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GCSE Medicine L21 - Magic Bullets & Modern Treatments

GCSE Medicine L21 - Magic Bullets & Modern Treatments

This lesson contains: A starter to compare treatments used in the Medieval, Renaissance and the Industrial Era, as a set up for this lesson. An overview of the use of magic bullets, from the early start of Koch’s research and the idea of using anti-bodies to fight disease, to Paul Ehrlich’s approach to curing syphilis. This is aided by visuals on the board and a YouTube summary video. An activity to use the information provided to complete a table of questions on Ehrlich’s discovery of the first magic bullet. A look at how access to care was increased in the modern era and why this happened, using the Boer War and new laws to help students answer the questions. A detailed look at new technology from this era that advanced treatment methods, such as hypodermic needles etc. Students then highlight the improvements on their worksheet that has lots of information about dialysis, x-rays, pace makers etc. A plenary to answer or attempt/plan an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

This lesson contains: A starter to study a source and say what we can learn about life in the towns. An overview of the impact of the mass migration of people West. An activity to note down the major issues with crime from on-board information, including the corruption, the unemployment, geography, racism and numbers of wild settlers. An exercise to study the types of crimes on the worksheet and summarise the ones that may have caused the biggest problems. A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet mind map to note the roles of the different lawmen in the West and consider who would be in the best position to help. This includes vigilante committees, sheriffs and marshals. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L13 - Pasteur's Germ Theory & Koch's Microbes

GCSE Medicine L13 - Pasteur's Germ Theory & Koch's Microbes

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous course knowledge. A background into the causes of disease by 1700, and what was carried over from the Renaissance. Information about microbes and the old theory of Spontaneous Generation and the problem with it. Students complete the relevent worksheet part. A background to Louis Pasteur and an on-board overview of how Pasteur discovered Germ Theory and his four principles for Germ Theory. This is re-enforced by a short YouTube video and consolidation exercises, including discussing his impact. An overview of the work of Robert Koch and his hunt for microbes, including a chance to complete the worksheet. A detailed look at the vaccinations that came from the work of both scientists. A plenary to search for key words and explain them. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L12 – Homesteaders and Farming Solutions

GCSE American West L12 – Homesteaders and Farming Solutions

This lesson contains: An overview of how the Civil War affected homesteaders with details about the role and purpose of the Homestead Act 1862. Students take not eon the function of the Act and can watch a YouTube video on it. An activity to note down the successes of the Act as well as the limitations from the on-board information. A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet on other Acts that followed the Homestead Act and what they did. Students can weigh up the successes of these Acts. An activity to study the information on the changes to farming practices. Students complete a table to show what was done about each problem farmers faced and judge how successful each measure would likely have been. A plenary to consider how much life improved for the Homesteaders. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains

GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to recap previous information from the last few lessons. A discussion of the situation with ranching before the Civil War and the aftermath of increased beef needs in the East and the availability of the Texas Longhorn. A task for students to complete the worksheet (better in A3) using the on-board information about the problems of cattle ranging and drives, including the Texas fever and the length of the drives. A task to complete the gap fills on the worksheet for Joseph McCoy, Goodnight-Loving and John Illif using the on-board word bank and the information provided. This gets a wider picture of the cattle ranching developments. An opportunity to develop an exam-style answer about the development of the cattle industry. There is also a second plenary to rate the reasons for the cattle industry into a diamond 9. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

This lesson contains: A starter task to recap previous learning from the course. A YouTube video introducing the gold rush and how it began, followed by some basic comprehension and thinking questions. An activity to study the information provided to complete questions on why people went for gold and how mining towns grew. A larger activity on the consequences of the growth of mining, from effects on Indians, violence, the economy etc. Students use the information provided to complete the mind map worksheet. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865

GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865

This lesson contains: An introduction to the reasons for lawlessness in the new cattle towns and the link to the growing railways and cattle ranching that boomed these towns. Students select the most important and can explain why they chose them. An activity to determine the crime which took place in these towns. A YouTube video is shown, followed by an activity to consolidate knowledge. An opportunity to do an exam question in full based on the past few lessons on law and order and cowboys. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L1 – Intro to the USA

