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KS3 Medieval - What Was Heraldry?

KS3 Medieval - What Was Heraldry?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider a heraldic shield and what th eparts might stand for or mean. An overview of what knights did in Medieval times using a YouTube video. An introduction to heraldic designs. Students get to choose their ordinary, tinctures (and what they represent for them as people) and charges (and what these show about them as people) and draft their designs as each is introduced. An opportunity to complete a final design but also to write a motto and explain why they chose the colours and designs they did. An extension to form an alliance with another classmate and bring their designs together by marshalling their shields. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Word Files
WW1 L17 - How Did Medicine Improve in WW1?

WW1 L17 - How Did Medicine Improve in WW1?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider some source images about the War. Students study a field hospital to see the crampt conditions, and stretcher bearers who probably make things worse for their carried patients going through bumpy conditions and mud. An overview of the RAMC. A task to complete a worksheet about the chain of evacuation using the on-board info and short YouTube clips. A longer activity to use a series of sources to write down the improvements to different medical problems, like Trench Foot, bullet wounds, broken legs etc. A plenary to answer quiz questions based on the key facts from the lessons. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
Tudors - How Did the Tudors Entertain Themselves?

Tudors - How Did the Tudors Entertain Themselves?

This lesson contains: A discussion of Henry’s pastimes and how he had enjoyed them. A general overview of the importance of the arts at the time. A task where students study an image of people having fun and have to notice types of fun. An activity for students to use a YouTube video (old video!) to complete a multiple choice worksheet. An opportunity for students answer a question to describe features of Elizabethan entertainment. A plenary with some of Shakespeare’s obscure quotes to decode. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
Tudors - Did Mary Queen of Scots Deserve to Die?

Tudors - Did Mary Queen of Scots Deserve to Die?

This lesson contains: A starter to see how much students already know about Mary Queen of Scots. An overview of Mary and her life using some slides and a YouTube video which summarises her marriages etc. Students complete a multiple choice questionnaire as they go. A discussion of what Elizabeth should do with her cousin when Mary arrived in England in 1568. An information gathering exercise, using info sheets which can be used in groups or as a carousal, so that students can complete info about the 4 major plots/threats and judge each one for how much Mary was to blame. A plenary to judge whether Mary should have been executed. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
WW1 L6 - How Was Propaganda Used in WW1?

WW1 L6 - How Was Propaganda Used in WW1?

This lesson contains: A starter to analyse a propaganda poster, the effect it may have had and whether it might be a push or a pull. Background into the enthusiasm for the war and an exercise to consider why people were eager to fight at the start. An overview of the lessoning of interest in joining the war and the need to get people to feel enthused through propaganda. This is done through a YouTube video. An activity to study a series of propaganda posters and judge the effect and whether they were push or pull types, and why. A plenary to design their own poster, or a small leaflet. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
WW1 L11 - What Happened at the Somme?

WW1 L11 - What Happened at the Somme?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what the students have heard about the Somme and to look at a  picture source. A background to the battle including the purpose of the Somme attack. An overview of who Field Marshall Haig was. An overview of the plan and a discussion activity to determine what might go wrong. A brief YouTube video from Blackadder to look at a comedic perspective of the plan. An exercise to study statements about the Somme and determine which show success or failure. A judgement is then written. An overview of the consequences using an interpretation and finding arguments for and against it Haig being ultimately responsible. A plenary to consider whether Haig was guilty or not. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
WW1 L15 - Was Gallipoli a Noble Plan or Tactical Mistake?

WW1 L15 - Was Gallipoli a Noble Plan or Tactical Mistake?

This lesson contains: An overview of the Ottoman entry into the war and the threta they posed to Britain’s ally, Russia. A discussion acitivity to plan where the British should invade to open up a third front in the war. An overview of the Gallipoli strategy. Students discuss why it might work and why it might fail based on the map. A YouTube video which tells the story of what happened and students complete a gap fill on the worksheet provided. There are further follow up consolidation questions. A task to colour-code the reasons the invasion failed. A final activity to study interpretations and judge whether it was a failure of a good strategy. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentations 1 x Publisher File
Tudors - Did Elizabeth Solve the Religious Rollercoaster?

Tudors - Did Elizabeth Solve the Religious Rollercoaster?

