe Cards
Add and Subtract Activities Trails BUNDLE
You might also like these: Basic Addition and Subtraction Fluency Puzzles Worksheets
For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
World Braille Day is on January 4 so in the first week back in the New Year you can use these differentiated January non-fiction reading passages with comprehension questions, cloze procedure task, sentences punctuation task, a hidden word puzzle, and crossword puzzle, designed for upper Primary (Upper KS2 - Years 5 and 6 and equivalents) or early Secondary (KS3 - Year 7 and equivalents). Your students will use and develop their literacy skills while learning about the inventor of the well-known code that enables blind and visually impaired people to read and write. These informational text close reading tasks, punctuation activity and fun puzzles are in a printable non-editable PDF file with over 20 pages. UK and US versions are included in the file where there are differences (such as the use of the word “period” instead of “full stops”).
Also available in this money-saving January Reading Comprehensions BUNDLE.
3 of the 5 activities (not the two puzzles) are provided at 2 levels of challenge, so will suit a range of year groups and provide appropriate levels of challenge for different abilities within many classes.
I am designing these non-fiction comprehension and activities packets to provide a variety of interesting and relevant texts and related activities, a time-saving bank of flexible themed tasks linked to dates throughout the year. They feature specially written very short texts (about 250 - 300 words). Each pack is linked to a particular month but of course you can use them whenever you want! Each provides comprehension questions, a cloze procedure task and other linked tasks. The other tasks are on aspects of spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, writing or reading (this varies across the different packs). Build all activities into your Literacy or English programme, or use for cover lessons, homework, early finisher tasks or for those busy times when you just need something low-prep, meaningful, relevant and engaging at the last minute!
Reading passage (2 levels of difficulty)
Cloze procedure task (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage
Comprehension questions (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage
Sentences punctuation task (2 levels of difficulty) – using additional linked text, where students must decide where sentences begin and end, placing periods and capital letters correctly
True or false puzzle - students will be able to complete much of this after reading the texts in this pack but could have internet access to search for the remaining clues
Crossword puzzle - as with the other puzzle, a little internet search will be required for some clues
Full answer keys
Teacher notes
Winter Creative Writing Story Prompts
Chinese New Year 2024 is celebrated on February 10 (Year of the Dragon) but the earliest the festival, also known as Spring Festival, can fall is January 21. Here are differentiated nonfiction informational text reading passages with comprehension questions, cloze procedure tasks, vocabulary grid puzzles, and direct speech worksheets, designed for upper Primary (Upper KS2 - Years 5 and 6 and equivalents) or early Secondary (KS3 - Year 7 and equivalents). Also available in this money-saving January Reading Comprehensions BUNDLE.
These Chinese New Year themed close reading tasks, puzzles and grammar worksheets are in a printable non-editable PDF file with over 20 pages. UK and US spelling versions are included in separate files within the Zip file to cater for both. All activities are provided at 2 levels of challenge, so will suit a range of year groups and provide appropriate levels of challenge for different abilities within many classes.
I am designing these non-fiction comprehension and activities packets to provide a variety of interesting and relevant texts and related activities, a time-saving bank of flexible themed tasks linked to dates throughout the year. They feature specially written very short texts (about 250 - 300 words). Each pack is linked to a particular month but of course you can use them whenever you want! Each provides comprehension questions, a cloze procedure task and other linked tasks. The other tasks are on aspects of spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, writing or reading (this varies across the different packs). Build all activities into your Literacy or English programme, or use for cover lessons, homework, early finisher tasks or for those busy times when you just need something low-prep, meaningful, relevant and engaging at the last minute!
Reading passage (2 levels of difficulty)
Cloze procedure task (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage
Comprehension questions (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage
Vocabulary grid puzzle (2 levels of difficulty) – using same passage, student will work on extending vocabulary, while practicing spelling and working on parts of speech knowledge.
Direct speech / punctuating dialogue with speech marks worksheet (2 levels of difficulty) – students punctuate a short passage (more challenging version) or sentences (easier version) of dialogue, that has a link to Chinese New Year. The more challenging version requires students to take a new line for each change of speaker, as well as putting in quotation marks / speech marks etc.