GCSE American West L1 – Intro to the USA

This lesson contains: A starter to excite the students about the number of states, current president and the flag. An overview of the exam paper and question types. A Cornell Notes activity to make notes as the on-board PPT goes through the backstory of the USA up until the start of the course in the 1830’s. This covers the 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase, explorations of Louis and Clark and the move West. If you don’t want to use the Cornell Notes format, you could have them make a mind map, or split their page into 6 boxes. A brief introduction to the Plains (a central part of the course) and the geography of the U.S. A YouTube video from Ray Mears about the Plains and the dangers. Students make notes on the dangers people will face in this course. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Word Files 1 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L4 – Changing Government Policies

GCSE American West L4 – Changing Government Policies

This lesson contains: A background to U.S. policy towards the Indians before 1830, including assimilation and the creation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. A mind mapping activity to note down why policies began to change, including the failure of assimilation, Manifest Destiny, U.S. peoples’ dislike of Indians and the changing government agenda. These slides could be printed and used in groups, or done on-board. A reading and retrieval task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet to acknowledge the major changes in policy, including Indian Removal Act and the Permanent Indian Frontier. A plenary to consider a narrative-style question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains

GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains

This lesson contains: A background to early farming and the effect of the Indian Appropriations Act on settling Indians further West. An on-board summary of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and the parcelling up of land to be newly settled. The students can stick the map in an annotate around it. A brief introduction to these new farmers as Homesteaders. More comes in later lessons on them though. A guided reading/research task on the difficulties the farmers faced. Students use the information to complete the table for problems of farming the Plains and problems of living on the Plains. A plenary to assess whether life was harder for miners (previous lesson) or farmers. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L6 – How Successful Were the Mormons?

GCSE American West L6 – How Successful Were the Mormons?

This lesson contains: A starter to infer what the Mormons believed from studying some images on the board. An introduction video into the central beliefs of the Mormons. This helps understand why Christians disliked them. There are some consolidation questions. An activity to stick in a map of the Mormon journey across America and the West. Students annotate what went wrong at each place from the on-board info. This can also be printed and students could do this in groups instead of it being teacher led. An introduction to Salt Lake City today. Students then read and colour code the degree of success that the Mormons achieved. Student determine their biggest success and the main reason why they were able to survive the journey West. A plenary quiz at the end. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L14 - Lister, Simpson & Surgery Improvements

GCSE Medicine L14 - Lister, Simpson & Surgery Improvements

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous taught knowledge form the course. An introduction to surgery noting the improvements to bleeding and infection, then starting with the problem of pain, from laughing gas to ether. An overview of the role of James Simpson and how he discovered the use of chloroform. A consolidation exercise to complete the gaps, then a colour-coding exercise to note the effect. An introduction into the world of antiseptics and Listers role. A video from YouTube to give an overview of the discovery of carbolic acid and a consolidation activity. Students then use the information provided to answer questions about Lister’s impact on antiseptics and aesceptic surgery. A plenary to consider which one had the bigger impact. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad

GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad

This lesson contains: An introduction to the America Civil War. Students learn about the two sides and why they were fighting, then apply this to a consolidation gap fill which can be stuck in their books. A discussion of the railway project to connect East and West. There is a YouTube video and students write the reasons the railroad was built. A task to stick a map of the railroad into their books and annotate from the board the facts about each railroad company and the difficulties they faced on each side. An activity to determine the consequences of the railroad on the Indians, the farmers and settlers, and the U.S. economy. This is a worksheet that can be colour-coded and stuck in. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L3 - Medieval Treatments & Prevention

