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I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).




I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).
GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Writing Chemical Equations Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Writing Chemical Equations Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of writing chemical equations. It includes subtopics such as determining formulae of ionic compounds, fomulae of ionic compounds containing compound ions, valency, word equations, balanced symbol equations, ionic equations and half equations. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Safety in the Lab Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Safety in the Lab Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of safety in the labratory. It includes subtopics such as general safety rules, hazard symbols and risk assesssments. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Rates of Reaction Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Rates of Reaction Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of rates of reaction. It includes subtopics such as excess and limiting reaction, factors that can alter the rate of reaction, experiment showing the effect of surface area on the rate of chemical reactions, experiment showing the effect of changing concentration on rates of reaction, experiment to show the effct of temperature on rates of reaction, exoeriment showing the effct of a catalyst on rates of reaction, experiment showing catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution and their explanations. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Waves and Light Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Waves and Light Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of waves and light. It includes subtopics such as vibration/oscillation, frequency, amplitude, natural frequency, transverse waves, longitudinal waves, displacement distance graphs, angle of incidence, angle of reflection, experiment using plane mirrors, refraction of light, sound waves, uses of echos, ultrasound, spectra, uses of electromagnetic waves, lenses, focal length, focus, how convex lenses form and real images. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Space Science Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Space Science Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Space Science. It includes subtopics such as the solar system, formulation of starts and their solar systems, formation of planets, evidence to support nebular theory, the life cycle of stars, gravity and the motion of planets, comets and satellites, the formation of the universe, the doppler effect and CMBR. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Energy Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Energy Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Energy. It includes subtopics such as work, power, law of conservation of energy, gravitational potential eergy, kinetic energy, efficiency of machines, world energy resources, renewable and non-renewable resources, generating electricity from fossil fuels, effects on the environment of using energy resources. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Nervous System and Hormones  Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Nervous System and Hormones Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Nervous System and Hormones. It includes subtopics such as sensitivity and response stimuli, hand/ eye coordination, voluntary and reflex responses, reflex arc, homeostasis, hormones, negative feedback, insulin, diabetes, kidneys, osmoregulation, antidiuretic hormone and plant hormones. This resource includes definitions, diagrams and experiments. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Health and Disease Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Health and Disease Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Health, disease, defencemechanisms and treatments. It includes subtopics such as communicable diseases, viruses, bacteria, fungi, spread of diseases, how plants protect themselves, defences of body to pathogens, primary and secondary responses, immunity, uses of medicine, antibiotic resistance, non-communicable diseases, diet, overexposure to sun, misuse of drugs, smoking, cancer and heart attacks. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Variation and Natural Selection Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Variation and Natural Selection Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Vrtiation and Natural Selection. It includes subtopics such as genetic and environmental variation, natural selection, artificial selection and evidence for evolution. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Genetics Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Genetics Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Genetics. It includes subtopics such as DNA, genetic code, mitosis, meiosis, inheritance, punnet squares, sex determination in humans, cystic fibrosis, huntington’s disease, down’s syndrome, genetic screening and genetic engineering. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Reproduction and Fertility Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Biology Reproduction and Fertility Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of reproduction and fertility. It includes subtopics such as male and female reproductive systems, sex hormones, the menstrual cycle, fertilisation and pregnancy, health, diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, fertility problems, contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted infections. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
CCEA GCSE Double Award Biology Circulatory System Revision Notes

CCEA GCSE Double Award Biology Circulatory System Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of circulatory system. It includes subtopics such as blood cells, phagocytes, lumphocytes, platelets, plasma, cell lysis, arteries, veins, cpillaries, heart, double circulatory system, exercise and the system, heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, treatements and angina. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE German Future Plans Model Answers CCEA

GCSE German Future Plans Model Answers CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of future plans. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created this resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
GCSE German Part-time Jobs Model Answers CCEA

GCSE German Part-time Jobs Model Answers CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of part-time jobs. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created this resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
GCSE German Social Media and New Technologies Model Answers CCEA

GCSE German Social Media and New Technologies Model Answers CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of social media and new technology. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created this resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
GCSE German Model Answers Travel and tourism CCEA

GCSE German Model Answers Travel and tourism CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of travel and tourism. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created this resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
GCSE German Model Answers Myself and My family CCEA

GCSE German Model Answers Myself and My family CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of myself and my family. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created this resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
GCSE German Model Answers School life and studies CCEA

GCSE German Model Answers School life and studies CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of studies and school life. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created tis resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
GCSE German Model Answers Culture and Celebrations CCEA

GCSE German Model Answers Culture and Celebrations CCEA

This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of Culture and Celebrations. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created tis resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.