Full answer keys
Teacher notes
Winter Creative Writing Story Prompts
5 KS2 Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6 spelling games to make learning about homophones and near homophones fun. These ‘splat’ SPaG activities include the following words that are often muddled up and misspelled:
your / you’re (64 sentences)
here / hear (64 sentences)
to / two / too (64 sentences)
threw / through (32 sentences)
no / know (32 sentences)
1 PDF document (18 pages)
1 PowerPoint (5 slides)
SAVE by purchasing this with more homophones splat games as part of this Homophones BUNDLE.
The games revolve around a total of 256 sentences which model a variety of structures so that while children are learning about the spelling of commonly confused words they are also learning about how to use a range of openers, connectives, sub-clauses etc to construct interesting sentences. Many sentences are silly to further engage children!
It’s a challenge to make SPaG work active and engaging, rather than relying solely on worksheets and these homophones splat games are ideal for fun consolidation during the main part of SPaG lessons or can be used as purposeful early finisher and/or starter activities. If you print and laminate them all, children could self-select the homophones they need to practise.
It is best played in small groups, where children each take a sentence card which features 8 sentences with a homophone word in it (homophone words are printed in bold). Children take it in turns to read a sentence from their card while the others compete to splat the correct homophone flashcard (homophone flashcards are included in black and white as well as fun colour ‘explosion’ style cards so you can choose which to print). The first student to hit the correct homophone word scores a point. Students could lose a point for hitting the wrong word to stop them being tempted to guess early.
The PowerPoint includes a slide for each game and features the homophone words for splatting as a whole class version on a ‘splattable’ whiteboard, should you so wish.
Thank you very much. You might like to explore some of my other Literacy and English resources:
Imaginative Story Writing Prompts
Spelling Games and Puzzles Year 5 / 6
Editing / Proofreading Puzzles Worksheets
Improving Sentence Structure Worksheets
Full Stops and Capital Letters Cards
Boost basic maths skills with these new maths revision puzzles activities if number bonds to 20, adding and subtracting within 20 and basic doubles and near doubles are still tricky in Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 2, 3 or 4). These 15 puzzles worksheets are engaging activities for independent work, homework, starter tasks and early finisher challenges to improve basic skills, fact families and inverse operations. They are no prep printables, designed as fun alternatives to standard worksheets to provide variety and extra practice of addition and subtraction facts beyond Year 1, including some special educational needs contexts (SEN). Students must have basic spelling ability to uncover the 4 or 5-letter hidden words that feature in these calculation puzzles (although clues can be given, of course!). Please check the preview to see if they will meet your needs. Answers included.
This 31-page PDF file includes these 15 puzzles (and full answer keys):
Addition up to 20
Subtraction up to 20
Doubles (mainly to 20 but including easier larger numbers to 50)
Near Doubles (mostly single digit numbers)
Number Bonds to 10 (Addition and Subtraction Facts included in all following puzzles)
Number Bonds to 11
to 12
to 13
to 14
to 15
to 16
to 17
to 18
to 19
to 20
Students study completed calculations, hunting for errors. Normally they often forget or avoid checking their work so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles! Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work.
Each puzzle contains 21 completed calculations, with 4 or 5 deliberate errors. There is a letter printed in each box, below the calculation. Students circle all the boxes containing calculation mistakes. When they have finished, they put all the letters together from the circled boxes and rearrange the letters to spell the name of an animal.
If students have assembled the correct letters but find the rearranging very challenging, you can have them work in pairs or give clues, such as the first letter of the word or a fact about the animal. The animal printed on each puzzle is for illustration purposes and not related to the answer.
Answer Keys are located after each puzzle. Print for students to self-check if required. You might want to display them instead. A Teacher Notes page is included.
TIP: To save printing and to use again, laminate them and have students complete them with dry-wipe pens! Alternatively, put the sheets in a dry-erase sleeve.
Add and Subtract within 20 Write and Wipe Cards
SAVE by getting these 2 resources together: Basic Addition and Subtraction Activities BUNDLE.
Fun revision activities for converting between different units of measure: 6 Hidden Word / Spot the Mistake Puzzles Worksheets (and solutions) for Upper KS2 Maths / Numeracy (especially Year 5 and 6 - Y5 / Y6) and early KS3 (and equivalents). Conversion of metric units only: millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, millilitres, litres, grams and kilograms. All puzzles are in PDF format. Early finishers love being challenged by them plus they make great collaborative starters too!