GCSE Medicine L3 - Medieval Treatments & Prevention

This lesson contains: A starter to discuss a picture of drawing of a laper and for students to determine whatw as wrong with him and how he might be treated. A YouTube video overview which gives an introduction into the way illnesses were treated. A task for students to study a series of information cards, which can be done in groups etc., and complete a worksheet about supernatural methods, Four Humours methods, religious methods and herbal methods. A task to read about methods of prevention from the mind map worksheet provided. Students colour-code them into categories. An option of two plenaries: either a knowledge quiz or an activity to match the medical ailment to the Medieval cure. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L10 - The Hungarian Uprising

GCSE Cold War L10 - The Hungarian Uprising

This lesson contains: A starter to consider some images of the uprising to prompt student guesses about the lesson content, then a quote from Obama about the uprising which can form a debate. An overview of where Hungary is and the reasons the people were upset with Rakosi. There is a brief YouTube video to support the on-board info. Students complete a gap fill using the info they hear and read on the information sheet provided. A background to the invasion and Imre Nagy’s reforms. A discussion of the reforms and which would be accepted and which wouldn’t. A YouTube video to give an overview of the events of the uprising, then a task to use the info provided to complete a timeline of the events with extension questions. A task to study the consequences of the invasion and to colour-code categories. An opportunity to attempt the narrative question, with on-board advice to help. A plenary quiz. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L8 - The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

GCSE Cold War L8 - The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge in a quiz for naming 2 of different things. A background to the Berlin Crisis, including an overview of the tensions in Berlin after the Conferences and the differences in the intentions of the U.S. and the USSR for Berlin. A brief YouTube video explaining the different paths and ways into Berlin to set up the blockade. the short and long term causes of the crisis, including the creation of Trizonia and the creation of the Deutschmark. There is a consolidation worksheet with a gap fill. Information about the blockade and a video from YouTube to bring it to life showing the airlift footage. There are questions to back this up. A main task to use the information provided work out the main consequences, including the division of Germany and creation of NATO - extra detail is also provided on the slides. A plenary quiz based on the lesson and key knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West

GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West

This lesson contains: A task to introduce the reasons why people went West using a map of my own creation (editable on the PPT) and annotating the Mormon trail, California Trail and Oregon Trail with info from the PPTs. The slides will give info on the importance of the Oregon Trail also, and why it was traversed. A introduction to the belief of Manifest Destiny. A worksheet task to study the reasons people went West and to sort them by importance as pushes and pulls, but also overall. A task to study what problems the migrants faced along the way. This can be extended by looking at the Donner Party using the information provided and answering some comprehension questions on this. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L16 - The Public Health Act 1875

GCSE Medicine L16 - The Public Health Act 1875

This lesson contains: A key words starter which can be completed on the worksheet. An overview of why the government was worried about public health. A look, using sources, at the conditions in the major cities during the Industrial era. A task to study the provisions of the 1875 Act and then use the information provided and complete detailed notes on the key individuals, changes in Britain and outbreaks of disease - all reasons why the 1875 Act was passed. A plenary to do an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L15 - Florence Nightingale & Hospitals

GCSE Medicine L15 - Florence Nightingale & Hospitals

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge from the course. An activity to produce a mind map using the information presented on the slides about hospitals prior to Florence Nightingale’s influence and the problems with nursing. A background to Florence’s life and her experiences in the Crimean War, with images to fuel a discussion. Students then use the information provided to complete a series of levelled questions on the board about her experiences in Crimea and the impact she then made at home. A study of a few source images to discuss how they relate to Florence’s impact. A final overview of hospitals after Florence, to show the impact she had. An opportunity to answer an exam question about hospitals, comparing this era to the previous one. Attachments: 1 Powerpoint Presentations 1 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L4 - Medieval Care & Hospitals

GCSE Medicine L4 - Medieval Care & Hospitals

This lesson contains: A starter to recap some information learned so far in the course. An overview of the key people who healed the sick, from physicians, apothacarys, barber surgeons and wise women. A YouTube video is used with barber surgeons and wise women to bring it to life and show what instruments they used. A task to study the role of Medieval hospitals. Students note down in one colour things that were positive and another colour the negatives. A plenary to study an image of lots of instruments and herbs on a table, labelled. Students decide which of the healers may have used each. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File