This lesson contains: A quote from a historian which gives a point of view of the state of the English church after Elizabeth which the lesson returns to at the end of argue for or against. An overview of the reasons for Henry’s break from Rome, and a consolidation task. An overview of the Religious Rollercoaster from Henry through to Elizabeth on the board. A research task using the information provided to complete the Religious Rollercoaster worksheet for each monarch, charting the changes they made to the Church along the way. A video (linked) that covers Elizabeth’s changes and a chance to then continue and finish the worksheet. A chance to revisit the historian’s quote and make an argument for or against it. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File 1 x Word File
Tudors - Why Did Henry VIII Close the Monasteries?

Tudors - Why Did Henry VIII Close the Monasteries?

This lesson contains: A starter with a YouTube English Heritage video to discuss what the lives of monks might have been like. An overview of the roles Monasteries played in England. The rules Monks and Nuns followed. An exercise for students to write, using the hint words, the reasons why Henry needed money so much. An activity to study a series of sources to build up evidence that Henry might use to close the monasteries. The consequences of the closure. A plenary to discuss whether it was fair or not. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File 1 x Word File
KS3 Medieval - Why Was Religion So Important?

KS3 Medieval - Why Was Religion So Important?

This lesson contains: A starter to watch a brief YouTube clip and determine the role of the Church in medieval peoples’ lives and what control it exerted. A background into medieval society and the religious heirarchy. Students study the information provided to complete a table of things they find out that show positive influence, some interference and things that are very controlling. A video from YouTube that shows the role doom paintings played in society. Students then study the worksheet provided and complete the features of a doom painting for themselves. A plenary to consider the impact religion would have on all members of a small family in the picture. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - What Did Medieval Villages Look Like?

KS3 Medieval - What Did Medieval Villages Look Like?

This lesson contains: A starter to study an image of an abanded village and discuss what might have happened there. An overview of how archaeologists were able to use scans and maps to see what the village would have looked like. Information about the different features of a manor, including the manor building, the Lord, role of priests and the tithe, and the different professions like fletchers, blacksmiths etc, and the role of the strip farming. There is a consolidation task for students to complete in their books. An activity where students complete the worksheet to match the description of the building to the place. A task to then label a typical medieval village with the correct words based on the prompts on the PPT. A plenary to consider how difficult life might have been for those living there. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
Tudors - Did Tudor Punishment 'Fit' the Crime?

Tudors - Did Tudor Punishment 'Fit' the Crime?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider how crime is dealt with today and the types of crime. A discussion of the role of constables and the hue and cry. A discussion of why people committed crime in Tudor England. A task for students to sort a list of crimes in order of worst offense, to the least. An activity about how people got punished for crimes using a YouTube video and consolidation questions. Students use the worksheet given to fit the crime to the punishment, something students often enjoy. All answers are on the PPT. A plenary to consider whether Tudor punishments were fair. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
WW1 L7 - Were the 'Conchies' Cowards?

WW1 L7 - Were the 'Conchies' Cowards?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the lyrics of a song and whatit shows about the person’s feelings of war. A background into who the conchies were and an exercise to consider why they disliked war. An overview of conscription and the need for more troops, while there were exemptions allowed and how they could be achieved. A consideration of what happens to those who get their exemptions denied, and a consolidation exercise to bring it all together. An activity to read 6 short case studies, real examples, and to assess their exemption case. Students decide the verdict, then find out what really happened afterwards. A final judgement of whether conchies were misunderstood or cowards. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentations 2 x Word Files 2 x Publisher Files
WW1 L10 - Why Was Censorship Used?

WW1 L10 - Why Was Censorship Used?

This lesson contains: A starter which recaps previous knowledge about trenches, but if you haven’t covered it, there is also a starter to consider what a Field Service Post Card was and its purpose. A worksheet which is completed as the students work through the different activities. A consideration about why soldiers wrote home. A summary of the Defense of the Realm Act and its purpose. Defining censorship and its purpose. A video from YouTube to illustrate the things that were cut out of letters as part of censorship, and students discuss this. A guided reading to analyse why censorship was used. An opportunity for the students to analyse a sample letter and censor it themselves based on what they have learned. A plenary to assess whether we can trust everything written in the letters. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
WW1 L12 & L13 - Why Do Historians Differ Over the Somme?