Includes a puzzle for each of the list below:
Converting Length (one-star, less challenging version)
Converting Length (two-star, more challenging)
Converting Volume / Capacity
Converting Weight (Mass)
Ordering Measurements
Converting Measurements for Mental Addition and Subtraction calculations
An engaging alternative to standard worksheets, these no-prep measurement puzzles make ideal starter, early finisher, revision or homework activities. They can be completed individually or in pairs / groups. They are similar to codebreaker puzzles, with a maths-related word to be revealed after converting, ordering, adding or subtracting the measurement. Each puzzle contains a grid. Pupils circle any boxes containing errors, then put together the letters from these boxes to reveal a maths word.
Pupils often forget or avoid checking their own work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves.
The range of puzzles in this resource is ideal for differentiation and / or to cater for a range of groups and classes across Key Stage 2 (KS2) and some early KS3. Hopefully they'll be helpful for your teaching over many years.
I hope your students enjoy using these puzzles. I would be grateful for a review if you get a spare moment.
A Mega Bundle of 12 of my hidden word puzzle packs, including this one, is available for a huge saving:
Maths Hidden Word Puzzles MEGA BUNDLE
Please visit FullShelf Resources for engaging, time-saving printables, activities and presentations to plan Primary (and some Secondary) Literacy / English, Maths / Numeracy and French lessons.
Activities (a game, puzzles worksheets and word problem cards) for differentiated negative numbers lessons at Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2). It was originally designed for Year 5 and Year 6 (Y5 / Y6) and equivalents but could work for able Year 4 too. Includes 3 fun Hidden Word / Spot the Mistake Puzzles (and solutions), a 30-card Loop Game / Dominoes Set and 16 Word Problems Cards (8 multi-step and 8 more simple). PDF format. In Scotland, use for Primary 6 and 7 (and able Primary 5).
An engaging alternative to worksheets, these Numeracy puzzles make ideal starter, early finisher or homework activities. There’s one on increasing and decreasing temperature (Celsius), one for simple subtraction calculations with mostly negative number answers and a more challenging puzzle featuring addition and subtraction of negative and positive integers. Puzzles can be completed individually or in pairs / groups. Similar to codebreaker puzzles, a maths-related word is revealed after completing calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a calculation and a letter. Students circle boxes containing errors. Then they assemble the letters from the circled boxes to reveal a maths word. There’s a further challenge question / task at the bottom of the page linked to the word.
Pupils often forget or avoid checking their work so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work.
Fun group / whole class activity to consolidate adding and subtracting negative numbers, using phrases (‘reduce by’, ‘increase’, ‘difference between’ etc). Forms a continuous loop.
8 Multi-Step Word Problem Cards and 8 more simple. Solutions can be printed back to back with question side for student self-checking or can be printed and made into separate cards if required. Consolidates understanding of negative numbers in the contexts of temperature (degrees Celsius), money / bank accounts and points in a sporting league. Work well as early finisher challenges. Separate pounds and dollars versions.
A Mega Bundle of 12 of my Maths puzzle packs, including this one, is available for a big saving, while the same packs are also available in smaller bundles:
Maths Puzzles MEGA BUNDLE
Maths Puzzles BUNDLE 1
Maths Puzzles BUNDLE 2
Maths Puzzles BUNDLE 3
Visit FullShelf Resources for printables, activities and presentations to plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons.
Fun Key Stage 2 (KS2) Halloween activities for your maths lessons this October (Year 4, 5 and 6 especially), ideal for starters, warm ups, early finishers challenges and homework tasks! There are 6 printable mental maths puzzles worksheets with no prep required: 3 puzzles (Set A) originally designed for Y6 and Y5 and 3 more (Set B) originally designed for Y4 - and Year 3 if all concepts have been covered. Both sets can work well in the same class for differentiation. Set A might also suit some early KS3 classes. The puzzles are in PDF format within the Zip file. Full Answer Keys included.