WW1 L12 & L13 - Why Do Historians Differ Over the Somme?

This lesson contains: A taught segment on the differences between sources and interpretations. An overview of what to consider when studying sources. A run through of how to study interpretations and why they differ. There is an example of two images with two different things in it. Some in the class will see different things. An exercise for students to write down what happened last lesson, then the teacher can take different interpretations of the same lesson from different experiences. This helps illustrate the point. A recap of the Somme battle and an introduction to the lions vs donkeys argument. A depth study of two sources that differ. Students analyse the nature, origin and purpose. A depth study of two interpretations that differ. Students study them, determine the viewpoint and what they are saying about the guilt over the Somme. A final judgement about the reasons the two interpretations studied differ. Attachment: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File 1 x Word File
WW1 L16 - Was the U-Boat Campaign Successful?

WW1 L16 - Was the U-Boat Campaign Successful?

This lesson contains: A starter to study some selected provisions of the Defense of the Realm Act and student shave fun deciding which are important and which were just inconvenient. An overview of the British blockade and its impact on Germany. A discussion of the use of U-Boats and their purpose in trying to starve Britain. Students watch a short YouTube video and discussing the impact of the U-Boats and how the British could solve the problem. An activity to learn about the home front by watching a YouTube video and completing information on the worksheet provided about rationing, allotments and the growing of food by women while the men were away. A discussion of the unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of the Luisitania, leading to the U.S. entry into the war. Students complete a worksheet with guided reading. A final plenary to judge whether the U-Boat warfare was successful or ineffective overall. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
Tudors - How Did the Tudors Treat the Poor?

Tudors - How Did the Tudors Treat the Poor?

This lesson contains: A starter to examine an image and what it shows about the Tudors’ treatment of the poor. A discussion of the impact of Henry’s closure of the monasteries on the poor. Discovery of what Vagabonds were and an activity to match the type of vagabond to the description using the resources provided. An exercise to study pre-Elizabeth treatment and rules against the poor, matching the treatment to why it might be unfair. An exercise to consolidate knowledge and then judge how much change happened during Elizabeth’s time, including the Poor Laws and the distinguishing between Deserving Poor and the Idle and Lazy. A plenary to write a short letter expressing whether the treatment was fair or unfair still. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
WW1 L19 & L20 - What Were the Effects of the Treaty of Versailles?

WW1 L19 & L20 - What Were the Effects of the Treaty of Versailles?

This lesson contains: A starter to recap the winners and loser of WW1. An overview of the Paris Peace Conference and the Big Three, leading to a task to study the intentions of the Big Three with follow up questions. A study of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles by putting them into 6 categories called ‘BLAMED’ - Blame, Land, Army, Money, Empire and Disputes. Students study the information sheet provided to fill this in. An extension PEE paragraph can be completed. A follow up exercise to study the changes to map after the Treaty. A source study to show the feelings of the German people towards the Treaty. A chance to study an interpretation about the harshness of the Treaty. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Powerpoint Document 2 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
GCSE Cold War L6 - Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan

GCSE Cold War L6 - Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan

This lesson contains: A starter to recap prior knowledge from the course so far. A background of the perceived threat of the USSR spreading and the problems in Greece with the Civil War. Students discuss what Truman should do. A YouTube video gives the build up while another video discusses what Truman actually did. Students use the information provided to complete the relevant sections of their worksheet. Emphasis on the new change of policy from isolationism to containment. A discussion of the Marshall Plan, its purpose and using a YouTube video and the information provided, students complete the last part of their worksheet organiser. A choice of plenaries: either a source analysis or an exam style question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L20 - Lifestyle Choices

GCSE Medicine L20 - Lifestyle Choices

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what ‘life choices’ mean and how they might affect the cause and cure of diseases. A discussion of what lifestyle factors affect out health, e.g. sun, alcohol, drugs, fast food, stress etc. This is because this lesson is about how greater awareness of diseases caused by lifestyle factors has helped us in the modern era. An overview of the pioneers of research on lifestyle, including Charles Booth’s original map and report and Edwin Chadwick’s report on the poor. An activity to do guided reading of information to do with lifestyles and complete a series of levelled questions to show their understanding. An opportunity to do an exam question comparing causes of disease in the modern era with another era. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File