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Bonfire Night Mental Maths Puzzles
Christmas Mental Maths Puzzles
SAVE by purchasing these Halloween Puzzles as part of these BUNDLES:
Halloween Maths Activities BUNDLE
Halloween and Bonfire Night Puzzles BUNDLE
Autumn and Winter Maths Puzzles BUNDLE
An engaging alternative to worksheets, these make ideal starter, early finisher or homework activities for this spooky time of year! Similar to codebreaker puzzles, a Halloween-related word is revealed after completing mental arithmetic calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a calculation and a letter. Students circle any boxes containing mistakes. Then they assemble letters from the circled boxes to reveal the Halloween word. Puzzles can be completed individually or in pairs / groups.
Students often forget or avoid checking their work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves.
Concepts include: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Times Tables, Doubling and Halving, Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100, Place Value, Negative Numbers, Fractions, Percentages and Decimals (Not all concepts feature in Set B).
See more Hidden Word Numeracy Puzzles for different concepts in a great value KS2 bundle: Maths Hidden Word Puzzles
My Crossnumber Puzzle packs are popular:
Place Value Puzzles
Mental Maths Puzzles Year 5 / 6
Mental Maths Puzzles Year 4 / 3
Thank you. Please visit FullShelf Resources
3 four in-a-row games and 3 puzzles worksheets for fun revision of the KS2 Y5 / Y6 statutory word list of 100 words. They work well for Year 6 SATs tests preparation, or use as starter tasks, early finisher activities or as stations in spelling / SPaG lessons. Ideal as fun, meaningful fillers activities too. These use UK spelling, punctuation and grammar rules.
SAVE as part of a SPaG Revision Activities BUNDLE, which also contains SPaG Editing / Proofreading Puzzles.
Puzzles feature sentences containing multiple words from the Year 5 and Year 6 spelling list, most spelled correctly
Students check carefully to spot errors and highlight corresponding letters in the grid at the bottom
Rearrange highlighted letters to form another word from the spelling list
To save printing, print puzzles on card and laminate. Students use whiteboard pens, allowing repeated use
Puzzles are included with a pastel background, to reduce glare for dyslexic learners and others for whom this is helpful. If not colour printing, it becomes a greyscale background, which you might like, though there are also versions without a background
Spotting errors may help students remember to check their own work and help them avoid errors themselves
Individual, pairs or small group use
For differentiation put lower ability children into pairs, perhaps with a higher ability student. You could allow a word list or dictionary for support
Each board contains 36 sentences featuring a misspelled word from the Year 5 and Year 6 word list
These words are printed in bold and underlined
Pairs or individuals can play against each other, aiming to correct 4 adjacent spellings in a line - horizontally, vertically or diagonally
Students roll dice to determine from which column they must pick a sentence
Print and laminate for regular use
Originally designed for A3 printing, and I recommend this, with students writing directly on the board with a thin whiteboard pen. However, it works fine in A4 (you may need to adjust printer settings). If A4, students could write their spelling on a mini whiteboard or paper and put their initials in the space if correct
Thank you for supporting my store.
Creative Writing Prompt Cards
Improving Sentences Activities BUNDLE
Percentages activities (puzzles worksheets) for Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2) and early KS3 Maths, especially Year 6 and Year 7, for early finishers challenges, starter tasks, revision and homework. 6 Hidden Word Mistakes puzzles for finding percents of amounts / quantities, decimal and fraction equivalents, percentage increases and decreases. Some content will suit some Year 5, depending on ability. Please check previews to assess suitability. Includes puzzles for:
Decimal and Fraction Equivalents
Percentages of Quantities / Amounts (Easier 1 star version)
Percentages of Quantities (More challenging 2 star version)
Percentage Increases
Percentage Decreases
Price Increases and Decreases by Percentages (Pound AND dollar versions)
SAVE by getting this as part of a
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages BUNDLE
Print and go!
To save on printing, laminate for completion with whiteboard pen and use again, or place in dry-wipe sleeves
Solutions included
PDF format
Engaging alternative to standard worksheets
Great for individuals or pairs / groups
How do Hidden Word puzzles work? Each puzzle contains a grid. Students circle boxes containing errors, then rearrange the letters from these boxes to reveal a secret maths-related word.
Spotting common errors may help students remember to check their own work and help them avoid them.
Converting Units of Measure
Negative Numbers
Maths Puzzles MEGA BUNDLE
Percentages Starter Game